《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 35. Samples.


"I have found no living beings near us that could be a threat. Mostly because there are no living beings anywhere near us." Ion says while flying around the fence.

(No living beings... I hope some of them come near us though. I want to... test... a few things.)

"I'll go and get some samples of the tree barks and grass. I'll deactivate the fence otherwise I would get shocked." I say while heading towards the switch to turn it off.

I switch off the electricity and head outside the fence and start gathering samples of trees, plants, some dirt and so on.

It takes me about an hour to gather it all and head back inside.

I switch on the electricity and place the samples on the ground and then I go and get my scientists kit.

"Ion, keep an eye out for anything coming this way. I'm going to see what these are made of and if they are made of the same cells as our plant life back home." I say to Ion whilst taking out a petri dish and a microscope.

Ion goes to the tip of the helicopter and I start looking through the microscope.

"The dirt has mostly the same composition... But there is some weird bacteria in it as well. It's not replicating fast or moving or doing... Anything. It's like a dead bacteria but there's so much of it..." I say to myself out loud.

I put the dirt to the side and take out a small piece of a bark of wood.

"Everything's the same... All except the same type of bacteria is still inactive here as well... It kind of seems like it's tying together bits of the wood, which normally would be seperate." I, again, say to myself.


I keep examining bark after bark, leaf after leaf, all from different barked trees or different plants.

There are alterations in the cells but the same bacteria is there. Is it something unique to this area or... Is it spread in the whole world?

I'll only know once I've gathered samples from the whole world, won't I?

I put the microscope and petri dishes away since I've looked through them all.

"Ion, anything?" I ask Ion in hopes of even one animal being near here.

"No. It seems they don't want to come near us, at all." Ion answers while scanning the area again.

I sigh in dissapointment as I really wanted to see the local wildlife of this area.

(Well, there's nothing I can do to change the caution of the wildlife around these parts.)

I start putting the samples in cannisters to store them so I can properly examine them sometime later.

After I've done that I just sit down on the edge of the helicopter and wait for the day to pass and something to happen.

Every once in a while I think I caught a glimpse of something but I'm not sure.

(Ion's scans didn't pick anything up so what am I seeing? Illusions? But it's too early for those to appear...)

The day is at it's end and we start packing up.

Ion made sure there are no animals anywhere near us by scanning the area in detail.

Once everything is packed up we start setting off and the moment I turn everything on I felt like something is looking at us and I immediatly turned my head behind us but saw nothing.

We set off from the ground and start flying towards Alicia but I can't shake the feeling like something is following us again.

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