《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 30. Transportation.


I take a seat in the cart at the forefront and Ion floats next to the driver to start instructing him where to go.

I begin studying the language once again.

There is this one part which keeps annoying me... But this part is also where the meaning of the entire sentence can change in an instant.

You say these few letters in a wrong tone, either you don't pay attention to them in the word or vice versa, and the meaning can change from I hate you to I want to hunt monsters as Ion told me.

I study the language for half an hour before we reach the mine.

When we reach the mine all the explorers inside are already outside waiting for us.

Ion flies off towards the miners to instruct them how much ore and which types to put into which cart since well... If the ore is too heavy the horses will have a hard time pulling the cart.

I climb out of the cart and start heading towards Koro mine to see how far the oil level has risen.

When I reach Koro mine with Ion, we see the explorers resting as I told them to.

"Ion, can you instruct them to go and help the other explorers put the ores on the carts." (Hayden)

Ion flies off while I take a peek into the mine itself.

It's more or less stopped but it seems it is slowly rising still.

I hear talking behind me and Ion flies next to me.

"They said that there are access points to other portions of the mine which the oil is most likely flooding right now instead of having the level of oil over here raised." (Ion)

"Thanks for the information." (Hayden)

We have most of the needed materials.


We still have a lengthy construction process to go through as well...

I just want to go to Alicia right now... Nothing else.

After a while of observing the oil rising speed, we leave towards the first mine.

There are no explorers left to overlook this mine so let's hope it doesn't collapse on itself or something...

(Author: Foreshadowing alarm is silent. Maybe.)

When we reach the ore mine again, we see everybody sitting down.

I guess all the ores are in the carts...?

Holy hell these guys work fast don't they?

I go down into the mine and half the ores are gone and every other bit is in the middle.

I don't see a sliver of ore anywhere in the walls, roof or floor of the mine either.

Now only that's left is to make barrels, instruct them to gather the oil into the barrels and then go and check on the 3rd and 4th mines and bring the rest of the materials over.

I come out of the mine and everybody is ready to make the trip back.

I jump on the cart at the forefront of the convoy-like thing we have going on here and Ion instructs the driver to start heading back.

Half an hour passes again as I study the language while sitting in the cart.

At the gates there is Emilia with a few other people waiting for us.

I jump out as Ion floats near me.

(Author: Just to make sure, Ion's telling Emilia what Hayden is saying and same with Emila towards Hayden.)

"Who are these?" (Hayden)

I look at the people lined up and most of them seem to have a strong body.

"Two smelters and two smiths. The smelters are in a Mentor-student type of deal and same with the smiths." (Emilia)

I look towards Ion.

"Where is a bit of our aluminium ore located? Just enough for barrels." (Hayden)

"The third cart." (Ion)

I nod as I head towards the third cart.

Soon... Soon we'll be done with this blasted gathering of ores and other materials... Then I can finally go and see Alicia after well... Building the chopper.

Since I won't be going anywhere without one.

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