《The embodiment of pain, sadness, and hatred》Chapter 11 elven forest


Lucien pov

We are at the entrance to the forest and i'm starting to get worried. Not only were the tree's as tall as the Eiffel Tower but there was a lot of fog that was so thick you couldn't see a foot in front of you.

Betsy: (Well how are we supposed to get through this?)

Lucien: (I'm thinking about that.)

(The only being's that could navigate through this are the elves. But one doesn't seem to be around.)

Lucien: (Our only option is to lure a elf here.)

Wendy: (How do we do that.)

Lucien: (Well I learned how to make fireballs rain from the sky thanks to that robed guy.)

Betsy: (YOU LEARNED ?)

To answer her question I summoned fireballs that started raining from the sky's. It lit a few trees on fire.

(This isn't enough. It has to be bigger.)

So I repeatedly cast on all the tree's I could see. After the fire got really big a group of elves came out of the forest and they looked pissed.

Elf A: (Is this your doing?)

There were 5 males and 2 females. Each of them were really beautiful. But that beauty was ruined by the scowl's they had on their face's.

Lucien: (Yes. This was all my doing.)

This really ticked them off and they reacted by taking out their bows and shooting an arrow at me all at the same time. However thanks to my improved speed I easily dodged all 7 well aimed arrows and got behind them before they even noticed.

Elf Group: (WHAAA...)

They didn't even fully turn around before they were mine. I punched a few of the men and used the steel wolves trait to make my hand like a sword which pierced through one of the girl's gut. I tested out a few more traits on them before I finally made them loyal. I read their mind's and found out the area in the forest. Their are 5 elf village's, 10 army outposts, and 30 hunter posts. However thanks to the fire I started all the elves returned to their villages except for some scouts and wizard elves that came to check the fire.


I discovered that the elves trait is that they can see enhance their vision to the point that they can see through the fog.

(So this is how they navigate through the fog and why they are such great shot's.)

While using this trait I quickly found the wizards and the other scout's. They resisted at first but after my subordinate's ripped some of their limbs off they quickly stopped. I left that area letting the fire spread and headed towards the nearest elf village. When we reached the village we saw that the elves live in hollowed out trees. The guards noticed us and got into battle position.

Elf guard A: (Who are you and how did you get here?)

They noticed their comrades standing behind me.

Elf guard B: (Why are you back so soon? What about the fire?)

Lucien: (ATTACK!!)

Because of the surprise attack the elves were unprepared so we got half before they started resisting. Of course it was a useless attempt. After some fighting and screaming with blood meeting the ground we quickly took over the village.

Lucien: (Everyone you will take 2 of the villages and I will take the other 2.)

Crowd: (SIR YES SIR!)

Lucien: (Alrighty then.)

Before I could leave I heard 3 people yell


I turned and saw Wendy, Trisha, and Betsy standing their.

Wendy: (Where do you think your going.)

Trisha: (Yeah take us with you.)

(It seems they want to fight with me. But Betsy is a surprise.)

Lucien: (Even you?)

Betsy: (Of coarse, I mean out of all these people your the only one that can keep me unharmed.)

Hearing this I turned giant and picked up Wendy, and Trisha leaving Betsy behind. It didn't take long to reach the village. But when we got there, we attacked immediately. I put down Wendy and Trisha to let them do their thing and I covered my hand in darkness and had tentacles start cutting elves in half. I looked toward's Wendy and saw that she was commanding 20 elves.


(It seems she's been working hard.)

I then noticed Trisha going through elves at a incredible speed. To a normal person she would be a red blur. But I soon saw a wave of darkness hitting some elves. I turned and saw Betsy.




And with that we continued our attack. Instead of a burden, Betsy proved to be a asset. She was able to envelope many in the darkness.

(She's really good considering she got her power's not to long ago.)

Some elves started to beg to be spared but we didn't stop. Many elves shot arrows at us but they were useless against us. However some bows had enchantments on them which slowed us down a little. To pay back the assholes that did this I ripped off their arms and started beating them with it before they were consumed. During our little frenzy some elves managed to escape because we were busy with other matters.

(DAMN! Were gonna have our hands full now.)

Thanks to those elves escaping, our presence on this world will be noticed. Of coarse many have noticed the darkness we leave behind but they usually fall in or avoid it. Now they will know someone is responsible for it and send people.

(Great now I need to make the groups bigger. I think i'll make the limit 800 before it needs to be cut.)

Having decided this we soon finished off the rest and I alerted the other groups. They all understood and my group of 4 headed to the next village. Because of those escaped elves I was so pissed that I took my giant form to the limit which is about 45 ft. I started crushing elves below my foot and once again we slaughtered all the elves but because I was pissed I decided to vent my suffering a little on the elves. Some had their spines removed, others I ripped open and took their heart's, and a few I cut till they died of blood loss.

We finished off this village a lot faster than the last so I checked the other group. They were still on their first village but they were winning. To speed thing's along I sent the elves we captured to them. They finished the second village a hour later and were returning to us. Thanks to this we had 673 in our group.

(Well, with the elves here this is much easier.)

We spent the next few day's training to see where everyone is skill wise and consumed some of the forest for creatures. When everyone was better at both melee combat and ranged combat we departed heading towards the dwarven mountains.

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