《The Binding of the Dragoon》book 2 chapter 2


“Astrid! Wake up!” Brittany yells as she shakes Astrid.

“What!” Astrid yells as she sits up, her eyes wide open as she scans the room.

“Nothing, just that you are going to be late again for your second day!” Brittany says with a giggle as she runs out the bedroom door, leaving it wide open to the outside hallway.

“Brittany!” Astrid screams as she makes sure she is covered up.

“Sorry!” A voice comes from the doorway, in the doorway now stands Shortclaw.

“Oh!” Astrid’s eyes widen and light up.

“Sorry I wasn’t here yesterday, after the explosion the teachers forced all the students to their rooms for the rest of the day and wouldn’t let anyone leave.” Shortclaw says as he comes into the room and closes the door. He then quickly walks over to Astrid and hugs her, holding her close.

“You know you are in the female dorms, right?” Astrid says as her face heats up.

“I know, but I don’t care. I will fight anyone who attempts to keep me from my future wife.” Shortclaw says with a chuckle, causing Astrid to become more embarrassed.

“Don’t say it like that.” Astrid says softly as her face turns beet red.

“Okay, okay.” Shortclaw says with a laugh. He then pulls out of the hug and looks at Astrid’s face. “I heard about what happened yesterday. That bitch started something again, I am going to k…”

“Don’t… It will just cause more issues. The school already took care of it, they are setting me up with a private teacher, so I don’t have to deal with Elizabeth or her friends.” Astrid says as she pulls Shortclaw back to her, burying her face in his chest. Not caring about the rough leather chest piece rubbing against her face.

Shortclaw growls for a moment before letting out a sigh. “Okay… only due to you asked me. But the moment she tries something else I will rip her to shreds.”

Astrid just lets out a sigh before pulling back again. “Okay, I need to get dressed and you need to get to class.”


“No buts… now shoo…” She says as she shoos Shortclaw away. She then rushes over to the door and locks it as soon as the door closes behind Shortclaw.

“Okay… you can do this…” Astrid says as she slips out of her sleep clothes and starts to inspect her body, wanting to cry out as she sees that even since yesterday the scales have spread slightly. “No….” She wants to cry but catches herself. “Why is it progressing so fast now…”

“Astrid?” A female voice can now be heard on the other side of the doorway.

“Shit!” Astrid yelps out as she quickly starts rummaging around for some clothes. “Who is it?” She yells towards the door.

“Umm…. I am Clarice, your teacher…” Clarice says cheerfully. “You were late, so I wasn’t sure if they told you were our class room was, so I came to your dorm room.”

“Oh! One second!” Astrid yells as she finds some clothes and quickly changes into them. After she is ready she quickly rushes to the door and unlocks it. When she opens it, she looks down to see a short woman, around five two with a giant grin on her face. She wanted to ask if she was a dwarf but didn’t have the stocky frame of one, nor the dark colored hair most had. This woman’s hair was a bright blue that seemed to sparkle in the sun.


“Nice to meet you officially!” Clarice says as she stretches out her hand. “My name is Clarice, I am going to be your new instructor! You will be my first official student, I mean I have had other students before. But I had them at the other academy I worked for. You know the town Bremond to the east? It had its own academy, but it recently got burned down, it was horrible. No one knows what caused it.” She then pulls out a small black mouse from her pocket. “And this is my familiar, his name is Kleppy! Isn’t he the cutest mouse ever?” She then rubs her cheek against Kleppy as he just narrows his eyes.

“Burn it all!” The mouse squeaks.

Astrid stares Clarice as she tries to understand everything the girl just blurted out. “That was…” Astrid says before she gets cut off.

“Don’t worry! He’s just happy to see you! Okay, let’s go to class!” Clarice says as she grabs Astrid’s hand and starts dragging her along with a strength much higher than the little girl should be able to muster with her size.

--- Viktor’s class room. ---

“Hello, Ms. Elizabeth. Did you enjoy the class today?” Viktor asks as he sits at his desk, a giant smile on his face.

“Of course, sir Viktor, I’m so happy having such a famous alchemist like yourself teaching classes here. Most of the teachers here shouldn’t be allowed near a desk much less teach a class.” Elizabeth says as she puts on her best political smile.

“You don’t need to flatter me Ms. Elizabeth.” Viktor says as he leans forward. “But I am hoping you could help me out on two things.”


“Yes, first thing, you seem to be… acquainted with the elf… Astrid was her name?” Viktor says as he clasps his hands together and puts them below his chin.

“Oh…” Elizabeth says, disappointed.

“I think you are misunderstanding me, I am asking because I am trying to figure out why she is getting special treatment. I know elves are very rare outside their woods, even then, it’s near impossible to find them most of the time. But, I don’t think that is the only reason the other teachers treat her special.” Viktor then starts tapping his fingers on the desk. “And since you are the one I have seen actually interact with her I was hoping you could tell me more about her.”

