《In Highschool DxD With My Waifus》Chapter 12 Training


Angela Pov

Joe and I go back to the house and we gather everybody. Than he explains that he challenged Elijah Caspian to rating game. The loser will get Jojo.


Joe: What if I lose, I just lose my Sacred Gear,

Rin: I read up on the history of this world do you know what happens when someone removed your sacred gear from you. YOU DIE!

Joe: Oh, that sucks I guess I will reincarnate.


Joe: Guys all we have do is win and we have no problem.

Angela: How do you know we will win. We have no experience and that guy is veteran. I know you could not feel it because you suck at mana sense, but that guy has a lot of magical power.

Kuroka: Not to mention we out numbered he has all his pieces.

Angela: Before we left Sona manage to give one of the tapes of his rating games.

Tsugumi: We might as well see what we are up against.

We put in the video and we begin watching the Rating game and what we can see it does not look good for us. It like every single one of them is as fast as a knight class. They all have ability of lightning. I look at their queen who looks like some sort demon on the battle field it look like she has the ability to control gravity. Just great.

Everyone: We are so screwed.

Joe: Ok I may have underestimated the pedophile.

Than we see them drink a potion and all of them change into something like the Hulk and begin to beat their opponents down. Did guy just get his spine ripped out of his body.

Saeko: What the hell was that?

Kuroka: The Berserker Formula. The House of Caspian are known for their lightning Magic and their Berserker Formula. The strength becomes 50x their original power, but they lose their mind in that state.

Joe: So, it like fighting 16 hulks that shoot lighting just great/ Ok new plan we need to train like badly.

Everyone: No Shit Sherlock

Joe: There is no need for sass. Ok Let start of start off Kuroka I want you teach Tsugumi to improve her Senjustu an Youjustu. Leone I also want you train her in Touki Piccolo style.

Leone: Boss you serious that brutal for a newbie.

Joe: I would like to ease her but since we are now on a deadline, I got to level her up fast.

Tsugumi: What Piccolo Style?

Leone: Let just say YOU LEARN TO DODGE!

She suddenly punches Tsugumi in the face and she is sent flying. She gets up but slowly and she look pissed. I guess Leone is starting now she was always good at sneak attacks.


Leone: You didn’t dodge I said dodge. Training starts now I have a week to whip you in to lean mean devil killing machine.

She drags Tsugumi off and Kuroka follows them just snickering a bit.

Kuroka: I better make sure she does not kill the puppy good luck on your training you guys. LEONE DON’T KILL MY STUDENT!

Joe: Yoroichi catch

Yoroichi: This is Suzemebachi.


Joe: I know you prefer fighting with your fists, but this in case of emergency. I also want you to train with Saeko and Houmra. Saeko has Sode no Shirayuki and Homura Engetsu is similar to a Zanpakto

Yoroichi: Ok

Joe: Zest and Rin I want you to come up with a plan. I also want back up plans. I want back up plans for back up plans. Better I want the whole danm alphabet. Also, Rin I want you fight With Fuego. Not to mention I want you plan to involve 11 people.

Rin: Wait there are only 10 of us.

Joe: I am bringing in back up this is her file,

Rin: I can work with this.

Joe: She tends to go overboard in fight but that is exactly what we need right now a powerhouse that does not know how to hold back.

Than he turns to me

Joe: Angela I want you and Beatrice to learn your Bankai with Zabimaru

Angela: I have tried, and Beatrice has tried it is just not working your asking for the impossible in such a short time.

Joe: I would not ask you to do anything I would not do. I learn Bankai easily because I had the knowledge beforehand, but you are learning from scratch and I have to say you are damm fast learner. I know you can do this I believe in you the both of you. Beside you and I are going to be in the same boat.

Angela: How

Joe: Jojo is a wildcard. I never seen him in the anime. I am learning something new from scratch for the first time in a while. If my life was not on the line, I be kind of excited. In weeks’ time I am going to have to learn my Balance Breaker.

Than he comes over and kisses me which takes me off guard. Beatrice come out and about flip when he kisses her two which shuts her up. Sure, Beatrice had Sex with Joe, but she never let him kiss her. She says a kiss is sacred., But I think she is just shy.

Joe: Take care of the girls I will be back in a week.

Angela: Where are you going.

Joe: I already told you to unlock my Balance Breaker I will meet all you the day of the rating game. Also, I will bring friend.

And just like that he is gone, I have not seen him in 3 days. The other are making quite a bit of progress in their own training but me I sort of in a rut.

Angela: SWITCH!

I turn to Beatrice. She begins cursing at Zabimaru, but nothing is happening. We managed to combine magic with Zabimaru, Beatrice is good at fire magic while I am good at Ice magic. We came up with a few good attacks, but nothing seems to be allowing us to activate our Bankai.


Angela: I know I is so frustrating, but we need to learn this. Did you see that guys queen she is a monster?

