《Ethos - a KTS novel》Chpt 10 - Succubi


Earth Time (IRT): Day 3

Ethos: Day 6

It is the morning of day six when I send a message to Harb. That bitch could have written me first... it is her job to run the marketing for the company. I send a simple message...

One day left, the company have any advice for the press conference? - Asura

I sign the message with my new name. Angela is gone, they need to meet the new me.

The response is fast and simple:

Tomorrow, at 8:00am Ethos time, open this attachment and invoke the spell. This connects directly with the news outlet. Please dress appropriately and show your enthusiasm for Ethos- Ms. Harb

We are sitting, eating our breakfast when I grunt after reading the response.

Ishtar asks, “Is something the matter?”

Sighing I answer, “Yes, I need to meditate and talk to Varuna. Then tomorrow morning I must contact my former world and report to the media about my stay here. The players and the others like me, those that will leave their bodies behind, want to hear how my experience is. They want to hear of the wondrous things here in Ethos.”

The men look shocked, “You have contact with your former world?” Asks Effrion.

Ishtar goes for a bellow, “You waited until this moment to share this information?”

“Yes I waited, I didn’t want to do this. For the next six-months I must occasionally talk with the other world as they prepare to visit here.” I knew this must sound crazy to them. The players’ arrival is the start of their world changing and the reason I am here.

I watch as Ishtar grabs his amulet and I see the faraway look in his eyes.

Effrion looks concerned but Callisto has a smile, “Causing problems so soon?” He asks.

“I guess and I also guess Ishtar is calling Argus... Correct?” I ask.

Callisto and Effrion nod their heads. “It sure looks like it.”

I stand, “I want to reach Varuna prior to Argus’s arrival. I need to skip the morning training to contact through meditation.” Without waiting for approval, I walk out of the solarium and to Ishtar’s study and the hidden stairs.

I hear Boonsri rushing behind me, “Mistress, let me attend you.”

I nod my head as I continue downward. The beauty of the giant space takes my breath away. It is better today because I am alone except Boonsri. The fall of the water echoing throughout the cavern, the phosphorous minerals and the smells mixed with sulfur are intoxicating. I never associated sulfur with pleasant smells but, somehow, in this place it blends well.

I have stripped to my skin and smiling at Boonsri ask, “Got a bottle or two of wine around here?”

She scurries off and soon returns with two open wine bottles.

“Thank you, I may be awhile.” And then I walk into this place of power.

I search for a new place. I want darkness and as much quiet as I can find. I drink my wine wandering further than I have prior to this morning. I find an area that is fairly dark, far from the nearest falls and has a secluded pool that steams with the heat of the water. Stepping into the water gains an immediate gasp.

It is too hot. Sweat streams down my body as I prop my back against a boulder and slide down to sit on the warm stone floor next to the water. I sip on a bottle as I close my eyes. I realize that one bottle is empty. Oh well, glad I brought a second one. Setting the wine aside, I concentrate on Varuna. My head slowly spins with the wine and heat.


Sinking within myself, I forget about everything around me. I forget the heat, sweat, steam and sulfur smell. I forget I have a body as my mind drifts with one thought... Varuna. I am unaware of the time that has passed when I finally feel a response to my call.

I find myself inside the white room again. The one that held my fate, where my character was born and I became a champion. Varuna stands there waiting for me to speak.

“Hey Varuna, needed to seek your guidance on the news conference tomorrow. I worry about talking of the Elder Races and the prophecy. This isn’t something I share with the company or the world... correct?” I ask.

“Yes, you are correct.” Varuna answered

I continue my questioning, “Ok, how do I explain my skin color and looks? Did you think about that?” I know I am taking my frustration and fear out on Varuna, but I am scared. I never wanted this position, nor did I want the news interviews. All I ever wanted was a new life, in a new body, in a new world... is that too much to ask for?

As if Varuna can read my mind, I see him quirk an eyebrow at me, and tilting his head he waits for an answer to my own questions.

“Ok... I shouldn’t expect to receive the world without accepting responsibilities for my choices.”

Varuna nods his head, “And that is one of the reason I choose you. You understand that there are repercussions to your actions and with those actions comes responsibility.”

I huff a sigh out... Blah, blah, blah... I am still nervous and worried.

Varuna smiles, “Do what you think is right. You understand that you cann’t give away too many details. Use your desire for anonymity to keep certain questions and answers at bay.”

“I was hoping for a little more help Varuna.” I complained.

He answered, “You do very well flying by the seat of your pants... why stop now? Own it. Own yourself and your world.”

Then he got a big smile, “I have held back the full power of the succubi to allow you the space to understand the abilities, power and strength you wield. Now, you need to work on your full potential.”

“What do you mean that you have held those powers back? I used some with my mentors already.” I tell him.

Varuna explains, “You used basic aura in your combat form. There were very little succubi powers in that mix. The men do not fully understand the allure of a succubus as she wields her influence and power.”

“You have to be kidding me!” I screech, “You mean that I haven’t had control?”

