《A ragbag of stories, don't expect them to end.》A Draft from 2015


“Welcome to Elementia. My name is Carn Sivenet and I'm the principal of

this university and how some of you know the mightiest wizard and only

one known alive to have a dragoness as a partner.

Since you all are first years I'll try to make this short. You are the

100 group of first years who join this wonderful school. We are also the

first school to be a united school. This means that all races who have

gained sentience and are able to communicate are allowed to join.

Since the partner system is needed this means that partners are now to

be treated equally since they will also become pupils of this school if

they are sentient. This doesn't covers monsters so be careful.

As pupils of this school you are under the guarding of the seven masters

and 21 grand Dragons. As long as you say that you will be able to get

out of trouble easily. Should you come into trouble once then say that

to your guardian.

The last thing we need is that you are being controlled by someone

because you didn't wanted to say anything.

Ahh about controlling. Slaves are forbidden in this school and everyone

who brings his slave to school will need to live with the danger that

once we get to know it we will throw the owner out and give the slave

the freedom back.

If you don't want this to happen then either give the slave a normal

contract or get out.

I think I have warned you enough for our first day. If you now take out

the Adventure cards you gained from the guilds. They have now changed

having all the personal information about you and the class with the

teacher you will have until you graduate.


If you look behind you, you'll notice the big flaming letters. They are

there to show you in which part of the school your homeroom is.

Everything else will be covered by your teachers. Have a nice day.”

Finishing his speech the old man with white hair and a flaming red beard

looked at the woman at his side before chanting something. After his

chant was done a portal appeared behind him. He promptly entered it

followed by the woman disappearing I there before the portal itself

stopped existing.

Taking his leave as a sign all pupils started to look at their cards and

follow the floating letters to their class rooms.

After all students left only one hooded person was left standing. Taking

of his hood a bald man with two big scars over his face was visible.

Scratching his chin he was observing the place before using a highspeed

movement to appear on the place where the principal was standing.

Snipping with his fingers the portal appeared again and a dirty grin

made his face look worse then it actually was. Shaking his head he

entered the portal. What greeted him made him hold back his laughter.

Before commenting on he scene which was in front of him.

“You are already 150 years old, act according your age, it's disgusting

seeing you like this. Or at least transform your body to be a bit

younger. No one wants to see a old man wiped with a leather whip by a

dominatrix. “

Clearly startled by this sudden statement by a unknown voice the

Principal and the dominatrix looked at the origin. Seeing the the man

whose voice it was stepping out of the darkness they immediately

prepared high level spells to attack him. Seeing their reaction he just


gave a long sigh before focusing his eyes on them.

They instantly fell on their knees under the pressure of killing intent.

Their spells were getting weaker and weaker before breaking up and

manifesting as mana stones. Just as the stones hit the ground the

pressure was released. Looking up they saw his face again with a little


“I'm here to ask you for a favor and if you do it you will never see me

again. So will you hear me out or will you try to attack me again?”

Telling that with a big fake smile while giving them both a hand to

stand up.

While Carn stood up without problems the woman took his help awaiting an

attack from him she was prepared to summon her claws and add some new

scars on his face. Instead of an attack he let her go immediately after

helping her up irritating her.

Summoning a table with three chairs carn signaled the other man to sit

down. He gladly accepted and took place before taking out a pipe and

starting to smoke waiting for the other two to sit down.

Since no killing intent was leaking from the visitor the finally sat

down and just before they managed to ask he already started talking.

“I'm bored of this world so I want to leave. But I have a problem I

can't leave on my own. I need help of all the seven masters and 21 grand

dragons. If you accept I will leave your realm and you will never see me

again. If you decline I'll stay here, pissed of and really moody and who

knows what I'll do when I'm moody.”

While mentioning the last part his body became covered in black mist and

his eyes were glowing red. Since he already showed his superiority he

transformed back while waiting for an answer.

In a quite voice the woman uttered “What exactly do you want?” Before

holding her mouth out of fear.

A loud laughing was to be heard from the scar face. “Your job will be

simple. I have created a special spell which need a lot of power. In

exchange for that one person can be sent away from the world into

another one. And that is exactly what I want. To leave this world.”

“What is the catch? You'd never say that so freely.”

“Glad you asked. I just don't have enough power to use the spell on my

own. That's why I need your help.”

“You are the only creature to have just as much energy as the gods

themselves and you still don't have enough?”

“Yes. Since you know my plan I give you one week to get together. I'll

meet you here in exactly one week.” Without even giving them time to

deny and left the place leaving the two dumbfounded back.

Going the same way back he now stood again at the big place. This time

it was swarmed with soldiers armed to teeth and pointing all their

weapons in his direction. Seemingly annoyed by this he begun preparing

his teleportation spell.

Stopping midway he noticed how the mana flow was being interrupted

around him and he stopped waisting time trying to finish his spell.

Spitting on the ground he observed his surroundings and counted how many

enemies were present.

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