Recently Beatrice and I have been able to talk to each other through the necklace. Both of us agree Zabimaru is being a dick. Suddenly a magic circle comes and out pops MOTHER!


Beatrice: What do you want you old hag

Angela: Hello mother.

God: Is that anyway to talk to your mother when she crosses several universes to come see her baby girl. I had you when I was just a young angel. My mother was like get rid of it but I decline and I carried you for 90 years…..

Beatrice: Ok, we get it enough with the guilt trip what do you want.

God: More like what do you want. It looks like both of your personality fell for the young devil because I can see your trying so hard. Wow and Beatrice what you did in the bed room so naughty BUT THAT IS YOUTH!


God: It started as just accident, but than it was like looking at some exotic creature that you could not look away from. I never knew you were a girl who was interested in handcuffs.

Angela and Beatrice: MOM!

God: Sorry, I am getting off topic. You see your life is becoming one of my favorite TV shows. The Action, the drama. The romance. I can’t have the main character die than I lose my entertainment.

That makes both of our eyes twitch. She really is a horrible mother.

God: I have a confession to make you never had a twin. Neither of you are my original daughter real personality. I know plot twist

Angela and Beatrice: WHAT!

God: You see when you were born you could not handle your power as a baby, so your father and I decided to split you up. The personality and power you got from your father is Beatrice and the power you got from me is Angela. We also gave you false memories. We said you were twins and had one of you died so you would not get suspicious Teehee?


God: You see that necklace not only let you activate your other personality but If you take it off it will fuse you back together and you will probably able to use your Bankai,

Beatrice: What is the catch

Angela: You always hide something mother.

God: My girl has gotten smarter since both personalities have started coming Out yes there is a small detail that I left out. Once you fuse together you can never go back to how it was before

Angela: I will not be me

Beatrice: I won’t be me

God: I know I know drama. So, what are you two going to do.

Beatrice: If we are not Angela

Angela: If we are not Beatrice

Beatrice and Angela: Who are we?

God: I will let you figure it out. Oh, can’t wait for the next episode. This way better than your brother Dimitri show tata.

Angela and Beatrice: I hate her

My whole life has been a lie. What am I going to do? If I fuse together would I still be me, or would I be a completely different person. Would I remember all the good times I had with everybody?

Angela: Joe what would you do?

Joe: Pov

Joe: Achuuuuu! Someone must be talking about me.

It has been 2 days I am in the middle of a forest and sure I have made some progress with Jojo, but I am no closer to unlocking my balance breaker. My training but has finally letting me have a break.

Joe: That women really does not know how to hold back. I think she broke a rib with that last attack, but she does make a good sparring partner.

Suddenly I sense something. I can feel this aura is not like my friend.

Joe: Come out whoever you are.

??? You have sharp instincts good you will need it.

I look over and see a gut he looks like he is the age where he is in collage. He dresses in a outfit that reminds me of a bartender. He has black hair and brown eyes. Than I see his black wings.

Joe: What a fallen Angel doing here.

??? Well I use to be human a couple of weeks ago, but I died

Joe: Wait you’re the original owner of Canis Lykaon aren’t you.

???: Quite perceptive aren’t we yes, I was the original owner of Canis Lykaon. My name is Tobias Ikuse. I was a human that worked under Fallen Angels. I work for a group called the Gregory. I was killed by my partner he sold me out to the Caspian.

Joe: You want your sacred gear back.

Tobias: I was brought back by Azazel into a fallen Angel. At first yes. There was no way in hell I was going to let Caspian get my sacred gear, but you stole it out from his nose. I been watching you and I feel if I can’t have it you should. With your skill right now, you will not be able to beat Elijah even with that right hand of yourse. Yes, I know about that. The Gregory are through. I want to train you.

Joe: Why would a fallen Angel want to help a Devil; Didn’t I kill like a lot of your people.

Tobias: Just because I am fallen Angel now does not mean we all like each other. There are different faction in are ranks. Raynare faction is one I despised. Frankly I am glad you took her out. Beside I am the most qualified to train you CANIS LYKAON II

Suddenly a white dog appears who looks like Jojo

Tobias: Azazel has a fascination with sacred gears even going so far to create artificial ones. This is Jin and he just like you Jojo. Except while yourse can manipulate blades and shadow. Jim can manipulate blades and light. Beside I already entered my balance breaker so it should not be hard for me to teach you so what do you say.

Before I can say my new servant appears

??? Master a fallen Angel is he an enemy

Joe: No, he is fine he is going to be my new teacher. This is Tobias Ikuse

???: My apologies I did not realize for my mistake you may strike me.

Tobias: No, I am not going to hit you it perfectly fine. I would think I was enemy to if I was in your position.

He says this while looking uncomfortable.

Joe: Ok, Let get started shall we.

Tobias: I will not go easy on you.

Joe: I would not have it any other way.

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