“And is there any particular reason why I should help you?” Elizabeth asks as she leans over the desk.

“You help me, and I will help you.” Viktor says as he pulls out several bottles of black pills. “First thing, these pills will amplify your ability to hold mana, they have no side effects and are undetectable.” He then pulls the pill bottles back some. “I will provide them for both you and all your friends. Just imagine how thankful they will be if you give them just one of these as a gift, or you can just use them all yourself. Second, I have some clout. As you said, I am a famous alchemist, there are many doors I can help open for you and your family.” Viktor says with a grin.

Elizabeth sits back in her chair as if she is thinking about something, then she leans forward, looking into Viktor’s eyes. “Oh… I think I can tell you everything I know then.” Elizabeth says back with an equally devious grin.


--- Later that afternoon ---

“I swear on Gaia’s name, that girl is trying to talk me to death.” Astrid says as she walks down the streets of Flemmington, her arm wrapped up with Shortclaw’s as they walk.

“Oh, it couldn’t have been that bad.” Shortclaw says with a chuckle.

Astrid narrows her eyes and nudges Shortclaw. “She told me her entire life story, from her earliest memory to how she got lost in the woods outside of Flemmington as she was trying to get here! Then somehow equated it all to alchemy! But she got half way through that, got confused and started talking about her breakfast.” Astrid rants, causing Shortclaw to laugh.

“You know you look super cute when you rant like that.” Shortclaw says with a grin.

Astrid pouts and lets go of Shortclaw’s hand, crossing her arms and looking away. “I see how it is.” After a few moments she looks back at Shortclaw. “I’m going to go to the guard shack, it’s poker night.”

“Babe, you know that gambling is not a good habit to develop.” Shortclaw says as he walks up behind Astrid and wraps his arms around her.

“It’s not a habit, it’s just that it helps me relieve stress and helps me calm down, especially over this last year.” Astrid says as she shifts and turns around to look at Shortclaw, giving the most helpless pouty look she can.

Shortclaw narrows his eyes and rubs his forehead when she gives him this look. “You know I hate that look.”

“But it works.” Astrid chimes in. “Plus, what is a safer place in Flemmington to let dinner settle down in than the actual guard house? And you know I always clean out the guards for everything they got.” Astrid says with a grin.

“Okay… but only for an hour or two.” Shortclaw says, defeated.

“Yay!” Astrid claps happily before she drags him to the guardhouse.

When they arrive at the guardhouse they were quickly let in by the guards at the door. Upon reaching what is dubbed the game room day, captain Vincent stands up with a smile on his face

“Girl! I thought you were never coming back to game night! A lot of the men were elated due to some were actually winning money every once in a while!” Vincent says with a laugh, while patting Astrid on her shoulder. He then looks over at Shortclaw. “And you brought your other half I see.” Vincent then wraps an arm around Shortclaw and pats him as he drags both to the table, shooing two of the other guards till they make room for the couple. “Man, Shortclaw, you are one lucky kid.” Vincent says with a laugh as he flops down on a nearby stool.

Vincent then picks up a pack of cards and starts to shuffle. “Okay men, you all know the rules, minimum bet is a copper coin.” He then starts handing cards out as they start playing. “And we are in the presence of a lady again tonight, so no crude jokes..”

“Ay, captain, I am a lady too!” One of the guards still in full gear says.

“I said lady, not one that sort of looks like one.” Vincent jokes.

“Aye, that hurt” The guard pouts, causing the other guards to laugh.

They continue playing cards and making self-deprecating jokes for the next hour or so. Eventually, they get to the point where Astrid starts telling them about everything that has been happening so far this year.

“Yeah, my new teacher, she has to be the most talkative person ever. She didn’t teach me much about alchemy and everything about her life in Bremond.” Astrid laughs as everyone shows their hands, before standing up and raking in the pot.

“I remember that lady, apparently she is a family friend of another teacher.” Vincent says as he shuffles and gives everyone a new hand of cards. “Most of the new teachers this year are a little weird or quirky. The one that throws me off the most though is that alchemy guy… what’s his name again?”

“Viktor?” Astrid asks as she tosses a copper coin into the middle of the table.

“Yeah, that guy!” Vincent says, remembering the name.

“Yeah, I don’t like him, he’s very… aggressive.” Astrid says, sadly before staring back at her cards

“Ay lass, speaking of aggressive.” Vincent says as he throws his hand on the table.

“Giving up already?” Astrid says with a grin.

“Just that hand… but it’s something else…” He says as he pushes the guard between her and him out of the way.

“God damn it captain! You aren’t drunk!” The guard says as he falls out of his chair.

“Sorry! Let’s swap spots.” Vincent says as he takes the guards now empty chair which just causes Astrid to giggle.

“So, what did you want to tell me?” Astrid says with a grin. “And no, I won’t tell you how to win.”

