《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 36. The Ravine.


(We've been flying for four days with pauses at day time and we've finally reached it...)

I stare in disbelief at the Grand Canyon of this world.

"Where's the bottom of this thing Ion? I can't see it." I ask Ion since I literally cannot see it.

"It's way past. It's about half of the recorded size of the Mariana Trench from Earth. This comparison was the most accurate I could bring out since it seems the ravine still goes deeper but it's too thin for even a human to fall down.

You'll just get stuck there." Ion replies after scanning the whole ravine or trying to at least.

(This one ravine is going to give me a lot of things to research, ain't it? Luckily it seems the ravine is just very long both ways but not quite wide.)

I start setting up the fence but just as I was finishing up something jumped through.

"So you are the Hayden I've been told to deliver this message to huh... Do you know how fast you were flying away?! It was hard keeping track of you! The only pauses I got were in the day time when you weren't flying away but even then I couldn't catch up until now!" Says the being that is seemingly a fairy.

It flies around a bit then lands on my shoulder.

"Now listen closesly. This is important. DO NOT forget this alright?! I can't bother to track you guys again. It's troublesome. Ok here's the message...

'Hayden, Human from another world. We welcome you to this one. You have probably come here through the Divine Summoning's but yours was kind of... Different. So we, the humans of this world, invite you to visit us. You should know where to find us. We have answers to your questions. Even to the bacteria. Also excuse the arrogance of this fairy. She thinks you are just another fake whilst we know differently. You do not need to make haste over to us, find your sister first and fulfill your promise to the new Empress. Then come here.'


There! That's the message! And what arrogance! Honestly... Well I'm going to go now. I have more important things to do!" Says the fairy really fast.

(I lost track of what she said and theere she goes. She really was honest about leaving.)

The fairy flies away at high speeds.

"I have recorded the message into my database. And the fact that the fairy had been following us for a while and I hadn't noticed. Updating scanners to pick up ethereal objects and other small objects which are ghost-like." Ion tells me whilst updating his scanners, as he said.

(They did say I wasn't in any rush to get there so... I'll take them up on their offer. Luckily we won't have anything following us anymore.)

I hear some rustling in the bushes and the fairy comes out again.

"I forgot to mention. The Empress put a tracker on you, I took it off since the lords said to. Bye bye then." The fairy flies off again.

(Ok... Good to know...)

I start doing the usual, finish setting up the fence, take out my tools, get some samples, look at the samples, be dissapointed because there is nothing new in them, throw out the samples and head off again.

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