《In Highschool DxD With My Waifus》Chapter 3 2 Bishops a Knight and a Rook


No One Pov

In house in Kuoh Town 2 girls are playing what looks like a ripoff game of Super Smash bros. Girl with long raven black hair with ribbons and turquoise eyes and pale white skin, She wearing a long red sleaves shirt and black skirt. She is around a b cup and looks 16. The next girl is has shot gold hair with bangs and yellow eyes and white skin. She is wearing a blue short sleaves shirt that does not cover her stomach and jean shorts. She looks 18 and is a D cup. The game is over and the victory goes to the blonde.

Raven haired girl: I can not beleive I lost to you.

Blonde; It is all skill

Raven Hair: Skill what skill you just spammed the same move over and over again you stupid bimbo.

Blonde: What ever you say washboard.

Raven: BIMBO !


Raven: BIMBOO!


These two that are arguing are Rin Tosaka and Leone. Another girl comes in she has purple hair blue eyes and pale white skin. She is wearing a kendo uniform and is coverd in sweat and makes it able to see her curves she is Saeko Busujima

Saeko: You to are at it again.

Rin: She cheated

Leone: No I didn't she just jelous of my mad skills. Hey Saeko you want to play a round . You have been in the Dojo since boss gave you that sword.

Saeko: Master gave me this weapon so I just want to use it to the best of my ability. Will you two please stop fighting or do I have to get Beatrice.

Leone and Rin: NO WERE GOOD !

Saeko just smiles. Everyone in this house we all know not to offend Beatrice you can offend anyone but Beatrice. Suddenly they here a voice coming from the kitchen.

??? Guys dinner

The three girls head to dinner there they meet there master Joe Seto and his Queen Angela/Beatrice in the kitchen the meal is once again made by Zest. Zest is has ebony skin white hair and gold eyes. She also the oldest at 22 years old and has the biggest breast in the house at an E cup. She is wearing a modest made outfit.

Leone: Like always Zest your meals are on point.

Rin: Seto are you making her were the maid outfit we all know you have a maid fetish.

Joe: Rin I am hurt is that what you think of me. You really think I would trick her into wearing a maid outfit.

Leone, Angela, Rin, and Saeko: Yes

They all deadpan Joe just sighs


Zest: It fine I wear this because I want to not because I have to. All I want to do is please master. I saw the girls wearing this in the magazines that master had under is his bed. I am sorry if I have failed you. if not exactly like the girl in the picture but I could not wear such a short skirt or only dress in my underwear. I will do better next time.


Sundenley Angela neclace glows and her hair turns black, her eyes turn red and she becomes Beatrice.



Zest, Seako, Rin, and Leone: Poor master

This all been going around for three weeks lets go back in time see how this came to be. How these for became the servents of Joe Seto.

Joe Pov

3 weeks prior after are fight with the monkey king. We decide to make a hideout in their lair. Angela and I make a home in the moutains after that. I get out four chess pieces it been several days and I finaly decided who my first four servent are going to be. I take out a knight, a rook and 2 bishops.

Joe: Ok lets do this Angela I will start with the two bishiop. How does this work.

Angela: Just imagine who you want, What they look like an their age. Than add your mana piece

Joe: Ok here it goes my first bishop will be Zest from The Tesament of Sister New Devil age 22

Suddenley the chest piece glows and there appears Zest in her demon form. Than it changes. Her wings turn into devil wings and she now has a devil tail. Her eyes are still close.

Angela: Now use the kiss of loyalty

Joe: Kiss of loyalty

Angela: Yes bite your toungue and kiss her than the blood will awaken her and she will be your loyal servent.

Joe: How come I did not have to kiss you

Angela: Do you really beleive Beatrice would let me kiss you.

Joe: Yeah your right she probaly say. You kiss her you kiss me and I will cut off your scroutum and mount it to my wall.

Angela: That was pretty good.

Joe: Thanks ok lets do this.

I bite my toungue and and blood flows and I kiss Zest she open and her eyes and starts to moan. Is she suppose to do that. I let go and she breath heavely.

