《Ethos - a KTS novel》Chapter 3 - Trainers


I arrived with a sound, a gong, and I felt it ring through my body and pulse outwards.

Appearing in a room at the top level of a tower, by the view I saw out of the window, I looked around to see where Varuna sent me. The tower is built of stone and brightly lit. In front of me sat a wood desk with a man looking surprised at my appearance. He looked in his 60s with graying hair at his temples. His face has the same chiseled looks as my face and he wore an elaborate robe.

Standing, he stared at me with his mouth slightly open. Shutting the mouth and cocking his head to the side, “I presume you are the champion the prophecies spoken of?”

“That’s what I am told,” extending my hand, “my name is Asura.” What else was I going to say? I am in a new world, in a game, and I need to start somewhere?

Taking my hand, “I am Argus.”

He didn’t drop my hand immediately, instead he held it and I felt something swirling around and through me. I went to remove my hand but he wouldn’t release it. The swirling dissipated. Argus shook his head and indicated I take a seat.

Sitting down, Argus started to speak, “The prophecies said that there would be a time of great change and that an elder of our blood would come, to learn our ways and grow in power. This champion will save our lands. In fact, each Elder race will have one champion of the new gods to save their race. You aren’t exactly what we expected in a champion”

What do I say to that? This wasn’t what I expected either. I went with the only thing I could think of. “What were you expecting?”

“A Demon Lord” was Argus's reply

Crap, he expected a man, “Well, you aren’t the only one surprised. I knew I was coming to Ethos, but I didn't suspect as a succubus and I didn’t exactly get a choice about becoming the leader of the Elder race’s champions,” I huffed crossing my arms across my chest.

Surprise etched Argus’s face, “I forgot that the prophecies also state you will appear with no knowledge, you would be a full-grown babe we need to teach.”

Smiling at him I said, “Well, surprise, you got a succubus.”

Argus shook his head looking perplexed. “We haven’t had a succubus in Ethos for a very long time. The last died over 1,000 years ago, in the Mage Wars. All others live in the Realm of Logos and we lost the ability to transfer back to our home realm during that war.”

He relaxed and smiled, “I can feel great power in you. Is it Essence?”

I nodded my head 'yes'.

“With your Elder blood as a succubus and a wielder of essence you are a great power for the Demons.” He nodded his head to himself. Placing a hand around the pendent around his neck, a surge of power flew out of it. Argus's eyes gained a faraway look.


“I have contacted you lead mentor. Duke Ishtar will lead your training and assisting him are two of his friends and retainers, the Marquis Callisto and Effrion.” Argus smirked as he stated their names.

Standing and grabbing a pendent off of his desk, “Put this on, I will show you how to use it to teleport to locations the pendent has access too.”

It looks like a ruby and placing it around my neck, I felt a “click” in my head as it came to rest on my chest.

Argus placed his hand at my elbow, “I am teleporting us this time and then you can learn how to use it.” And with that we disappeared.

We arrived in front of a beautiful building. Very Asian looking. Standing at the top of the steps stood three very large men, or should I say demons? The three walked down the steps towards us, throwing confused looks at Argus.

Argus didn’t wait for questions. “Training has changed. The battle lord expected is not what the prophecies delivered. We have our first succubus in over 1,000 years.” Argus was smiling and then teleported out. What the hell? This sucked, three large demons trying to decide what to do with me.

“I am Ishtar,” said the man leading the other two as he extended his hand. He is at least six feet tall with blue-black hair that fell to his shoulders. His eyes are ice-blue and I recognized the same chiseled features. Turning he pointed, “these are your other mentors, Effrion and Callisto. Effrion is the weapons master and Callisto will handle specialized training.”

Effrion has light brown hair, golden eyes, chiseled looks and closing in on 6 ½ feet tall. Callisto hair is muddy brown, with brown eyes and is the shortest at 5 feet 10 inches. He is my height and again has the defined chiseled looks.

Grabbing Ishtar’s hand, “I am Asura and I am told I am now your champion, a succubus, and a wielder of essence. Nice to meet you.” I smiled. Wonder how they will take not being a demon lord?

Callisto laughed, Effrion grinned and Ishtar looks thoughtful. “Please follow me inside, I believe we need to discuss your future and your training.” Ishtar said this as he gently took my elbow and led me up the steps and into his beautiful Asian-style estate.

Did I mention the heat yet? It's humid. The land I could see as we ascended the steps is tropical and water surrounded much of the estate. It's gorgeous.

As we entered Ishtar’s home the temperature cooled. The inside is open, cool and breezy. I love it. He led me down a few corridors until we reached a large screened door. Opening it I found myself inside of what I presume is Ishtar’s study.

