《The Binding of the Dragoon》Book 2 chapter 3


Astrid jolts up, extending a hand forward, grabbing around till she finds something soft and fleshy as the feeling from her dream remains. She then starts to squeeze instinctively as her head starts to feel like it’s about to spin off her body.


“What?” Astrid thinks as her head continues to spins. She lets out a growl as her brain seems tries to make sense of everything. Suddenly her brain seems to regain proper control and she snaps out of her state of confusion, her vision clearing to see her hands wrapped around Brittany’s neck.

“No! I’m so sorry Brit!” Astrid says as she lets go of Brittany’s neck. Astrid’s eyes are wide as she looks at a half naked Brittany’s neck. Then, her eyes seem to bulge as she realizes how red and morphed Brittany’s neck was from the choking.

“Sorry Astrid, that is not one of my kinks.” Brittany says as she rubs her neck.

“What?” Astrid ask, going from a mixture of fear and regret to confusion.

“What?” Brittany replies. “Oh yes! You coming to the party this afternoon?”

“What party? And wait, why would you invite me to a party right after I choked you?”

“I know you didn’t mean to do it. That, and my brother swings at whoever tries to wake him, you just semi choked me once. Also, apparently, some big shot Lord is going to be arriving, so the mayor is turning the central area of Flemmington into a giant party!” Brittany says excitedly.

“I wasn’t told about this.” Astrid says with a frown.

“We didn’t know till the end of artifact class yesterday, and you weren’t in when I got home and passed out so I couldn’t tell you last night.” Brittany says as she stands up and throws a shirt on. She then turns back to Astrid. “And you better show up! We were promised a free ice cream stall!” Brittany then turns around end leaves the room.

“Ice cream? What kind of Lord is this? That stuff is so expensive!” Astrid says as she stands up.

“Isssss…. Iccce cccream good?” Viele asks, his head cocked slightly as he sits on the foot of the bed in his tree ent form.

“You’ve seen it before Viele, it looks like snow but its sweet.” Astrid says as she quickly gets dressed.

“Oh… I don’t like sssssweet.” Viele says as he starts to shamble around the room, waiting for Astrid.

“You didn’t even take a bite the one time we had it.” Astrid says with a sigh.

“I can ssssssmell… if good.”

“I believe you, I believe you.” Astrid says with a chuckle as she ties her shoes. “Okay, let’s get going before the teacher shows up in my room again.”

Astrid walks towards the area of the park that class is held in, she gets half way there when she feels two strong furry arms wrap around her.

“EEEK!” Astrid slips out of the arms and flip around seeing Shortclaw standing there with a giant grin on his face. “You scared the shit out of me!” Astrid yells before jumping back in his arms.

“Well, when you are just walking around with a blank face like that, it’s like you don’t notice anything going on around you.” Shortclaw says with a chuckle. “I was following you before you even got to the park, you need to be more careful.” Shortclaw then pats Astrid’s head as she starts to pout.


“Doesn’t give you the right to scare me, and why aren’t you in class?” Astrid pouts as they rub on each other affectionately.

“Easy, I told my teacher that I had to go help a family member.” Shortclaw says with a grin.

Astrid pulls back and narrows her eyes as she stares at Shortclaw.

“Hey, as my future wife you count as family.” Shortclaw nudges Astrid and lets out a laugh. “Let’s get to this class you are always talking about.”

“I don’t think you…”

“Don’t worry, we will be okay.” Shortclaw wraps an arm around Astrid and walks with her towards her class.

“O… okay…” Astrid says as she gets dragged to class by Shortclaw.

“Oh hey!” Clarice says cheerfully. She then claps her hands together. “Oh! I know you!” She nearly yells as she points at Shortclaw. “You are Astrid’s husband!”

“Fiancé!” Astrid says as she walks over and sits down at the park table Clarice uses for their class.

