《The Unforgiving World》Chapter 5! halfway to my goal


I hope you guys enjoy this one cause I feel FUCKING PROUD... enjoy or don't totally up to you guys

Chapter 5: Testing the limits of a "hero"

After everything that happened today it was pretty late, I was tired and exhausted by nearly being killed by the fat king, being summoned, and lastly discovering mana...

Honestly it's hard to think when you can feel a constant source of power fluctuating in your stomach and around you, my face feels extremely hot and it breathing feels weird...

I didn't notice it very much when we were walking and talking to the village of Qi which is just 10 minutes walking distance from Goburi Forest however now that my mind is completely focused on sleep I can't stop thinking about this new sense involving this mana.

We arrived in the village an hour ago and looked for something to eat, they had a noodle stand but also a cow type animal with great regenerative abilities, they cut out a portion of its stomach and it didn't even grunt in pain.

2 minutes later the hole in the cow was gone and funny thing is it didn't stop eating even when part of its stomach was cut out.

Yui told us they casted magic on the animal called the Barthuma which negated any pain it would feel but it wouldn't be able to move.

I asked why they couldn't just use the magic on the angels to kill them and she responded with "The magic only works on creatures less intelligent than the caster and the caster is unable to move as he channels the spell, it also consumes a lot of mana as it is an expert level spell."

I understood what she meant as it seems like a really strong spell.

As I didn't have faith in my eyesight since the destruction of my glasses, I stare at Anastasia and her amazing butt as if to extract my vengeance, she notices and smacks me and calls me a pervert.

I feel as if I won the battle as I can still see the amazing shape when I close my eyes.

I thought about rank 5 magic as I might be able to use a magic to keep my eyesight at a fixed rate.

She told us that magic can be taught as every human who can sense mana has the potential to learn at least 2 attributes.

I sneak out of the room as I can't sleep with this constant flow of mana crap.

I was also curious what my status window said as I didn't want to check it with anyone else around.

Status WindowNameGabriel L.NovakAge20GenderMaleLevel1(0%)Class*False Hero*Strength20(15)Vitality30(15)Agility20(15)Resistance20(15)Intelligence70(15)Magic Resistance50(15)Skills

False Hero Syndrome(passive)

Unfortunate Hero(passive)

Special Skill

Soul Corruption(Active)

Aww this is bullshit, I was expecting a cheat status as if I was god and everyone in this world were ants... what the hell is this false hero syndrome?


• False Hero Syndrome

+15 to all skills

Understood you aren't a real hero and was just summoned here by a stupid king's orders against your will... Because a hero doesn't get summoned, he tears down the barrier and walks through himself.

might as well check the rest of my skills as well

• Unfortunate Hero?


• ???

What in the world, what are these numbers for and question marks?

• Soul Corruption

You channel mana to leave your body and travel using your soul, if your soul collides with a living thing, one of 2 things may occur:

1. If the living thing is less intelligent than you, you will take control of its body. If any damage is taken in this body your body will receive 70% of the damage when you return to your body.

2. If the enemy has a higher intelligence they will be afflicted and you will take damage for colliding with a stronger soul. Those afflicted will not be able to focus and will have reduced attack, and speed.

Surely enough a black crystal was above my name... it is really hard to miss

Well at least something good came out of this...

"I might as well check to see what this soul corruption can do." I said smiling.

I wander towards the Goburi forest, where I know enemies would be... I was a little scared as it was dark and I didn't know if there were enemies that hid in the trees or in the dirt or if there were bandits in this part of the area, or if there are even bandits in general.

it's been 7 minutes and walking around dragging my feet as I really didn't want to go deeper towards the forest as I felt it would be dangerous, it was then in my moment of carelessness that I spot 5 goblins traveling together walking toward me they would have caught me if I didn't hide behind a tree.

I take a glance from behind the tree and see one goblin holding something on his shoulder while another goblin seems to be looking around.

I figured now was a better time than any, so I calm my breath and whisper "soul corruption" '2' '3' '4' 5 seconds pass and I still sit there in a stupid slump hiding behind the tree trying to figure out what I need to do to use this skill, I started wondering if I needed more mana in order to cast the spell.

