《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 31. Finishing the gathering.


I signal the smelters and smiths to come to the third cart and they do so.

I point at the aluminium and show a barrel which I drew on the paper in every view possible.

They ask me something and I look towards Ion.

"They asked if you want them to create this keg-like thing." (Ion)

"Tell them yes but it is not a keg but a barrel for holding important liquids." (Hayden)

Ion tells them what I want and then they start taking the aluminium into small wooden carts and heading off.

(Author: The small wooden carts are just like wheelbarrows but not. They are those carts in Wild West movies which usually have a haystack on them. The big carts are actually more like carriages.)

These are Emilia's handpicked people so I trust them to craft the barrels right but just in case...

"Ion, go and assist them. We'll all be waiting here until they get back with enough barrels to carry enough fuel for the helicopter." (Hayden)

Ion flies off and I sit down near the first cart as the others unload all the ore we have to the side where a ton of guards are.

Half a day passes until I hear the gates open once more and I see small wooden carts with aluminium barrels in them coming out and Ion flying around.

"The barrels are finished." (Ion)

I stand up and help put the barrels in the carriages.

After we finish the preperations we head over to the Koro mine to start putting the oil in the barrels and get the other two mines emptied as well.

Half an hour later we reach Koro mine and the oil level has stopped rising.

I show them a way to gather the oil without wasting too much of it but it will take a while since I'm using a small wooden cup to do it which I was using to drink from before.


The other explorers understand what I'm doing and grab their other cups which they don't use to drink yet but they are basically back-ups.

Why did they use their back-ups? Since Ion told them to.

I see them filling up the barrels without getting themselves too dirty and then Ion and I head off to the third mine.

It takes three fourths of an hour to get there and when we do arrive all the explorers are outside drinking and laughing.

"Ion, ask them if they are finished with mining." (Hayden)

Ion asks them and a few of them nod and some probably shout yes.

"I think you can gather what they answered but the answer is yes." (Ion)

"Tell them to get as much of the ore as possible and head towards Koro mine and that the rest of the ore will be transported later when the oil is in the barrels." (Hayden)

I start heading towards the fourth mine after Ion tells them what to do and the same thing happens there.

Nothing suprising, just explorers drinking and laughing, us arriving telling them what to do, them doing it.

When we got back to Koro mine the barrels are all full and all the explorers are here and all but four carts are filled.

"Ion, tell them we are going to the third and fourth mine to gather up the remaining ore and fill the carts and then head back towards the capital." (Hayden)

Ion tells them that and we do just that.

Fill the carts and then head towards the capital where the smiths are waiting.

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