《In Highschool DxD With My Waifus》Chapter 5 Welcome to Kuoh Acedemy


Joe Pov

Rin: Let me get this straight on one of your walks you ran into a fallen Angel, you let her get away. Not only that you might have made enemeis of possible allies by acting like an asshole.

Joe: Well if you put it like that....


Joe: Uh sorry I panicked you know what I can be like when I panick. I do stupid things. Like make a fictional house,

Leone: Well we were going to need a name of our house eventually.

Joe: You understand me Leone.

Leone: But it was a stupid decision your as subtle as Beatrice and she is as subltle as a bull in a china shop.

Saeko: What done is done. What best you can do is fix the situation. We know Devils go to the school they are bound to sense our presence. Why don;t you explain yourself.

Angela: Yeah maybe they are nice

Rin: What ever is will have think it fast because we are now at the school gate.

After Beatrice knocked me out I was out of it till this morining so the others had no idea what I done last night. Rin was pissed Leone laughed and Seako and Zest just shook there heads. We go to the Student council office to get our Schedule and who do I spot there is none other than Rias Gremory. Her eyes narrows. She does not know, she does not know. I will be fine.

Rias: Your Dio aren't you

Angela: Well that was fast

Leone: Could not even keep the secret idenity thing for a day

Rin: Idiot

Joe: Way to throw me under the bus guys I could have lied my way out of it. Now that think about it I am not best liar this probably for the best.

Sona: This is the person you were telling me about he does not seem like what you said.

Rias: I am surprised to with the personality change.

Joe: Oh sorry about last night I was acting you caught me off guard and I was still in my role as Dio and Dio is an asshole. How about we start over high My name Joesph Seto the leader of the house of Dio

Angela: Were still calling it the house of Dio

Joe: I was never really good with names. It is fine.

Rias: I assuming these girls behind you are your peearage.

Joe: Yes this is Angela Titan my queen, Saeko Busujima my knight, Rin Tosake my bishop and Leone Regules my rook. I also have another bishop at home named Zest,

I gave Angela the last name titan and Leone the last name Regules because they did not have last names where they are from.


Rias: Wait wasn't your queen Beatrice

Joe: Oh about that Angela is Beatrice. I not sure but I think she has multiple personality when she get angry or scared or ready to fight she becomes Beatrice, But Beatrice know more about it and she won't tell me and I won't make her

Sona: What is your attentions attending Kuoh Academey

Joe: Honestly just finish my education maybe look for more people for my peerage, Most importantly have a kick ass high school expierence.

Sona stares me down and looks at me in the eye

Sona: Ok I believe you. here is your classes it looks like Saeko is in 3B Angela, Rin, 2C Leone is in 2B and you Mr. Seto are in 2A.

Joe: Thank you Miss Sitiri

Rias: Mr. Seto how would you and your Peerage like to join the Occults Reserch Club we loved to have you.

Joe: Sorry Rias but I will have to decline.

Rias: May have a reason

Joe: My oldmen use to say two tigers can't live on one mountain. Think of this way what would happen if you where or in the student council or if Sona was in the ORC. Your both high class devils you would probably clash and thing would never get done. Like you and Sona I am also a king. I need my own land to rule. You have the ORC and Sona has the Student Council I need something else that does not clash with the two of you.

Rin: Wow master That was pretty smart and well thought out.

Joe: I may not be as smart as you Rin but I have my moments.

Sona: So are you saying you wish to create a club

Joe: Yeah a club that not a bad Idea. I know the perfect club. It will be the Gludeus Maximus Reserch Society.

Leone: What?

Rin: He wants us to study butts

Leone: ahhahahahahhaahhahahahahahahh

Suddenly Angela hair turns black and I am struck from behind.


She then turns back to Angela

Angela: Sorry master but I do not want to either

Saeko: Neither do I

Leone: I don't mine it will just be Me and Master alone he can study my butt all he want behind close doors.

Rin: You would say that.

Leone: Says the girl that likes to be spanked

Rin starts to blushed yep Rin like to be spanked I guess because her dominate personality on the outside she like to be submissive in the bed room.

Saeko: So you like to be spanked learn something new everryday.

Rin: All of you go die.

