《Terror Infinity-A new terror》Ch:14-Attack on Titan-2-1


Ch:14-Attack on Titan-2-1

We were standing on the roof of the building we started in. The others were looking for a lone titan for us to test our weapons on but I was looking at our surroundings, as fare as I could see we were in a town of wood and stone surrounded by a wall so big you would not see the sun till noon. In the manga the all was supposed to protect them and give them a sens of safety and well being, but when I look at the wall I feel a fear go through my hole body. It feels cold and oppressive, like a evil god looking down on some ants trying to decide which to burn and which to step on. I did not know how long I was standing there but someone taped my shoulder, when I trend to see who it was I saw Jade looking at me with a worried look.

Jade:”Are you ok? You have bin staring at the wall for 5 min.”

Chris:”Ya, I'm good so find a good target?”

She gives me one last look then signals for me to fallow her I did not know at the time but the reason she gave me that look was when she came to get me she could see sweet coming down forehead. She lead me to were the others were, Reaper was on his stomach looking through the sniper scope and the others were around him looking in the same direction.

Reaper:”3 targets, 100 feet, Chris touch the back of my neck were they are most week. If my shoot can kill it we can watt for the other two and you guys can deal with them, but if my shoot dose not kill it we will need to hid and find one alone and find a way to kill it.”


I look to the others and they all nod, it was a good plane so I bend down and touch his neck. A second after I did he shoot the titan, I know it was a successes when he got a big smile. He got up and looked at us.

Reaper:”One down two to go.”

He was still smiling when we herd the other two titans coming our way I tell Sakura to take the last one to see if her zanpakutō is any good on them and I would take the first. It did not take to long for the titans to get to us, the first looked like a man in his late 50 with a long beard, the second looked like a 39 yer old man with a angry face you would see on a over worked manager. I take out my Lawgiver from my na ring and the newbies change, Jin to shook, Reaper to curiosity and Jade to a mix's of both and lust. I tried the gun in May's training room but this is the first time for real, I set it to grenade and aim at the right lag.


His lag was blown of with so much fores it punched his other lag back and made him fall on his face, with out missing the opening I fire again at the back of his neck and his head is sent flying into the house we are standing on.

Side Quest Reward 1 Titan 200 Point's Acquired!

The power was much more then I expected, as I watch the titan evaporate I look to how fare the lag and head were blown, but as I was looking at my work Sakura makes her move with May and the others watching. She slowly unsheathes her zanpakutō and slowly walks toward the last titan, when it got close enough it try's to grab her. With one swing the titan losses its fingers and whale it is confused she moves between its lags and removes it's left lag, as it fell she walked to it's back and when it landed she jumped onto it's back and in the blink off an eye cut it's week spot and it dies. Her fight took no more the 40 seconds. She climbed back up to the roof and joined the rest of us.


Reaper:”Now we know that our weapons will work and we can start to make a plan. So what do you think.”

We all sit and discus how to move for today, after I sagest we move in teams to kill as meany titans as we can because on day 3 we will need to kill Eren as well as any titan that is left and maybe some garrison soldiers as well so it would be a good time to make the last fight easier. In the end the teams were as fallowed.




We agreed to meat back up at the place we started at in 4 hours to eat and compare notes. With one last goodbye we separate. Unbeknownst to us were I was looking before was a man in garrison uniform was standing looking at us with binoculars.

???:”What are thoughts weapons they were using? I need to get my hands on them before the soldiers head in tomorrow. Lieutenant, take the 10 best men you have and can trust and bring me the women and any weapons they have, you can do what you want with the girls but do not kill them and bring them to me ASAP. Dismissed!”

???:[Just you watt I'll get my hands on them and then I will make your star Eren Yeager nothing more then a freak.]

And with that last thought the man on the wall started to laugh like a mad man.

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