“Oh! Same thing.” She then looks from Astrid to Shortclaw. “So, let me guess. You heard from Astrid that she had the best teacher ever, so you had to skip class to come to see me!”

Shortclaw lets out a laugh. “Close! But yes, I will be in your class today.” He then bows respectfully. “Teach me well.”

“Oh! He’s so respectful! And wait…” Clarice suddenly brings her hands together and does short happy claps. “I can tell the other teachers my classes are so good my class numbers doubled in one day!”

Astrid leans over to Shortclaw. “Look what you did.”

Shortclaw leans over to whisper to Astrid as Clarice continues to jump around for joy. “I didn’t do this… oh crap speaking of things I didn’t do. Forgot to ask if you wanted to go to a party this afternoon.”

“Oh, now you ask.” Astrid looks away and fakes being injured as she puts on a pouting face.

“Is that a yes?” Shortclaw asks with a raised eyebrow.


“One more thing, do you remember that project that uncle is working on? The one where he needs some nature mana, before the party we need to go supply him some. He apparently needs it before the party.” Shortclaw whispers as he nudges at Astrid.

“I guess, we should have plenty of time after class.”

“Hey, are you two even listening to me?” Clarice asks, causing both Astrid and Shortclaw to snap back towards Clarice.

“Yes! Sorry teacher, had to ask my fiancé something about the class.” Shortclaw says as he runs a hand through the fur on his head.

“I guess I can forgive you! And wait, this is an alchemy class and then we are going to be working on some engraving today. We are pretty far, elves apparently really know their plants.” Clarice says with a chuckle.

“Oh, don’t worry, I am more here to watch so don’t worry about me.”

“Oh…” Clarice says, a hint of disappointment in her voice. “I guess we can deal with that then.”

*** After class, Blackclaw’s shop***

“Hey uncle, we are here!” Shortclaw yells as he opens the door to Blackclaw’s shop, Astrid and Viele in tow close behind.

“Did you bring my soon to be niece!?” Blackclaw yells from the back of the shop.


“Sorry! Sorry! It’s okay girl! I will be back in a moment!” Blackclaw says as he opens the door to the back of his shop, he then quickly closes it behind him. Seeing Astrid he gives a slight nod and smile. “Thank you for coming, and sorry about that, the baby moth thinks I’m its’ blasted mother!” Blackclaw says with a laugh.


“It’s no problem Blackclaw, and sorry that I haven’t been at the shop in a few weeks.” Astrid says with a frown after she realized it has been a while since she had came and helped around the shop.

“Oh, don’t worry about it lass, the runt told me you are taking some advanced classes, and were getting really good in alchemy.” Blackclaw says with a grin, nudging Astrid a little with his elbow as he says the word alchemy.

“I’m learning, the teacher said I am really good at it, but I am only meh.” Astrid shrugs.

“So, if I gave you the materials to make me a few batches of the high grade tanning liquid do you think you could make me some?” Blackclaw says with a giant grin on his face.

“I think there is a recipe or two I found in my books…” Astrid says as she thinks about it. “I may have to make a few trial batches before I make it properly, but I think I can.”

“Then all is forgiven young lass!” Blackclaw then turns to Shortclaw. “But before we forget! We need to get you to infuse a few things for me.” Blackclaw goes into the back and comes back with a full set of heavy leather armor mixed with some chainmail. “Could you infuse the mana cores in these various pieces with some nature mana, it just needs a little bit in each one and the cores will replicate it.”

Astrid starts taking the pieces one by one and infuses them with the mana. “So, I am guessing a well connected hunter needed some new armor? Because these pieces, they are not made out of the cheap stuff.”

“Well connected, yes. Hunter, no. The mayor requested this armor for some bigshot from another town and requested the armor be built specifically like this.” Blackclaw lifts the chest piece when Astrid finishes. “But, it’s a little small for a grown man, so my guess is that it belongs to a younger adult.” Blackclaw then starts packing all the armor into a leather and metal case after Astrid completes the mana transfusions. Blackclaw brings the case into the back and comes back with a small box. He then puts the box down in front of Astrid.