Sona: As much as I enjoying this conversation I will have to say I will be deniying your request for that club. It must be school apropriate.


Joe: Fine how about the cooking club.

That makes the four of them raised and eyebrow.

Angela, Saeko, Leone and Rin: You can cook?

Joe: Of course I can cook. I just to lazy to do it. Who do you think taught Zest. I do not like the lack in faith of your master.

Saeko: I just never seen you do it.

Sona: I beleive if you show some proof of your ability I will alow you to have your Cooking Club.

Joe: You are also a none beleiver how much time do we have before school starts. I am going to make your toungue orgasim Miss Sirtiri.

Rias: This I have to see.

We all head to the kitchen. I take off my badana and put it around my head. Yeah my dad was cheif mom was a baker I know how to cook and bake. I never thought cooking was fun untill I watch Shokugeki no Souma. It made me have a dream to cook something that would make the clothes fly right off their bodies. I get bowls a chopping board, knives, a skillet. Than I get out the ingrediants and begin to prepare my dish.

Rin: Wow he so focus I never seen him like this before.

Saeko: Ladies do love a man that can cook.

Angela: He seem so cool right now.

Leone: Go master go.

I crack the eggs and stir them after I done I am cutting the vegtables, and meat with excellent percision. After I start frying the rice. The I put vegatables in one skillet and the meat in the other. Once everything is about cooked I cook the eggs. When It about ready a poor in the vegatables, meat and rice. Than I flip it.

Joe: I present Omurice

Sona: All that presentation and you just made Oumurice the stuff that they give out at a maid Cafe. I feel disapointed

Joe: Don't underesitmate maid cafes try it before you judge. I made some for everybody so enjoy.

Sona looks suspicious she grabs a spoon and she takes a bite she instanley freezes.

Sone: This can't be it....

Rias: This is delcious

Rin: Wow master If I could eat this every day I will stop calling you and idiot even when I am mad at you.

Angela: It like a thousand tiny angels kissing each induvidual tastebud Or, it is like the first kiss with your first love on a cool summer night surrounded by fireworks. You just feel the spark.

Saeko: Quite descriptive I never her someone describe food like that Angela but you are quite right it is delicious. You improved in my eyes once againe master.

Sona: It good

Joe: What was that.


Leone: Maste this so good I want to bone you right now.

Sona: THERE WILL BE NO BONING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS ! I hate to admit it but it was delicious. Joe Seto I approve your request for the cooking club.

Joe: It wasn't much

And I take off my bandana yeah I went through a Souma phase when i was around 14 I have not doe that since I battled my brother in a cook off.

Sona: Alright it time for you to go to class.

After we finish are meal we head to are respective classes when. I walk in I my whole class are girls but there are 3 boys. It the pervert trio. The teacher comes to introduce me..

Teacher; Class this is Joesph Seto and he will be joining you today. Mr. Seto would like to tell us about yourself.

Joe: Hello I am Joseph Seto but I go by Joe. I like Kendo, anime manga cooking and....

suddenly my phone goes off and plays my ringtone by Sir Mix a Lot.

I like big butts and I can not lie

You other brothers can't deny

That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist

And a round thing in your face

You get sprung, want to pull up tough

'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed

Deep in the jeans she's wearing

I'm hooked and I can't stop staring

Oh baby, I want to get wit'cha

And take your picture

My homeboys tried to warn me

But with that butt you got makes (me so horny)

Ooh, Rump-o'-smooth-skinYou say you want to get in my Benz?

Well, use me, use me

'Cause you ain't that average groupie

I've seen her dancin'

To hell with romancin'

She's sweat, wet,

Got it goin' like a turbo 'Vette

I'm tired of magazines

Sayin' flat butts are the thing

Take the average black man and ask him that

She gotta pack much back

So, fellas (yeah) Fellas (yeah)

Has your girlfriend got the butt? (hell yeah)

Tell 'em to shake it (shake it) shake it (shake it)

Shake that healthy butt

Baby got back (L.A. fits with the Oakland booty)

I quickly turn it off but it is to late the danmage is already done my rep it down right screwed. The three guys in my class are now giving me the thumbs up. The girls look at me in disgust. Since my rep is pretty much screwed I might as well own it.

Joe: I guess also like that

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