《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 34. Flight.


I take a look at the night sky as we fly above the trees towards Alicia.

An hour ago we started flying from the capital of the Empire and everything is going well.

Ion's constantly scanning the surface for any... Anomalies.

"We have 10 and a half hours of moonlight remaining until the sun comes up and we can gather samples." (Ion)

I nod and look below us and I notice there's a shadow following the helicopter's route.

A small, fast-moving entity...

Let's hope it tires before we land since it will be troublesome to catch.

Seems Ion's noticed it as well.

It's been relatively peaceful flying through the night with the exception of a few... Weird screeches.

Probably a native forest animal.

So many samples to take when day-time comes, honestly...

There is a small mountain to our right that might be home to the being that makes the screeches...

They do come from that general direction after all.

We fly for hours until the sun starts coming up, absoloutely nothing but those screeches followed us into this landing site because the entity following us dissapeared.

It didn't stop moving, we would've picked it up. It just... Vanished.

We land the helicopter in the forest where there is a convinient clearing.

I start setting up the fence and the solar panels whilst Ion scans the zone near us and gathers as much data as possible.

Once I've set up everything I start gathering samples about the biology of this place.

It's... Diverse to put it simply.

More diverse than any other spot on the planet I've seen so far.

Flying above it, it seems just one tree dominating everything.

Inside the forest, you'll notice that there are many different types of trees.

Just the leaves are almost the same but the bark of the tree varies and the life of the bugs inside it varies as well.


I don't have the advanced machinery to properly examine the DNA down to it's very core and such of the trees and plant life but I do have Ion and some basic tools to get a simplstic understanding of it.

We're going to be staying here for a day and we'll be setting off the instant the sun starts going down since all the necessary equipment will be filled back up.

I look around the forest but I don't see a single mammal or other animal coming here.

They must've been scared by the loud noise of the helicopter but we'll be staying here for a while so there's a chance something might come.

Luckily we have a gate and the off switch for the electricity fence which Ion had built.

Now... Just to wait.

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