“What is this?” Both Shortclaw and Astrid ask as they eye the box.

“Oh, I just have a few metal bands that I need you to push some mana through.” Blackclaw says as he opens the box that had several different sized metal bands in it.

“Oh, okay.” Astrid then picks one up in her palm and starts to infuse mana into it. “It doesn’t have a core in them, how can it hold mana?”

“Don’t worry, but don’t do it in your palm, put it on or it won’t work properly.” Blackclaw says as he watches Astrid. “On your ring finger.”

Astrid raises an eyebrow in confusion and starts to get flustered.

“Making a special set of gauntlets child, just do it.” Blackclaw lets out a sigh and watches Astrid’s face turn red as she starts to follow the request and puts on every ring one by one.

When she is done, she puts the last ring in the box and pushes it to Blackclaw. “There, anything else you need?”

“Nope!” Blackclaw says happily as he pulls a ring out of the box. He then grabs the box with his other hand and walks towards the back of the store before turning around. “Oh, and come back tomorrow, I will have your money ready.” He then walks through the back door as he mutters. “Five, don’t forget five.”

“Sorry about that, uncles been kinda, busy lately.” Shortclaw says with a smile as he wraps an arm around Astrid.

“Don’t worry about it, babe.” Astrid says as she gets hugged by Shortclaw. “So, are you ready to go to that party?”

“Thought you would never ask.” Shortclaw says with a smile as they both walk out the door towards the center of town.

*** Later that afternoon, at the center of Flemmington. ***

“Welcome! Citizen of Flemmington!” The mayor says as he stands on a large wood podium, he uses a powerful voice magic to amplify his voice.

“Today we welcome a good friend to the town of Flemmington! He’s an old family friend, but most of you would know him by Lord Cardinal, lord over the city of Bremond! There is also his eldest son, Johnson Cardinal. They both came by to visit the great city and check on the teachers we graciously accepted here till Bremond can repair their university after that devastating fire.” Mayor Brown says before motioning to two men, one older man in a purple silk shirt and pants with short brown hair and a short brown mustache. Beside the man is a shorter man in his late teens early twenties, short hair like his father but cleanly shaven. When the women in the crowd see him there is a mutter.

“Wow, the son is so beautiful.” The various girls and women in the crowd mutter as they stare.

“Thank you Cliff, it is a great honor to be in your town of Flemmington.” Lord Cardinal says as he takes a step forward. “And I would like to thank the town of Flemmington for accepting the personnel from the University of Bremond and accepting them like they were family.” He then raises his arms wide. “Unfortunately, here at the end of the school year, the repairs should be done. So, we will have to be taking them all back home to Bremond. So please continue to treat them all well till that time and thank you.” Lord Cardinal then bows and then backs away.

“I guess with that, let the party begin!” Mayor Cliff says as his magically amplified voice bounces around the town.

The townspeople disperse around the area, going to the various food stalls and ushering children towards the games areas. Suddenly music starts to play as a band replaces the Mayor and Lord from Bremond on top of the stage.

“So that is the Lord of Bremond?” Astrid asks as she watches the mayor and Lord walk off the stage and start to talk to various people from the upper echelon of Flemmington.

“It looks like it, looks very lordly to me.” Shortclaw says as he looks around at the various stalls.

“So, what are you looking for?” Astrid asks teasingly, nudging Shortclaw as she does.

“Something white and sweet.” Shortclaw says with a smile. “I heard it was a certain elf’s favorite.”

“Awwww.” Astrid says with a smile. “That lucky girl.”

“There we go!” Shortclaw says as he points at a stall with a long line. “Let’s get in line before it grows any longer!” Shortclaw suddenly grabs Astrid and tosses her onto his shoulder.

