《Ethos - a KTS novel》Chpt 9 - Magic


Earth Time (IRT): Day 1.5

Ethos: Day 3

I wake early, jumping out of bed and looking for clothing and armor. Boonsri appears like magic and pulls out the silken outfit that goes under my armor. The simple red outfit comprises pants that hug my legs from the knees down and leave plenty of space around my thighs. The long-sleeved shirt hugs my body and it leaves space around the shoulders and upper arms for movement. Boonsri laces the leather breast and back piece up the sides. The leather fits like a glove. She then winds a silken sash around my waist. With the tight fit of the clothes and the sash making my waist look tiny I look ridiculously hot.

Seating me in a chair, Boonsri kneels to help fit the supple leather footwear. They have hardened soles, while the rest is a soft leather laced up the back and covers my shins to the bottom of my knees. Black hardened leather greaves fit over the boots. Last piece of armor are the bracers.

Then Boonsri surprises me with the daggers I trained with yesterday. I didn’t expect to arm up immediately, but it makes sense. These daggers are my protection from those that may come close to me. Smiling at her, I head downstairs for food.

It is nice walking into the solarium prior to the men. I sat at a table, munching on breakfast while looking out and into the ever present water garden. I don’t think I can ever tire of the scenery. This world of Ethos is amazing. As I finished my food, the three mentors came in and look surprised that I am there prior to them and that I have finished breakfast.

As they gather their food to join me, I stand and give a little wave, “Catch you in a bit, I am heading to the training salle early. I have some ideas I want to try out prior to the calisthenics with the other guards.”

In the salle, I ask Una to join me. “Una, let me know if you think I am on the right path or not.” I recieve a coo and happy feelings from him.

Pulling essence to me, I work on wrapping it around my arms as shielding. Using a two-dagger play style I want to add extra physical protection. Heck, it might add magical protection. Need to check that out. I try slamming my arm down on a bench and the essence barrier holds. I can feel the strain against my energy levels and know that I can’t hold this long in a fight. Dropping the shielding, I concentrate on my legs.

I expect the next application of magic to drain my reserves faster. Walking around the salle, I apply a downward force from my feet as Una circles above me. He sends happy feeling towards me as I add small amounts of magical force at a time. It works to give my steps a bounce. I jog towards a wall and placing a foot towards it; I push off. As I push with my foot, I will the essence to give me a boost and bound off the wall successfully. I land 10-feet away from the wall. Una calls out in appreciation.

I feel great about the experiments, but need to stop because my magic energy levels were next to none. I ask Una to sink back into the skin along my back as I drink water and rest while awaiting the others to start calisthenics. It wasn’t long before the guards arrival and I join in the stretching and the warmup run around the estate grounds. I didn’t use any magic, hoping that my energy levels would rise enough for my training with Effrion and Callisto.


I work with Effrion on my fighting style against most of the common weapons... again; swords, axes, mauls and staves. I have improved and feel good. I know it will take much training to become a master in dual blades, but I love the challenge.

Then Callisto steps in, “We didn’t get to the down and dirty fighting yesterday. We will start now.”

Callisto has his two daggers out and faces off against me. I am not sure which he uses more of; blades, shoulders or feet. He shoved, tripped and left small cuts everywhere. I am disarmed repeatedly all while Effrion is calling out my infractions from the wooden benches. Chuckling every time I land in the dirt. ‘Don’t do this, move my feet fast, I am not balancing properly, etc...’

While Effrion watches in amusement, Callisto walks me through the motions slowly. Showing me where I made mistakes. A major application of speed turns into ways of jumping back and out of the way. He shows me how to read body language to gauge my opponent's next move and then how to feint and draw your opponent in.

Falling to ground again from another leg sweep... I didn’t jump back fast enough; I lay there groaning and bleeding from the plethora of cuts.

Effrion calls a break, “Get some water and rest. You have a good start and we will continue to drill you on these moves until they are second nature to you.”

A grinning Callisto holds out a hand and helps me to my feet, “You have promise. It will not take you long to become proficient with the daggers.”

As we rest and drink water, the men continue discussing fighting techniques between the two of them. I ask, “Will the two of you spar? I would like to see the dual dagger technique in action.”

They nod and square off against the other. I can’t tell who made the first move, but in one instance to the next their blades became blurs. Effrion’s weapon of choice is the long sword and his speed is incredible. But, Callisto’s speed is better, and he lands several small hits. Rarely, but enough to show his mastery of the dual blade technique.

As they spar, I watch a small cut on my forearm. I want to know if my regeneration looks faster today after leveling last night. I can tell a difference in my speed and agility, but the regeneration doesn’t look faster. No big deal, it's not like I can gauge how each skill and ability are growing. Plus, I wasn’t concentrating on healing or regeneration yesterday. That may equate to the amount of points going towards the different areas of my build.

Thinking about healing, I try to move essence through my body.

Can this help heal me?

