《Ethos - a KTS novel》Chpt 5 - Back-up Copy


Earth Time (IRT): Day 1

Ethos: Day 2

Argus strode into Ishtar’s study in silk clothing like my trainers. Makes sense, this place is humid and the material feels good on the skin. Silk seems a good choice. I didn’t study Argus’s features the prior day. His are stern with wrinkle lines around the eyes and graying hair. He, like the other men, wore it to the shoulders. He must be Elder Blood with the tinted skin, shape of the eyes and cheekbones. The Elder blood gave us enhanced Asian features. The men did not look soft nor effeminate. Everyone radiated power. I guess I have that aurora around myself.

Argus came to the table and grabbed a seat. “I understand there are questions about magic?”

“Yes,” I said, “I need information on Essence. I feel power within myself, but haven’t touched it. I need direction.”

Argus smiled, “You are very direct, I like that. Yes... magic. I cannot provide instruction. If Ishtar hasn’t told you, we specifically may not help the champions in magic. It states you will forge your own path, that you will accomplish things we never witnessed.”

Fuck! What is Varuna doing? If I have the mightiest potential, why hinder my training? I have another concern racing through my head. Closing my eyes I went to contacts and sent a message to Varuna.

“Hi, this is your champion here... got a sec? Just learned no training in magic. Want to explain?” Looking at the send button, it whooshed away.

“How familiar are you with Varuna? You know... the God?” I asked.

Argus answered, “He rules Ethos and Logos with two other Gods. He has no part in Pathos. We consider him good compared to the other two; “Why?”

“I sent him a message and asked for a visit.” I smirked.

“You can talk to a God?” Argus asks shocked.

“Maybe, haven’t tried it yet. We will see if he appears. While we wait lets talk about respawn in this realm.” I stated.

Argus eyes stayed wide, “Respawn? That is stuff of legends and foretold as the end to the Elder races.”

Nodding my head, “Got it; I understand that I will respawn if I die. I know absolutely that the players can and they will never die in this realm. I want to know about my respawn point and leveling.” Looking them all in the eye, “How do you grow in power? You know... Level-up?”

Before I receive an answer, Varuna appears sitting at Ishtar’s massive desk. The men stand and bow.

I raise a hand saying, “Hi!”

The looks from the men aren’t happy at my flippant manner with the God.

Chuckling, Varuna tells the men to sit. “Asura, I gave you my contact information thinking you would not possibly use it so soon. What dire emergency calls me to your side?” He asks.

“Well... let me think. No training on magic? No idea about respawn and I want to learn about leveling.” Was my reply.

“Ever the direct woman.” Varuna hummed. “You have 12-months in Ethos to form this environment to your will and the company locks the rules in place. You have the rare opportunity to do as you please. It is your imagination that limits you. I advise you get very imaginative. Kingdoms will go to war for this ability. I suggest that little fact never leaves this group. In fact, Asura’s powers are limitless for one year. What she imagines guides the future of magic. She can unlock abilities that others will never find. But, to achieve this you must work on your magic alone. I suggest you work hard on this.” Varuna looks stern at this statement.


Still plowing forward, I said, “Ok ‘Mr. I made This World’ where is my respawn point? It will help to know where I am waking up after death.”

Varuna answered, “You are pushy... I don’t get that often. You will respawn here in Lord Ishtar’s place of power.”

Ishtar nodded his head at me... Like he has a choice? A God just stated where I will wake up.

“Varuna my biggest concern is not something my trainers can answer.”

He interrupted me, “Mentors... you need to think of them as more than trainers.” He looked at all of us as he makes this statement. “You will form bonds that cannot be severed. Face the realization now. Fighting this only slows progress.”

“Worrying about that one till later.” I answered and continued, “I am now of this realm, I don’t have a body to run back to. What happens if a hacker gets into the corporation headquarters and goes after my code? Do I have a backup? Can I manage my backup? This issue is a problem that the people of Ethos can never help with.” I pointed that little tidbit to his attention and then added, “I will complete your tasks. I did this knowing I have respawns and many lives.” Taking a deep breath I ask, “Can I have my own backup system?”

Varuna doesn’t answer immediately. Sitting in Ishtar’s chair rocking back and forth, “I have a choice for you. What you are asking for is another boon. To gain this boon, you must face pain and you can’t contact me through the message system ever again. Find other options to reach me. If you agree, I will give this boon.”

Walking around the desk he motioned for the group to stand. “I am giving one more boon. It is passive, but as you meditate to grow your power, relax and listen to your inner-self. If you do, you will hear my voice.”

“Thank you Varuna, this is too important. If I protect myself here, I must do the same on Earth.” Guessing I will learn about the meditation later, I agreed to the boons. I want to live.

Varuna opens doors to a large water garden outside of Ishtar’s study. “Gather here.” He pointed to a pebbled area and instructed, “Asura kneel; Effrion and Callisto hold her arms.” My mentors look unhappy with the coming actions. “Lastly, Argus and Ishtar provide whatever healing you have available.”

I listen as he walks up behind and touches the back on my neck. I feel the pressure of his power, his aura, while the pebbles dig into my knees.

