《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 39. Alicia.


I land straight in the middle of the courtyard, just as planned.

Several different doors open and people run out, maids, butlers, soldiers, guards.

(Guess I should go outside otherwise they might start to hit the helicopter.)

I open one of the sidedoors and go out through the back, revealing myself to everybody.

"Alicia! Is Alicia anywhere here!?" I shout as loudly as possible for the slighest chance Alicia heard it.

One of the guards seemingly took that as an act of hostility and is running towards me with his spear aimed at my chest.

"Idiot, when somebody calmly lands here it means they also have weapons." I say whilst sighing and then I take out my gun and shoot right past the guards ear, making him instantly stop and fall back.

"Ion, can you scan for Alicia?" I ask Ion so the process would be slightly faster.

"Already doing it, so far to the left of us, no sign of her. I do locate specks of DNA 100% identical to hers around the building. The chance of her being here is unbelievably high." Ion answers whilst continuing to scan.

(So she definetly is here. But she wasn't in the courtyard. Well... Let's get some more attention shall we?)

"Alicia!" I shout at the top of my lungs, making sure that most of this side of the keep heard it.

The number of people surrounding me increases with each second.

(Alicia better show up and soon, otherwise I'm dead. Really dead.)

--- POV Change to Alicia ---


I instantly jump the moment I hear somebody shout my name.

(Nobody except the Princess calls me Alicia... But that was a man's... No... It can't be...)

I instantly put on some clothes and run outside.



It... It must be him!

"Hayden!" I shout back.

--- Back to Hayden ---


I suddenly hear my name being called as well.

(Yes! She's here!)

"Ion, go to her. Now." I order Ion around a bit whilst going closer to the helicopter

"With joy." Ion flies off immediatly and after a minute or so, he returns with... Alicia.

"Alicia!" I shout and walk closer whilst keeping my pistols aimed at the surrounding crowd.

"Hayden!" She shouts and runs towards me.

The surrounding crowd is in complete shock as Alicia runs into my stomach and hugs me.

"It... It really is you... Big Bro..." She says to me whilst crying.

I put away one of my guns and pat her on the head but I keep the other aimed at the crowd, no matter what.

"Indeed it is me, Alicia. I can finally see you again." I keep patting her head whilst she is crying.

"I know this is a touching moment but it seems the heavy knights are coming in. And some flying objects. So..." Ion flies into the helicopter.

(They just have to ruin a reunion of a brother and sister huh?)

I start walking towards the helicopter.

"Brother, wait. I want to introduce you to some friends I made whilst being here. You must be quite tired as well right? Just stay here for a few days? I also want to say goodbye properly..." Alicia asks of me.

(How can I refuse that? There is no way I can refuse that.)

"Alright. We'll stay. But they better not touch the helicopter, it took quite a bit of effort to build." I say in a calm tone and put away my other pistol.


--- Meanwhile, in another place, possibly a mountain. ---

"The Irregularity has met with his sister?" A figure asks from the shadows.

"Yes. Yes he has. This sets in motion all the gears needed. We actually might survive this time around." Answers another figure, who is also in the shadows.

All of the men in the room are looking at a mirror which is showing Ion flying around the Helicopter and Alicia hugging Hayden whilst the royal family walks towards them.

"So... I've been out of the loop for a while... Alicia, or the girl as all of you want to say, is the Regularity. The being supposed to appear in this world. Hayden, or the Irregularity, is a being not supposed to be here but that also makes him the only chance we have?" Asks a gigantic figure.

"Yes. This is the best outcome possible and we must put all our effort into keeping it like this. If even more Irregularities appear, it'd be great." Another figure says.

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