I start following them as I didn't want to let my new found prey escape.

I said it again while staring at the goblins hoping it was a target spell and I would just fly forward directly into one of their bodies but alas I look like an idiot again, thank god nobodies watching... or maybe not god if he is evil... I don't know who to thank... this is weird.


I would look like such a fool, next I put my hands on each side of my forehead like a certain character I remember from a show with this bald man with an eye on his forehead who travels with a midget who can float.

Again it fails, the goblins stop as the one who looks like the leader may have had the sense they were being followed so I hid behind another tree he stays there for about a minute wondering if I would show myself.

I tried to hide my presence completely taking deep breaths and relaxing my breaths so they wouldn't be loud, as if I was meditating.

The thought came to me and I thought nothing to lose, I might as well.

so I calm myself and act as if I'm in a trance and I'm meditating and say "Soul corruption" in a calm soft tone, the next second I open my eyes knowing I failed however to my surprise I am staring at myself, oh yeah shit just got real!


I slide through the air like I am one with the wind


I quickly fly in the direction of the leader and within seconds I clash with his body and I lift my hands they are green and covered in dirt, blood, and warts.

I feel the skin... really rough its disgusting, one of the goblins signals me and says words I don't understand.

I signal him to come closer and so he does then I point in the direction opposite of where my real body is and when he looks in the direction I unsheathe the small silver dagger I had in my sheathe and quickly stab it into the goblins jugular and again in the kidney.

This would be nice except the other goblins saw me and when I thought he would attack he just stood there and stared at me cautiously as if he was scared I would do the same to them so I signal them to keep moving.

I walked ahead of the group as if to let them relax it was when we got closer and I saw a bright light that I assumed that, it was the goblins camp and they had friends so I turned around fast unsheathed the dagger for the second time and lunge it at the goblin closest to me, he moves back to avoid the blade at the last second.

He managed to avoid a deep cut on his chest and blood spurts out and with the momentum I turned my body and slashed his leg, as if to cripple him.

I turn my target as the other two rush me as I was obviously an enemy to them now so I quickly parry one of the blades however I wasn't fast enough to black the other and he stabs me in my left side right above my kidney and it hurt....

GODDAMNIT THAT HURT! ahhh the bleeding won't stop I'm going to die... arghh damnit...

it was a momentary loss of judgment as I instinctively grabbed the goblin's throat who just stabbed me and I force my blade into his neck, I then noticed the red blood squirt all over my green skin, WAIT GREEN SKIN, I DONT HAVE GREEN SKIN!

remembering that I am human and not a goblin I calm down and look for the last 2 goblins and within a split second I notice the knife 5 feet away moving fast towards my chest from the goblin who had the injury on his leg, I twisted my body and prepared my dagger to enter the goblins stomach and right before his dagger pierced me and mine would pierce him I jumped out of the leaders body and jumped into the body of the goblin I just stabbed.


The light in the leaders eyes disappeared and I stand there with a bleeding leg a scratch on my chest and a dagger buried in my stomach I pull the knife out and the goblin approaches me quickly as if to help me he didn't see the knife coming at all as I pierced his forehead.

I then leave the body feeling as if I had been stabbed a dozen times, I return to my body and ouch it hurts to walk, it feels as if I was bleeding internally...

I walk towards the goblins I just killed, not to see if they're all dead or anything but to see what the goblins were carrying earlier.

it took 3 minutes to get to the thing they were carrying, it was long and slender, it was then that I noticed blood as well as tan brown skin, it was a girl she looked as if she was 17 and she was covered in bruises and about 3 visible scratches...

I pick her up and start walking back to the village of Qi.

While walking back I thought of only 3 things.

1. Getting stabbed hurts like a bitch, I won't get stabbed another time I swear to this.

2. This girl must have suffered a lot, I will protect her and help her return home.

3. How terrifying Soul corruption is, I had actually forgotten who I was, it only took 2 minutes of walking in a goblins body to make me forget who I was... I need to be careful.

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