“HEY!” Astrid playfully protests. Her eyes then narrow as Viele gets into an attack position, his hands shifting into blades. “No Viele! Joke! Joke!”

“Oh…” Viele says disappointedly as his hands revert from blades back to a normal tree-Ent hand.

“Not funny Viele!” Shortclaw says as he spanks Astrid playfully, causing her eyes to go wide and makes her turn her head around.

“Shortclaw!” Astrid then starts flicking Shortclaw’s ears as he carries her. “I… told… you… don’t do that… in public!”

“ACK! Sorry sorry, I couldn’t help it!” Shortclaw says as he puts down Astrid as they arrive in the line for the ice cream.

“You better be sorry.” Astrid says as she rubs her butt where she got spanked.

“Masssssster…. This isn’t the line… for meat…” Viele pouts as he sniffs around. “The good meat…. Is over there…” He says as he points at a shorter line a few stalls down.

“We are here for ice cream first.” Shortclaw says as he eyes the now drooling Viele.

“Here babe, that line is shorter. I can go over there with Viele and we can get food from there and we will just come back, okay?” Astrid says, giving Shortclaw a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, don’t worry, we will be right there.” Astrid says as she grabs onto Viele. “Okay Viele, let’s go get some of that meat you want so bad.”

“Yay!” Viele says as he waddles over to the other line excitedly.

Both Viele and Astrid wait in the line, thankfully the line quickly goes by.

“Hello!” Astrid says with a smile. “So, what do we have in this booth?”

The woman in the stall smiles as she pulls out several bowls of food. “We have a baked sand potato smothered with monster meat, a specialty of Bremond. The meat is special though, since it was hunted by our very own Johnson Cardinal, the eldest son of Lord Cardinal.” The woman says proudly.

“Oh, that is nothing special.” A man says as he walks towards the side of the stall. Astrid and the woman both look over towards the man.

“Oh! Johnson Cardinal! I did not know you were here! I thought you were still with Lord Cardinal!” The woman says, surprised.

“Miss Scarlett, don’t worry, I am just checking in on my favorite cook.” Johnson says with a smile. He then looks over towards Astrid. “And who is this beautiful creature? Oh, are you an elf? Amazing.” Johnson says as he moves closer to Astrid, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

The flustered Astrid takes a step back as a strong odor of perfume assaults her senses. “What are you doing?”

“Just kissing the hand of a beautiful lady.” Johnson says with a giant grin on his face. “I heard that there was an elf who lived in this town from my father, but I never guessed I would find her, and that she would be so…. Stunning.”

“I don’t care how stunning you find me, don’t EVER do that again!” Astrid growls as she wipes her hand against her robes. She then looks to the side to see how Viele is reacting. Instead he seems to be grabbing bowl after bowl of food from the woman who is now distracted by what is happening with Astrid. “Great, the time I need him he thinks with his stomach.” Astrid thinks as she turns back to Johnson.

“Don’t be like that.” Johnson says with a smile as he moves closer to Astrid, causing her to lean back.

As the smell returns, Astrid starts to feel light headed, almost causing her to stumble before she catches herself.

“Every woman has something she needs, and I just so happen to be a man who can provide anything you could ever want or need, and then some.” Johnson says with a smile as he watches Astrid stumble.

“Oh? You can provide me with anything that I could ever want huh?” Astrid asks as she straightens up and starts tilting her head to the side almost innocently.

“Yes.” Johnson says as he gets even closer. “Money, land, a mansion, power…” He then leans forward, getting close to Astrid’s face. “Even something darker… if that is what an elf like you wants.”

“Tempting… but… do you want to know what I want then, since you can offer me anything?” Astrid asks, her demeaner seeming to change with a snap of a finger, her voice turning sultry and her body loosening up.

“Mmmmm, yes I knew you were a smart one. What is it you desire, my lovely rose?” Johnson says with a smile.

