《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 33. Farewell.


As most of the helicopter is complete I am out of a job right now.

Ion's handling the final parts, namely the solar panels and packing stuff on the helicopter.

I decided to go and say my goodbyes to the Empress and the others since I will not be seeing them for a while again.

I left the construction site and went straight for the throne room.

When I walked through the streets all attention was on me since people sometimes came to check what all the noise was and found me commanding people to build something.

Well it was Ion doing the talking me showing where to put things without actually opening my mouth once.

While building the helicopter I also got some more knowledge of the language as the builders were also communicating with eachother.

I also had Ion's help learning the language while we had nothing to do.

Our helicopter construction site was near the keep of the citadel but also far enough from the keep that we could get help from the lower levels of the city.

We had a bit of money to give out to people willing to help build the helicopter.

I reach the entrance to the throne room and before I enter I look around to see how many guards are here.

There are a few but not as many as usual... They might be guarding the construction site but I didn't notice any guards on my way here...

Well, it's not my problem right now so...

I open the doors to the throne room and enter.

Emilia is sitting on the throne with maids and butlers near her waiting for commands.

I walk closer to her and then bow down as should be.

She is the Empress of the country I've been getting resources from after all.


"Emilia. I shall be leaving for quest to find my sister. I will not be seeing you for a while so farewell. I hope to introduce my sister to you one day." (Hayden in the language of the Empire)

And that's the only sentence which I can say without it being definetly broken.

I look at Emilia and she seems sad but kind of joyful.

She tells me to get up and I notice it because of the hand movements she made.

I do a small bow and leave after she doesn't say anything for a while.

I look back before actually leaving the throne room but she just waves goodbye while having a sorrowful face.

I won't be away for forever so she'll just have to find something or somebody to occupy her mind since I know she's thinking of me right now.

I slowly start heading back to the construction site while having prying eyes looking at me everywhere.

Well... Most of the people I'm passing right now are aristocrats who were in the ball and saw me sitting right next to the Empress and know who I am.

When I reach the construction site it is basically empty except for Ion floating around it performing final checks on it.

"Everything is good to go. We have enough fuel for a round trip and then to the island again. Food and water for half a year. Necessary paper for... Human needs. We are all set and ready to go. I also know the course to the island as I have calculated it. Also the fuel also counts the fuel we use to light the way while flying at night." (Ion)

I enter the helicopter.

"What are we waiting for then?" (Hayden)

I turn the helicopter on and it's rotors slowly start spinning.


People suddenly gather near the helicopter but far enough not to get hit by it.

I guess the sound and wind brought them here.

Ion's 'sitting' in the co-pilots seat but we specialized it for Ion so he can control the helicopter as well when something happens to me for some reason.

Almost no wind up in the air, it's starting to get dark and it's perfect for us right now.

"Time to set off!" (Hayden)

I pull the helicopter off the ground and we start flying as the people down below stare in disbelief of us actually flying.

I take a course towards... Alicia.

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