《Another World: Scientist》Chapter 29. Black gold.


We rush over to the Koro mine to see everybody outside and one of them is half-covered in oil.

"The oil deposit is at the bottom of the mine. The lucky guy over here randomly dug into one by accident." (Explorer)

I look towards the lucky person and then towards the mine.

How shall we transport this out of the mine... Put it in barrels and then get it out? Pipes would take too long to set up so barrels are basically the only way how...

"Let's head downwards for now. Let's see how much we get..." (Hayden)

We head down into the mine with Ion in the lead and me right behind him.

When we reach the bottom level the entire thing is flooded with oil and the level is still rising.

"Is there some kind of magic ore producing oil or what?!" (Hayden)

Well if there was such an ore... Please... Please give it to me.

"Hayden. We need aluminium barrels for transport. I can handle the fractional distillation with the laser and other tools I have at hand though it will take a few days." (Ion)

I run back to the top with the others.

"Ion, go towards the city, find the Empress and tell her we need carts. A ton of carts. Once the carts are here we load the materials from the first mine and head towards a blacksmith's location or such and smelt the aluminium first and construct barrels from the aluminium and the bring the oil and then we check what is going on in the 3rd and 4th mines if they haven't sent a messenger." (Hayden)

Ion flies off and I follow after telling the explorers to rest for a while through hand signals which they luckily understood.


I run towards the capital for an hour and when I reach the capital all the carts are ready and Emilia is at the front.

"Seems you have found most of what you need, haven't you?" (Emilia)

I just nod as I count how many carts we have.

Exactly fifty carts to load materials into.

I turn towards Emilia.

"Thanks for the assistance. I appreciate it." (Hayden)

I would give her a hug but... She is an Empress, I am a scientist. She has guards, I don't.

Honestly, I will never anger an Empress in my life again. Never.

Ion is overlooking the state of every cart to make sure they could handle the weight.

Two horses per cart to pull the cart.

If we load a sensible amount of ores we should be able to carry them here in two trips.

We'll also need some kind of smithery to smelt the ore and then create the things needed for a barrel.

"Emilia, another small favor... I need some kind of a smelter and a smith to create barrels for the transport of oil.

Can I ask you to handle that whilst I handle the transportation of the materials?" (Hayden)

"Of course!" (Emilia)

Emilia immediatly turns around and goes into the city and I take the carts and head towards the first mine to gather all those materials.

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