Bad move, as soon as I start my insides feel on fire. I fall off the bench with a moan of pain and land in the dirt once more.

Effrion and Callisto are at my side, “What is wrong? Are you ok?”

Shaking my head from side to side, “No, made a mistake and I think I burned my insides a bit with essence.” I know I look pitiful with tears streaming down my face. Callisto yells for the healing mage to come over and I feel a wash of relief as the first wave of healing hits me.


The mage is shaking his head at me, “I don’t know what you did to yourself, but don’t do that again. I can’t begin to understand how there are burns inside of your body.”

I do not answer him. We aren’t announcing my ability to use essence. That is a secret we hope to hide for a while. Sitting up and looking to the two mentors I state, “I guess swirling essence inside my body is a bad idea.” They grunt and each take a hand and pull me to my feet.

Callisto said, “Rest a while longer while we await food and then you shall start the agility training.” He points his finger upwards as I sit on the bench.

After a quick meal of sandwiches I am ready to face my fear of falling from heights. At least that is what I am trying to convince myself. I hadn’t used my magic in weapons training to conserve it for this portion of training today. Feeling inward, my reserves felt full.

Today I will do better than yesterday, today I will not be afraid... I hope.

Changing to my combat form, I fly up to the first platform and promptly change back into my human form. Looking over the course, I can’t see any changes from the day prior. I wonder if they didn’t make changes because of that dismal performance. Looking at the distance to the next platform, I judge it still too far for a straight attempt, even with magic. I look at the rafters and decide to jump towards the middle of them. This gave me a shorter distance and ensures I have the other rafters to grab.

Pulling the essence around my lower legs and feet, I push with the magic and leap. And... I push too hard. Crap. I went too high and my stomach hits the upper row of wood instead of my hands. I hit where the rafters made a V and I lay there, folded in half and trying to catch my breath.

I hear my mentors below clapping and laughing at me.

This sucks...

As I catch my breath, I feel a stabbing pain from my ribs. I guess I broke or cracked one of more of the suckers. Not the first time I have felt this pain. Clenching my teeth, I work my way into a seated position in the V of the rafters. Stradling it, I survey the distance to the platform. I am uncomfortable jumping from the higher position, so I lower myself to the rafter below while holding onto that V area. Now, I am standing where I originally jumped from. My ribs hurt with every breath and I concentrate on my regeneration ability, hoping this will help the healing process.

This time I jump and push with the magic just enough to give my leap a boost. Landing perfectly, I jump up and down in joy only to fold over in pain. Crap, the ribs will torment me the whole course. Ever reminding me of my mistake of pushing too hard.

Next are the ropes and I use the same amount of magical boost to grab to the third rope out. I had a good grip and reached for the fourth rope, trying to keep my momentum going. I don’t keep all the momentum. This puts me swinging back and forth to reach the next stop of this suicidal training course. I land with ribs shooting pain through my side. I grimace but, I cannot contain a small smile. I am soooo much better than yesterday.

The monkey bars give me an idea. I use a bit of the magic to boost my body up so I land with my feet on top of the bars. Now I can dash across. I do not look down, just concentrate on the job in front of me. Just because I am doing better doesn’t mean I am over the fear of falling. I realize my energy levels are dropping slowly, but I think I have enough to last the course. I will conserve as much as I can.

I finish in a third of the time it took me yesterday. Changing form, I glide to the ground and find the healer waiting. I let out a sigh as the healing warmth flows over me again. Taking a deep breath, I feel no pain.

Effrion and Callisto sit me down and question my decisions, how I used the magic and they have many suggestions on improving my strategy. Then Callisto demonstrates his abilities on the course. All I can do is sigh, his performance is flawless.

First, he doesn’t use the rafters. Instead, Callisto jumps an incredible height, grabs a smallish cable, forces his body into a quick swing and lands on the second platform. At the monkey bars he leaps to the middle bar, arcs his body and soars to the third platform. He swings on the chains but skips every other one. At one point, he finds a tiny ledge and with his fingertips hurries over to the last platform. As he lands next to us, he isn’t breathing hard.

Callisto says, “Now go try again. You will go through the course several more times to gain confidence in your abilities.”

I do as he says. I do not reach his mastery but I end with better control of my magic. I also learn to judge my body strength and capabilities. I end when I am able to keep my momentum in the swings and start to skip several of the ropes and chains. I am soaked with sweat and shaking in exhaustion, but I feel better at managing the course with the distance to the ground. That doesn’t mean I am over my fear... just feel better.

I realize that I will learn spidey moves. I haven’t tried holding onto a shear wall yet, but the jumps aren’t bad. Of course, I am not sure I can sling essence like he uses spider webs... hell I don’t care. It is a start. But, I really want a fail-safe in case I fall when I am not supposed to change into my combat form.

We finish the day with meditation and I practice more magic in the caverns. This is the schedule we keep to for the next several days. Train, bleed, break or crack some bones, meditate, sleep and start all over again. Before I know it, I am coming up to a week in RoE.

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