《The embodiment of pain, sadness, and hatred》Chapter 1 A job offer


Darkness... all I see is darkness. Its so dark that I can't see my own hand in front of my face. Wait do I even have hands? Oh well not like it matters. I am dead after all but this place doesn't seem like hell or heaven. Where am I?

(Your in purgatory.) Suddenly a voice boomed out of nowhere that shook even me. I was so surprised that I forgot about my pain, sadness, and hatred. But that feeling quickly returned.

I tried asking who spoke hoping I wasn't going crazy from my time in this place since for all I knew a year could have gone bye. But nothing came out like I didn't have a voice. Actually I don't think I have a mouth anymore. Then the voice spoke again saying (You are an excellent choice.) Then suddenly there was a flash of light and I found myself in front of people.

Their were only 8 of them. We were in what looked like a chapel but there was nothing in it. Only a few marble columns, the floor and the walls which didn't have windows. Actually I wasn't even sure if this was a chapel. Then a voice behind me said (Is this him?) I turned around to look at the people only to discover how unique they looked.

Their were 4 males and 4 females. 2 of the males looked like Greek scholars since they were wearing what looked to be togas. One guy had what looked like a robe that belonged to a wizard and had a large gray beard and long gray hair. The final guy had a devil sort of look to him. He had red fiery skin, horns on his head, and teeth that looked like spikes. He was also wearing a suit that screamed rich.


The females however had faces and body's that would stop any man in his tracks and their chests guaranteed dirty fantasies . 1 was wearing a lab coat and had glasses along with long dark purple hair. She looked really intelligent. Another had a dark robe and hood over her head and she gave off a gloomy feeling. Next was one that looked like a farm girl that had blond hair made into a ponytail and freckles which made her really cute and was wearing a farm girl outfit. The last one I couldn't really look at without blushing. The only thing she used to cover her self were what looked like twigs and had a bow behind her back. Her skin was like a grayish green. Her eyes were silver and she had long black hair.

The man with the beard said (yes. This is the one.) He then looked at me and asked (You are Allan Jons right?) authority filled his voice. I hesitated at first scared about what might happen to me. Then I answered (Y-y-yes that's me.) Then the man said (You probably have question so let me start by saying you are inside a area outside of space and time and that we are makers.) I was immediately shocked and confused. I then began wondering how this was possible and what makers are. Then as if reading my thoughts the devil looking guy spoke (Makers are beings that started everything. We created the universe and life.) His voice sounded deep and a little to evil.

But upon hearing this I thought they were gods. Then the woman in the robe spoke (We are not like those pathetic gods we are above them.) Her voice sent chills down my spine. Then the man with the beard spoke again (Calm down Imelda.) He then looked at me (We are going to offer you a job. If you refuse we will send you back to purgatory where you will stay for all eternity.) Now I was really scared. I did not want to spend eternity alone with the feeling of pain, sadness, and hatred. Then after gaining some courage I asked (W-w-what's the job) They all smiled and the bearded man said (Destroy humanity and everything connected to them.)

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