As the back of my gown slit open under his hand, Varuna intones, “Understand that nothing is free and my gift is born from fire and from fire it comes.”

The pain is unimaginable. I have had burns prior to this, but drugs are good to fight the pain. This I must persevere. That doesn’t stop me from screaming. With flames licking the skin of my back, Argus and Ishtar murmured spells, and I felt occasionally relief. Callisto and Effrion cussed as they try to keep me motionless. They failed.

My skin splits and a scream raises to the sky that isn’t mine. With the scream came relief. The fire dissipates and the healing from the two mages help sooth the pain as it works to heal my muscle and skin.


Varuna walks to the front of me, lifts my chin, looks into my tear-stained face and says, “Take care of the gift and listen for me in the depths of your mind. I am there if you need me.” Varuna turns and disappears.

The bird lands in front of me in the place of Varuna. The men try to help me stand but I stay on my knees to look at the bird. At 2-feet tall, the bird is beautiful. Its red and gold feathers shimmer, keen eyes meet mine and the bird coos; running its face against mine. They release my arms and I reach forward, rubbing the back and side of its head. The bird coos louder and close its eyes. I notice a small tuft of feathers coming out of its head. If there is a cross between an eagle and a peacock, this is it. The eyes open and push at my hand looking up and then back to me. Pushing myself upward the bird jumps into the air, flapping a few times and lands on my left shoulder.

I still felt the burning of my back. I know they healed it, but that sort of pain doesn’t go away quickly. The breeze brushes the bare skin of my back. The looks on my mentors are comical.

“Why are you standing there looking shocked?” I ask; like this is an everyday occurrence.

Argus spoke, “Only the Queen has a firebird. You are blessed indeed. This legendary bird is intelligent and has its own magic. There is no telling the bird’s capability.” Looking at me quizzically he asks, “Is this the... ‘backup’ you spoke of?”

That reminds me why I went through the pain I still phantom-felt. “I imagine. Not sure how this works...” Before I can finish my sentence, the bird launches into the air and behind me. I try following the thing but it's faster than I can follow. I feel my back warm and then power flows over it. I try looking at my back but my head cannot swivel enough.

Showing my bare back to the men I ask, “What’s happened to my back and where is the bird?” I have suspicions but need to hear if I am correct.

It’s Callisto, never failing to find humor in a situation, “Shit yeah, you have a tat on your back. Realistic. I need to meet your tattoo artist... big fan of the work.”

I hear a slap behind and whirl around, finding Callisto rubbing his shoulder. Ishtar chides him, “Asura’s back burned, while a firebird birthed itself. I think you can control your comments.”

Belying his flippant attitude, Callisto came to my side and asked, “Are you ok?”

“I am working to lose the memory of my back burning and trying to absorb everything Varuna told us.” Looking at Callisto I ask, “Really... looks good?” I smile a shit-eating grin.

Effrion muttered, “Fuck, we may be in trouble if she has the same humor as our thief.”

Swiveling his head, Callisto disagreed with the statement. “I am not a thief. I am a rogue. Rogues have a long history and specialized spot in our wondrous economy and politics. Where would you be without this rogue?”

“Besides dead? I am not sure...” Is Effrion’s only reply.

Ishtar nodded at me, “As lovely as you back looks, I suggest you put leathers on and meet in the solarium for an early lunch. We are starting your weapons training and you need food after the morning’s activities.”

Swallowing I said, “Sounds great,” and headed to my room.

Amazingly Boonsri is waiting for me. Too cool. Not that I need a servant but having help is a nicety I never had.

Looking at my leathers, Boonsri comments, “I never understand how you wear these in this weather. The humidity must drain the energy out of you.”

“I will find out soon. Today is my first full day here.” I answered.

“You truly are the champion foretold?” Boonsri asks.

“That is what I am told.”

Boonsri is correct, the humidity is a killer. I appreciate the armor fits over my silk clothing. Boonsri had pants, small shirt, over-tunic and a sash laid our on the bed. I hear her gasp as she looks at my back.

“Lady, you did not have that early today.”

I glance at her, “Nope, kind of a surprise. It’s why the dress is in tatters. Now help me with this clothing and pieces of leather.” Wow, I am already giving orders... should I worry about this? Naw, new life, new ways.

When she finishes, I look at my reflection. Holy crap! I love this new life. My clothing is a dark blood-red silk with gold accents. The leather is black and fits perfect.

I wear a cuirass around my torso, vambraces cover my forearm and the top of my hand and leather greaves wrap around my soft shoes and around my shins covering the front of my knees. The tunic fell to my knees and flowed around me as I twirled.

I am like... Assassin’s Creed meets ninja. And no stupid bare cleavage. Who wants to fight with skin exposed? I guess my play style is a mobile damage dealer? I know I am a mage but this armor implies that I will do more than stand back by the healer throwing magic.

Then I wonder how the firebird fits into this. Heck, what is the firebird’s name? Oh well, worry about that later. Off to get my ass kicked. Wait, lunch and then training. I can’t believe that I am hungry so soon after breakfast. Must be the healing effect on the body. I do not want to think of those burns on my other body. It’d be weeks, no... months, before I healed.

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