Zest: I am Zest and you are my master. I will follow you to the end of my days.

Ok the next person is Rin Tosaka from Fate series she is a tsundere a mage that knows how to get things done.


Joe: Rin Tosaka age 16

The bishop glows and she appears. She grows devil wings and a tail. I bite my tongue and I kiss her and she moans. Why are they all moaning.

Rin: Geez master you might have been a little to forcefull

Joe: Sorry

But than I here under her breath

Rin: It not like I did not enjoy it idiot.

Tsundere the next one is my rook and I decide on Leone from Akame ga Kill. I wa so pissed when she died they did her wrong. Now she get another chance in this life.

Joe: Leone 17

She Appears and like the others sprouts wings and a tail. Than I go over and kiss her she open her eyes and almost jumps me.

Leone: Master how about we leave these three and go somewhere more quiet.

She is about to flirt more when Beatrice apears and grabs her by the skull and flings her to the floor. Her cheeks were red was she jelous nah.

Beatrice: I hate pervs

Than she turns back into Angela confuse what is going on. The other two are now scared of Beatrice. Oh well will solve that later now I choose my final piece for now my knight. I choose the best girl from Highschool of the Dead Saeko Busujima. Who ever says it is Rei can go screw themselves I will forever be team Saeko she cool, beautiful and a badass swordsman.

Joe: Saeko Busujima 18

A girl appears with dark purple hair in a ponytail and blue eyes snow white skin. she sprouts wings and a devil tail. I kiss her and she open her eyes.

Saeko: It a pleasure to meet you master

Joe: You as well Saeko

After that I tell the situations. Rin already comes up with a plan. In two weeks somehow Rin and Leone have a ton of cash how they got it I will never know. Rin is genus in Magic and masterd this world magic in 3 days. Than she taught me how to make a teleportain circle and we teleport to the human world. Guess where we end up Kuroh Town. The place where Highschool DxD takes place. I decide to stay here because I can see the show live action. Rin gives money to Zest and she buys us a mansion because she is the only adult here. Just like that 3 weeks pass and Leone, Rin, Saeko, Angela and Myself enroll in Kuoh Acadamy tommarow as transfer students

Flash back end

I decide to go on a midnight stroll. tommarrow is a big day. It is my first day. Now should I enter the story or just watch from a distance. I don’t enter I will know what happen but if i do. I will never know what comming next. Maybe I will contact them when I get little stonger. Right now I am better at swordmanship than magic. Well I had a foundation in kendo. My father was a champion in highschool and he taught me everthing I know. I only let him because I wanted to pull off sword moves I saw in anime. I know stupid reason, but I did get a couple of medals out of it. I wonder what mom and dad are doing now. What about my little sister kaya and my older brother Len I wonder how are they all doing. as I looking around I find myslf lost.

Joe: Danm it I am lost

I will not worry about It Zest will come get me eventually. I hate to say this but it happened before. I am sort of directionally challenged. My skills with a map is about as good as Zoro. I suddenley turn the corner and I see a girl with raven hair and boy with brow hair. they look familar.

Girl: Please die for me

Boy: What?

He is stabbed by BY LEDGENDARY DEADLEY SPEAR OF LIGHT ! Oh know I know why this seems so familar. This is the spot the protaganist Issei Hyuoudou dies by the hand of Raynare and begins his new life.

Joe: OH SHIT !

Raynare suddenley looks up and spots me and she blinks and I blink and than I do the most stupid thing I ever done in my life.

Joe: Uh Hi

Raynare: DIE !

She suddenley shoots me with deadly spear of light that will kill me if it hits me so I activate my right hand.


The spear insanstly disapears and she is shocked about what has happened than she stares me down.

Raynare: Who the hell are you

I put on a mask and cover my white hair I make it because I know Rias and her peerage will be here soon. The mask is like a mask that the Anbu from Naruto would wear.

Joe: You thought you could kill me with your spear of light but you can't because it is I DIO !

This is the night the house of DIO will make it name known to the world. All this because Joe wanted to act cool.

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