《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 40. Alicia's doings.


I follow Alicia through the castle into the keep and I kept getting death stares from all the men around me.

As Alicia and I enter the keep, the king stands up and so does the princess.

(I doubt I'll understand anything from this conversation...)

--- Alicia's POV ---

"Who is that!? Who have you brought with you!?" The king asks in a panic.

"It's my brother, Hayden." I answer the king and he immediatly sits down on his throne in relief after that.

The princess walks towards me with a glee on her face.

"Hey tell me... Does Hayden have somebody already?" The Princess immediatly asks me.

"None that I know of but I doubt he'll be marrying somebody anytime soon." I answer with confidence.

The Princess returns to her throne with a sad look on her face.

(Don't try to get to my brother through me. It will never happen.)

"Well, Alicia. It seems like you two will be sharing a room whilst you are here. Is that ok?" The king asks with a slightly worried tone.

"Yes. It will be completely fine!" I, again, answer with absoloute confidence.

(If brother sleeps in another room the women might make a move on him! Or the people calling themselves my 'lovers' might try to kill him!)

--- Back to Hayden ---

(I... Have not a clue to what they said. First of all... How did Alicia speak their language? I've been studying the Empire's language for Ion knows how long but she understood this kingdom's language so fast?)

"Brother, let us go to our room. Before anybody decides to make a mistake." Alicia tells me whilst staring at the Crown Prince who is obviously, completely mad at me.

(What have I done to these people? I'm just her brother, not her lover! I mean, she is cute and all and I suddenly appear and claim that I am her brother... But that doesn't justify anything.)


I follow Alicia to our room and when we walk through the corridor, the butlers and maids clear the path and say something to both of us.

"Ion. How far are you with the translations?" I ask Ion who's been floating around us for the longest time.

"Nowhere close enough to even understand a single word. I have no data references to use in deciphering this language." Ion answers immediatly, just as I like my answers.

We enter Alicia's room and I look around.

(One grand bed, two couches with a table in between them, fancy everything.)

"So, Alicia. There's one question I want to get out of the way first. How can you speak their language? I've been trying to decipher and learn one language for Ion knows how long and I still haven't fully completed it." I bluntly ask Alicia.

"Well... I'll just tell you the short version of the full story. Basically a few days after you used the device, I was taken away by the signal. Whilst I was in a cylinder of some sorts, I ended up in a place full of light. Nothing else. Just, light.

Suddenly infront of me was a goddess-like being who explained to me what this world is and what will happen and what role I play. She also told me what role you play. She helped me study this language before sending me off. She also gave me her blessing but I don't know what that does." Alicia explains to me.

(A goddess? Seriously? Why couldn't that happen to me also, so I could've learned about this world before I was thrown into that civil war!)

"I should tell you what happened to me as well then..." I explain to Alicia what I've been doing in this world and she listens carefully.


We talk for a little while and share our knowledge of this world so we both know a tad bit more.

I look out of the huge window and notice the sun is setting.

"I guess I'll sleep on the couch. I can't take away my little sister's bed, now can I?" I say with a smile on my face.

"No. The bed is big enough for the both of us. It's big enough for three people actually!" Alicia immediatly refuses my offer.

(Has she changed? I feel like she's changed. She wasn't this talkative usually. Well It's good. It's good that she can change.)

In the end we both ended up sleeping in the same bed.

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