《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 32. Creating the helicopter.


After we reach the capital we immediatly had the smiths start working after I helped them understand what they are building through the power of paper!

Ion's currently doing the most important bit of this journey: Creating the fuel.

Without fuel we won't fly. If we don't fly the helicopter is useless. If the helicopter is useless we can't get to where we want.

I had the smiths create the engine first as it is one of the more... Difficult parts to create.

I don't know how this process happened in the past but we are doing it wrong probably.

We're creating the interior in different parts and trying to put them together and then put the exterior around it.

There are a lot of rubber pipes and tubes and such which are the most important part but at first I thought that would be where we fail until it comes out...

Rubber exists but these people had no clue of what to do with it. It wasn't edible, you couldn't use it for holding drink or food, you couldn't build with it. Useless to them right?

Luckily the capital is exactly near the perfect forest for rubber trees to grow.

It won't be that useless in the future once their technology heightens.

So they just have tons of rubber trees still in the forests around, all I had to do was go into specific parts of a forest and I have rubber! Well latex actually but still half-way to rubber!

I had to literally stand there for hours waiting for the latex to slowly get down to the plastic cups I had made for this was painful to be honest.

My entire first day was spent gathering latex for rubber and most of the second as well.

I just sat down and watched the smith's create the engine exactly like I told them and then start creating the helicopter itself.


Ion's going to be the 'welding tool' since Ion's laser is precise and it's heat can be changed when needed.

It took us 14 days, just as I had calculated, to actually build the helicopter.

The first five or so days were actually just building the many different components and having Ion create the rubber, fuel and other things which we couldn't right now.

(Author: ACCEPT IT! I can't bother to find some sort of complicated answer to this so let's just say Ion became an all-powerful creation tool for now. Now, ACCEPT THAT FACT. I just want to get to the "ADVENTURE AND SCIENCE" part!)

When we started to build the copter, getting the wiring in the right place was the most difficult thing to do and that's why it took so long. If the wiring even fell by a quarter of a meter it would actually be quite bad so we had to constantly have people hold up the wiring in the right position until it was melded into place with the exterior plates.

Basically somebody had to hold up a wire for hours while two people put the plate into place and Ion welded it and even then some people had to hold things up.

I was completely useless to be honest. The butlers and maids were quite certain that I just needed to rest and let them do the hard work for me as it is their job.

So I was kinda forced to sit down and look as the butlers and maids and other helpers ran around as Ion commanded them to.

Right now we are in the middle of the various tests such as seeing if the helicopter will actually fly.

For short, yes. It does fly and it does so perfectly.

All the tests resulted in an OK from Ion and we could finally set off on our journey!

After we packed all of the stuff on the helicopter...

Which is going to take a while to be honest. We also need solar panels which are currently in construction under Ion's guidance again.

Well at least soon we can see Alicia.

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