He led us to a small table where we sat down. A servant came in and Ishtar asked for light refreshments to tide us over till dinner. The servant scurried out while another came in with beverages.


My, my… Servants and everything… this will be an interesting start to my new life.

A comfortable silence descended as they pour drinks. I choose a light fruity wine as I watched the others choose their drinks. Laid before us are cheeses, fruit, bread and such to munch on. As the last servant left the three demons looked at me. Appraising me. I became uncomfortable… I was the noob and didn’t know a damn thing.

“The prophecies state that our champion will arrive with no knowledge of the Realms nor the people within them, is that correct?” Ishtar questioned me.

I took turns looking them in their eyes as I stated, “Yes, I am here, chosen to help you and the Elder races. On top of that, I am supposed to lead the other champions. Varuna said he gave me the most power.”

The three men looked at each other happily and still slightly uncertain. Callisto spoke up, “Do you know anything of magic or the abilities of a succubus?”

I shook my head 'no'.

I mean, I have read books, and I learned about gaming, but the “rules” weren’t out yet for Ethos… so, I’m going with, “I don’t know jack”

“We will start with history and explain about the Elder races.”

Ishtar's explained, "The Elder races; Dwarves, Elves, Dragons and Demons are from the Realm of Logos. A millennia ago an incursion from Pathos, using Ethos as the staging ground, invaded Logos. Our army pushed back and into Ethos. The destruction grew and magic users held nothing back. Clashes between the various mages led to a massive havoc on both Armies. The Gods arrived, and they made a vast chasm separating the armies. Every mage on that plain died and our portal home to Logos failed. Our vast army could not leave Ethos."

Taking a sip of wine, Ishtar continued, "The blood of the elder races has thinned out. No longer are children born with Elder blood. The three of us are some of the last born with Elder blood. Those born now do not have combat forms and do not have the capability to reach the highest levels of power. Succubi and demon lords are no longer born. The same problem is happening with the other Elder races. The bloodlines are thinning out. The four champions arriving with Elder blood is amazing."

Ishtar continued. “I am overseeing your training. I will help you navigate politics and act as your primary advisor. Effrion is your weapons trainer with Callisto’s help. Also, Callisto will add to your training with mounted fighting lessons. He trains the best battle mounts in the demon realm.”

I nodded my head in understanding. My head is so full of information.

Standing, Ishtar led us to a large table to the large table dominating the center of his study. Ishtar began laying out maps and I spent several hours learning the geography of Ethos.

The elder races are located near each other, protecting each other and their borders. The Demons held the Southwest consisting of the largest river to the East and the Borleon Sea to the West. The Dragons held the mountains to the North. The mountains to the Northeast contained the Dwarves, and the Elves maintained the forest and lands in the Southeast. The Bay of Souls butted up to the Eleven lands on the East leading out to the Capcious Ocean. In the center of the four adjoining lands was an area unclaimed. It was a crater like area with mountains ringing the North, rivers running throughout the center and large marshes to the South.

Finally, on the other side of the world from the elder races was a Northern tundra area containing barbarians. The South contains vast open plains held by tribes of nomads. The area described sounded like the Savannahs in Africa. It is an arid environment leading to the Southern polar cap.

This side of Ethos held a massive continent, Samaria, containing the humans the Elder races fought during the Mage wars. They are sandwiched between the barbarians and nomads. A massive canal separated the Northern content of barbarians from Samaria and is aptly named the Samarian Gorge. This continental divide is the chasm formed at the end of the Mage Wars.

With evening's arrival, servants laid out a buffet style meal on a sideboard. Taking a break for food is a welcome relief. Following my trainers, I checked out the food. Meat pastries, vegetables, deserts, it all looked delicious. I took a bit of each.

Why not, right?

Callisto said, "Now that Ishtar is finished rambling on, tell about yourself. What were you and where do you come from?"

Sighing I said, "I left my world to gain the chance for a new body and a chance to carve out my own place in a new world. It seems I am a fit for Varuna's plans. I was in the Air Force, much like your armies, and I disarmed bombs. I don't know if you use bombs here but think of a hidden spell to make an explosion to catch a person unaware of the danger. I ensured people could pass through the area unharmed. One day, I missed one device and lost an eye, arm and leg. I felt coming here is better than living the way I was living. So, here I am. A Demon Succubus and a wielder of Essence. That's it in a nutshell."

"A nut shell?" Effrion asked?

"It means the story I stated is the short form of my story. In my world, nutshells are small. I believe the phrasing I used is an idiom. A group of words that don't express the individual words' meaning, but together they imply something else. People from Earth use them a lot."

Still looking confused, Effrion nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Ishtar stood and announced he would show me to my rooms.

I guess that is the end to my evening.

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