《Terror Infinity-A new terror》Ch:26-Attack on Titan Intermission-2


Ch:26-Attack on Titan Intermission-2

Jade was in a very good mood in the morning when we saw her in the terminal lobby, she was going over some papers with Reaper who looked like he was in a surprisingly good mood today when I asked him what was up he said he will tell me later.

Chris:”So why you so happy Jade?”

Jade:”Me and Reaper have fawned some things that will help us live, and reaper mite have fawned a way for us to go back home.”

A way home! I was ecstatic but they said that I would have to wait for the others.

It did not take long for the others to come out, even Shin tried to come but as soon as he saw all of us he ran back to his room.(I'll kill him for what he did.)

May:”So what did you figured out that got you two so excited?”

Jade:”Well first thanks to black and Platinum here we now know about the Master system.”

Ya that's right even after I turned back to normal my hair and eye's did not turn back, it was Sakura that notice the change first. I was worried about the look but she said she liked it so I excepted it. Anyway Jade took the time to tell them about me discovered the mastery system.

Jade:”Chris I want you to get the 3 skills you mastered and test them out and see how different they are from before you obtain the skill from God so we can see if it is better.”

She was right, though I could use the skills it did not feel right, like I was forcing it to work but doing so drained me fast I just hope that if I buy the skill it will work better.


Reaper:”First before anything what is everyone's points and rewords?”

Chris:” 16,900 points 1A, 1C and 1D.”

Sakura:”4800 points 1C and 2D.”

May:”8600 points and 1A.”

Reaper:”4300 points and 1B.”

Jade:”4000 points and 2C.”

Jess:”2000 points and 1D.”

May and Sakura was staring at me again, just like the first time we were here.

May/Sakura:”You did it again.”

Jade:”He did what again?”

May:”After there first mission this guy got over 14,000 points and 2B reword. It's rare for someone to get over 1000 points and in two missions he got over 10,000 in a row. I'm at a loss.”

The others all gave me a weird looks, especially Jade. She was looking at me with sparkling eye's. What are we in, a anime?

Chris:”Don't look at me like that, I just got lucky both times. And both almost killed me.”

They all combed down after I said that and Reaper asked about the things we got and when we got them. After Jade and Reaper herd everything Jade said something that put me at a loss.

Jade:”i think you have bin going about things wrong, first I think the first human creation was so you could make a bodyguard that's why it was free. If you think about it, it make sense. You only get 1000 points for most missions but how is that going to keep you alive? At most you would be able to increase one state by 100, and that will not make you strong enough to fight some of the monsters we will see. But what about this. Rose!”

Right away a women that looked like a clone of Jade came out of her room only she had black hair instead of red. She came to stand behind Jade and stayed there.


Jade:”This is Rose and as I was looking over some things with God last night I realized I would need a assistant to help me make medicine so at first to make it easy I started with myself, then I had God make her as strong as I could in all states. It took some time but it worked when I got her at around double on all stats, I also gave her all medical knowledge and skills. And so she could help me on missions combat skills and knowledge, as of now she is the perfect bodyguard and assistant a girl like me could ask for. But for some reason I could not give her any of the bloodlines God has so I think he uses us as a blue print.”

She had a point. If I did not get so lucky with the points I got on my first mission I don't think I would have lived the last one.

Jade:”I also tried to give her a point in Intelligence and guess what, it worked. So what makes more sense, giving yourself a little power you wont be able to use or get a strong bodyguard that would die for you? Tell me besides May did any one make a person?”



Reaper said nothing and we all turned to him when he saw us looking at him he called to his room. A women of 27 and two 8 year old kids came out.

Reaper:”this is my wife and kids. When I was on a mission for the army they were killed in a home invasion. I went into a depression and was about to kill myself when that message came on my computer and I hit yes with out thinking. I thought I was in hell, but then you guys said I was still alive. I was thinking of ending it then but then your friend told me some of the things you could do with points.”

We all agreed that we would have done the same as him if were in his place.

Jade:”So Jess you mite want to use this time to make some protection in till you are strong enough to take care of your self.”

Reaper:”It mite not be so easy.”

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