《A ragbag of stories, don't expect them to end.》Look a bad RE:Monster copy!


Have you ever seen a world end? You probably haven’t. Instead you were imagining it. The Despair, Darkness and Death, the three D’s of the end of the world. No matter what you say you can’t deny this since you just imagined it while reading this part haven’t you? Let me tell you how my world ended. How I became what I’m now.

The beginning of my end was pretty lame compared to what most people imagine a world going down to hell. Like every morning I woke up and went to shower making myself ready for the day. Watching the news from all over the world in 5 different languages allowed me to compare and get the truth behind the scenes of the biggest crisis points on the planet.

As always here some terrorists and there some corrupt politicians, making me ask what the difference between those two groups are, followed by the beautiful announcer for the weather forecast and ending with the botox smile reporter.

It made me want to puke, although I resisted the urge since it was early in the morning and I still had work to do. So I begun my routine journey to my office where thousands of unapproved papers were waiting to be reworked and declined. I loved my job since it was simple and fitting my personality. Find faults in the papers, decline, send back and enjoy how another family was sent to ruin.

Sure sometimes there were documents which couldn't be declined since they had no faults, but they didn’t matter, it was only every 1000th exemplar which was perfect. Furthermore I always managed to break the asked money down to close to nothing so they didn’t made any profit, except for me.

I knew karma would hit me hard but I was prepared. Once I was done with my daily work I went drinking. Alone as always since people like me had no friends, on the contrary friends were dangerous buisness in my niche of work. This never stopped me from going drinking and making new contacts with other people even if not deep.


A human being is not made to live alone, the mind goes nuts if it’s deprived of social contact. That was a lesson I learned on my own. Ending up being held prisoner by the C.D.U. for five months in the isolation cell made me lose quite a lot. That’s why I begun drinking after work. To make sure that if something would ever happen, I could say I was drunk and don’t remember.

Entering my favorite bar I was greeted with silence. An unusual silence since the time was the rush hour for this bar. Only when I looked around I noticed how everyone was asleep, not moving. Some even were lying on the ground with their glasses still touching their lips.

Trying to wake them up, the shocking truth had hit me. Everyone present was dead, or breathing his last breath before also silently fading away. I was in pure terror and swiftly left the bar.

Stepping through the door into the open city not even a little sound greeted me. No cars, people or animals moved. Absolute silence, except for my irregular breath breaking it. The only logical solution I had for those problems were to get home and barricade myself in there, what I did.

Checking the news again half of them were silenced while the other half was panicky talking about a super virus what hits silent and effective killing people without them feeling any pain. Slowly I begun to understand what exactly was happening before feeling how my body begun to become numb and my mind groggy.

I fell down on the ground, still watching the TVs and seeing how the reporter also were breaking down. My last moments were indeed peaceful. I drifted away into dreamland before stopping breathing and quietly giving away my last breath.


You see, the end of the world is not always followed by big explosions or attacking aliens and surely there are no heroes who could save us all. Even though the truth hurts, I’m happy at the same time. After all I got a second chance to live.

Several years i had been sleeping, or so it felt, before I woke up in a small but comfortable, warm and dark place. Several times I resisted the urge to go back sleeping before I got to the edge of losing the battle against it. Again slowly fading away into the darkness I notice a barely hearable voice singing a beautiful song.

This song gave me power to stay awake and the longer I heard it the more power flowed inside me and I became restless with the desire to break out of my prison only to find the source of this beautiful voice.

Continuously hitting the walls, I begun to feel my body. Still controlled by the desire, I unbeknownst to me used all my eight legs to hurt the warm shell around my. Using up all my power my will crumbled bit by bit due to not achieving anything. Close to giving up the voice again begun to sing, a different song this time, giving me new vigor to break free.

Finally succeeding my eyes were greeted by a dimmed blue light in a cave like room filled with white nets. Crawling out of my shell my body collapsed due to the unfamiliar feeling. Only now my mind noticed that I no longer had two but eight legs. Going down trying to realize the song reminded me of what I wanted to do.

Fighting with myself I wobbly crawled on the ground following the source of the, what I now felt, calling. Leaving the big cave I found myself in a long corridor filled with other living creatures of different kinds. Looking closely they all were spiders but some of them had a big bulky body while others had sacks hanging down filled with a strange liquid. One thing they all had common and that was their scent of familiarity.

Following the predestined path I ended up before two big doors guarded by two gigantic spiders with two claws looking like swords. Even if the doors were closed there were opening just big enough for me to fit so I not even thinking twice, climbed on the nets and entered the room behind the door through the holes.

A spacey room with symmetrically placed pillars on every side housed several spiders of such big proportions where the thought at how they are getting fed occurred. Amidst them all was a beautiful woman sitting on a throne holding a baby and singing a lullaby.

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