Varuna gave me a condescending look, “They warned you that as a succubus comes into her powers, they drive her to use them.”

I knew he is right. In the back of my head I have wondered why I haven’t felt an overwhelming desire to use those powers. I felt a small need to flex those powers but held back after my first attempt. Now I understand why. Varuna...

“I guess I should thank you for letting me have some time to adjust to Ethos prior to experiencing that side of myself.” I mutter. I am thankful but not happy about the situation.


“You needed time to adjust your Christian background, your personality and the realities of the world together. You aren’t there totally. I went easy on you becuse of the expectations I have placed on you. You need to work through this and understand how it is part of you.” Varuna finished explaining.

Varuna continues, “Being a succubus is more than sex. You embody sexual power and strength. You are a rarity that many will give all that they have to be with you. That is power. Just the thought of being with you will open doors and gain you favors. Use it as you will, but use it you must, to understand and control the power. Remember that sex is enjoyed among the elder races. You aren’t shamed for enjoying the pleasure of another. You aren’t held to the same conventions as Earth.”

After his long speech, Varuna faded from view and my consciousness returned to my sweating body. Standing, I grab the last bottle of wine and head to the large falls. I need to cool off.

Standing beneath the falling water, swigging wine I understand what Varuna meant when he explained he had held power back. I felt it coursing through me. Holding back those powers had insulated my powers and feelings. Holding a hand out I called essence to me and made a dancing essence flame. It came much easier now.

I know I am stronger, faster, more than I was and with this surge of power came a desire to conquer another. To dominate them.

Wow... Holy crap, how do I go about using this power?

Swigging the last of the wine, I head behind the falls and sit upon my ledge to think. I thought about calling to the men, but decide on one. Just one to test. I didn’t want the fun loving Callisto and I wasn’t ready to challenge Ishtar. That left the ever steady Effrion to challenge. I didn’t think of this in any other way. I wanted to make him submit.

Changing form, I move to the small sandy beach along the back wall. I close my eyes and feel for Effrion. I find him and three others. Argus must have arrived. Focussing on Effrion, I throw a challenge at him. I pull at his aura and demand his presence. I recieve a white hot response and a surge in power from him.

I know he is in his combat form and flowing down the stairs and into the cavern. I hear a roar reverberate throughout the cavern and remember I am challenging a demon lord.

I start to rethink my decision to challenge a demon lord when my powers surge through my body harder. Throwing caution to the wind, I summon him to me through our aruas. The response is white hot anger.

He stops moving towards me in denial of my summons. I up the ante and add a seductive element to my call. I let him know all he has to do is submit and I am his. I feel the color of his aura subside as he calmly walks to me.

I can see the outline of him through the water and shudder in a bit of fear. The lean muscled mentor stands a foot taller with enormous wings and long curving horns spouting from his forehead. His ears have elongated and his lean form holds more muscle.

Stepping through the water Effrion growls, “You think you can summon a demon lord, girl?”

Girl? Who is he calling girl? Gloves are coming off buddy!

Narrowing my eyes and leaning forward I whisper, “Come to me.” I pour more longing and need into the summons.

Gritting his teeth, Effrion states, “Not happening.”

Now I let my gaze roam over his body and let the heat I feel show on my face and in my eyes. I lick my lips and send my desire at him.

He takes a step forward and then two before stopping. I can feel the fight within him now.

I try adding pictures with the feelings. I am a dream walker... right? Can I send images?

And... that did it. I won!

I am now in his arms and we are kissing. Not light kissing either. No, this is tongue down the other throat. He pulls back and growls, “Stop the summons.”

I do as he asks. I respect him and now I know I can make him submit; I don’t want to push it further.

With a wicked grin Effrion whispers in my ear, “Now it is my turn to make you submit.”

The power of his body drives me wild and Effrion spends hours ensuring I understand his dominance. On the sand, in the water, under the falls and on my ledge.

As we lay panting on the sandy little beach I ask, “So, how did this portion of my training go?”

Effrion throws back his head and roars with laughter. “I think all three of us will enjoy this portion of your training.” And changing back, Effrion stands, holds out his hand and says, “Change back and let's head back to the others. Ishtar will be pissed that we took so long. Then we have to put up with Callisto’s quips and jokes... probably questions as well. And don’t forget that the Demon Land’s Arch Mage is waiting for you.”

Changing and letting Effrion help me to my feet I reply, “I am blaming Varuna for this.”

Grabbing the back of his head, I go in for one more kiss prior to getting serious, “I can’t wait to try this again.” Smiling, I head towards the stairs where I know Boonsri awaits.

She has a lovely fabric laid out and wraps it around me into a beautiful dress with one shoulder and arm exposed. Twisting my hair atop my head, she places long pins into the wet mess, making it look perfect.

A male servant has silken clothes for Effrion and he soon looks the noble the man is. Holding an arm out, he escorts me up the stairs. Up the stairs to face Ishtar and Argus. I am not worried about Callisto. Effrion is right, Callisto will think this is a great lark and ask when it is his turn. It is Ishtar that worries me.

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