“Oh, that is easy…” Astrid says in a whisper, causing Johnson to inch just ever so close. “I… want you… to fuck off and die…” Astrid then lifts a leg and kicks Johnson in his testicles, causing him to crumple. Astrid then turns around with a scowl on his face and starts to stomp away as several guards rush to Johnson. Astrid storms off towards the ice cream line, she then looks behind to see Viele hobbling to her with several bowls filled with meat.

“I… got food!” Viele says proudly.

“I do… wait… what?” Astrid says confused. “Wait… what just happened? Did something happen?”

“Yessssss, you kicked a man in… his reproduction organssssssss.” Viele says as he shoves one of the bowls into his mouth, bowl and all. He then looks at Astrid as if he was thinking, then very slowly hands her a bowl.

“Th… thank you Viele.” Astrid says, looking emotionally shaken.

“No… problem…” Viele says right before shoving another bowl into his mouth.

“Why did I kick someone in the tes… that place… that doesn’t sound like me… I should go apologize.” Astrid says as she turns around towards the line, but stopping when she sees the large group of angry guards. “Or, we should go back to Shortclaw, yeah, that is the correct choice.” She then quickly turns back around with her bowl of meat, quickly throwing on her hood before going and finding Shortclaw in the ice cream line.

“Oh! That was quick! I thought you were going to be in that line longer, especially when all those guards ran over there. Did something happen?” Shortclaw asks as he looks Astrid up and down, concerned due to the confused look on Astrid’s face and her having her hood up.

“N… nothing happened… whatever happened… err it must have happened when we were leaving already… yeah…” Astrid stammers out.

“O... k? Well, where is my bowl?”

Astrid turns around to see Viele with an armful of bowls filled with meat. “Wait how did you get all those bowls?”

“When you… kicked the…” Viele gets stopped as Astrid grabs a bowl and shoves it into Viele’s mouth.

She then grabs a bowl and hands it to Shortclaw. “There! It’s a kind of potato, this dish is apparently big in Bremond.” Astrid says with a smile.

“What was all that with Viele?” Shortclaw asks as he looks from the bowl to Viele back to Astrid.

“Ignore him, you know how Viele is.” Astrid then turns her head and gives a motion to be silent to Viele.

Viele just shrugs and shoves another bowl in his mouth, crunching away at the thin clay bowl to get to the potato and meat inside of it.

“He does know you aren’t supposed to eat the bowl, correct?” Shortclaw asks as he moves up a little bit as they get towards the front of the front of the line.

“Not sure, he seems to enjoy it?” Astrid says before letting out a small laugh as Viele throws the last bowl into his mouth.

“Wait, did you get any forks?” Shortclaw asks as he looks around.

“No, sorry! They should have some spoons for the ice cream that we can use.” Astrid mentions cheerfully.

“Oh yeah!” Shortclaw looks over as they get to the very front of the line.

“We are giving one scoop for each person.” The woman in a bright blue robe says with a smile as she pulls out two bowls and scoops ice cream into both. She then opens a large metal box and pulls out a bowl of cut fruit and covers each scoop with the cut fruit.

“Mmmmm, looks delicious!” Astrid says as she grabs her bowl.

They all three then start walking around till they find a spot semi close to the platform the band was playing at to eat. They sit down on the bench and quickly start to eat their ice cream as it starts to melt.

“So, this music isn’t too bad.” Shortclaw says as he finishes off his ice cream and moves over to his bowl of meat and sand potatoes. Quickly devouring it as Astrid also finishes off hers. As Shortclaw watches Astrid finish her meal he stands up and stretches out a hand. “A dance with my beautiful fiancé?” Shortclaw asks with a smile.

Astrid’s face turns red as she blushes. “I… I… I guess…” Astrid says as she stands up, keeping her hood up.

Shortclaw wraps his hands around Astrid’s and pulls her close as the band plays in the background. Their bodies pressing against each other as they dance.

“I love you.”

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