《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 38. Within our view.


I fly for three more days after the meeting with the glowing tree turtle.

"Scans indicate an ocean infront of us, our destination should be within our sight soon." Ion tells me as I look around for a landing spot as day time is approaching.

(Where is a landing spot... I can't see any....)

"Fly for two more kilometers, the beach is there." Ion instructs me and I do so.

I fly for two kilometers and set the heli down on the beach, just as Ion said.

"That... Looks amazing. Ion can you take a few pictures?" I ask Ion so he would take pictures of the sun coming up.

As the sunlight reaches us more and more I start seeing something, an island.

(Our destination, I presume. In this time of day it looks majestic.)

"Our destination is in our view now. Scans indicate a powerful fleet guarding the close proximity of the island and a few flying entities, which aren't wild animals, flying above it in a pattern." Ion returns after scanning the destination from afar.

"How shall we get onto the island peacefully... Shall we just try to approach the biggest boat? Oh wait... We can't speak their language anyways... Overhead and straight onto the island? No... They'll discover the helicopter quite fast.

The safest bet is hope that Alicia can save us when I land straight into the middle of the huge castle right there." I contemplate what we should do out loud whilst putting up the fence.

Ion scans the surroundings, as usual.

I finish setting up the fence and sit down on the beach looking at the island.

"One wrong move and I'll be a wanted man... I don't know their customs, their language, their way of thinking but I do know they have Alicia in their kingdom. The unknowns weigh out the knowns. An evening visit should give us time to escape if Alicia can't save us fast enough or doesn't have enough power to stop us from getting killed...


Yeah... Ion come over here for a second." I order Ion around a bit and he follows the order, "Ion, I thought if we 'invade' the castle courtyard at evening or even night we have a chance of escaping and the courtyard is most likely where Alicia could be at if she's given even a sliver of freedom. I'll keep my pistols on hand at all times just in case. Does that sound good?"

Ion flies around a bit, calculating the percentage of success and the choices that we can take, probably.

A few minutes pass as Ion's systems try to find if my plan of action is good.

"It's good enough, at least it's the safest. It could work perfectly but also fail miserably.

The chances of success are around 70% depending on the weather, 65% if it's not cloudy, 75% if it's cloudy and raining.

Now we just need to wait for night." Ion finally accepts my plan.

I go into the helicopter and take a look at our supplies.

(All are around 75% remaining... The fuel's around 60% by the looks of things. Enough to safely ride back to the Empire and then refuel and restock for the trip to this world's humans.)

I take a look at the samples I've gathered and held onto.

(The blood is glowing which is good, all the other samples are in a stagnant state as well, seemingly haven't changed since I picked them up.)

I sit down on the edge of the helicopter and I notice a patrol boat coming straight towards us.

"Ion, see that?" I ask Ion and Ion immediatly scans it.

"Intelligent beings, brain activity shows they are coming here with confusion, not anger. Most likely non-hostile. Still advise caution." Ion immediatly answers me after scanning the patrol boat.


(I say patrol boat but... That ain't a patrol boat. It's a rowing boat with people that look like they are from the military. The technology is severely lacking in this world but that I figured out the instant people used magic.)

The boat suddenly stops and the men aboard look at us but are probably scared to come any closer.

I see that there are more and more of the boats coming towards us but stopping near the location of the first one.

"A blockade? I'm guessing they have no idea how we appeared here all of a sudden and think that this machine right next to me is a boat. Too bad it's the complete oppsite of a boat." I say whilst trying to hold back my laughter.

This stalemate of me looking at them and them looking at me lasts until night arrives.

The guards switched quite often but the blockade remained.

"Let's start heading up. Ion, anything to blind them for a short bit? Like a flashbang?" I ask Ion as I don't want them to understand what we are doing.

I start packing up and once everything is finished Ion flies infront of the boats and I turn on the rotors and everything else.

"Now!" I shout to Ion who releases a short scanning light blast straight into the face of all the guards and flies into the seat next to me.

I immediatly set off and fly slightly below the clouds so I'm hidden from their sight until I land again.

The guards beneath start rowing back to their fleet, which is made out of wood and iron, mostly wood.

"Alicia, here I come." I say as I slowly start descending from the sky towards the biggest castle on the island.

--- Information Transmission ---

The Kingdom on the Island is literally what it is. A kingdom on an island. It's official name is the Kingdom on the Island in every known language, even it's own.

The Kingdom on the Island owns one island and most of the ocean around it.

The island it is on is massive, comparable to half of Earth's Australia if it was fully habitable.

The Kingdom has over 60 million people living on it, most of the population is within a 100 km radius of the Keep of the Capital.

The Kingdom on the Island has, by the most recent statistics, the largest navy and strongest navy but one of the weakest land military.

The Kingdom's Royalty consists of the Highest Family, The King and the Queen, The Middle Family, the Princesses and the Princes, The Lowest Family, the other royalty and aristocrats.

--- Information Transmission Ended ---

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