“NO, nothin’ like that.” He then gets a very serious look on his face. “Strange stuff has been happenen, ever since a week or so ago.” Vincent then moved in close and whispers. “Even nibbler is afraid of going out in the woods at night, he just growls and bristles his fur.” He then sits back up. “And he’s a devourer! I seen him stab himself onto a knife just to bite a man who tried to attack me.” Vincent then slumps his shoulders and sighs. “And I know you haven’t been out in the woods this year but just in case.”

Astrid’s eyes start to sparkle slightly. “Awwww! Vincent cares about me! Thank you.”

Vincent starts to blush with embarrassment and looks away. “No… I’m just helping a civilian out, that and I still have money to win back from you.”

“Aww, thank you.” Astrid says as she nudges the guard captain.

“Hey hun.” Shortclaw says as he nuzzles against Astrid. “It’s getting late.”

“Oh? Crap.” Astrid says as she stands up, looking down at Shortclaw. “Sorry babe!” She quickly grabs the money she gained from gambling and stuffs it into her pockets. “Sorry guys, I need to get back, I was only supposed to be here an hour or so. You can keep the money I put into the pot.”

“Ahhh, it’s okay lass.” One of the guards chuckles.

“You need a guard to walk home with you?” Vincent asks, causing several guards to stand up, offering to go.

“Guys, we go over this every time, I am going to be just fine, its only ten minutes to walk back.” Astrid says with a smile. As she makes sure the winnings from tonight are secure.

“Awwwwww….” Several guards say as Astrid starts to leave.

“Don’t worry guys, I will be trying to visit more often.” Astrid says as she waves goodbye. “Where else would I get so much money while having fun.”

“Oh, that is a low blow.” Vincent says with a chuckle.

Astrid and Shortclaw then quickly head outside, leaving the guards to finish their game.

“So… did you have fun?” Shortclaw says as he wraps an arm around Astrid.

“Of course.” Astrid says as she walks beside Shortclaw. “Not sure why, but whenever I have stress, just going and gambling a little bit helps relieve it.”

Shortclaw rubs Astrid’s hair causing it to go everywhere.

“Hey!” Astrid pouts.

“Just as long as you don’t get addicted and it becomes a problem.”

“Don’t worry!” Astrid smiles as they walk back to their rooms.

--- Next morning ---

“You… are killing me…” Astrid grumbles as she feels her body get shaken violently.

“I’m not killing you.” An overly cheerful voice says.

Astrid lurches up, staring at her new teacher. Who somehow was in her room. “What are you doing in my room?” Astrid asks, covering up her chest with her covers.

“Well, I was outside your room, and then this Brittany girl let me in.”

“Why did she let you in?” Astrid says as she looks over at Viele who is just sitting at the foot of the bed as a tree Ent.

“Because you were four hours late for your classes!”

“Four hours? What? How?” Astrid asks, looking over at Viele.

“Brittany tried… to wake…. You just went mrrrrr… and rolled around.” Viele says as he yawns.

“Come on, let’s go.” Clarice says as she bounces around happily.

“Can you let me get dressed?” Astrid asks, her face a little red as she watches the woman bouncing around.

“Oh…” Clarice pauses and looks back at Astrid. “I guessssssss.” She says before bouncing back out the door.

After Astrid gets dressed she goes out the room and follows Clarice to a small park a little away from the school’s main buildings. On a large metal table is a few plants and a portable alchemy set.

“This is where we are doing alchemy today! I hate those stuffy stone class rooms.” Clarice says cheerfully. “Now take a seat, I will be teaching you how to make a basic healing potion!” Clarice says as she picks up a potted plant and seems to give it a hug.

Astrid watches the silly woman do this and sighs. “So, question…. I know you will be my alchemy and arcanist construction teacher, but what about next week, when advanced military tactics class becomes available?”

“Oh! One moment!” Clarice drops the pot and pulls out a piece of paper. “Umm…. According to this, you are pulled out of that class since it’s a team-based class.”

“What? Noooo! It was the only class I had together with my fiancé!” Astrid says as she stomps her foot down.

“Not my call!” Clarice says cheerfully. “If you have any complaints you can talk to Blaze after class.” She then picks the plant back up and smiles. “Now get ready for the bestest alchemy class ever!”

---- That afternoon ----

“Who knew drawing runes onto a stone for a few hours would be so tiring.” Astrid complains as she shambles to her and Shortclaw’s after class meeting spot. She then flops down on the bench and leans back as Viele flops down beside her, imitating Astrid.

“I… am hungry…” Viele mumbles as he sits on the bench.

“We will probably go to the sandwich stall today, I am craving a meat special.” Astrid says as she lets out a yawn. Her yawn gets caught short as her perception changes, all around her are the bodies of her school mates and teachers. A moment later she blinks and it all goes back to normal. She then quickly sits up and rubs her temples as her head starts to feel as it’s about to split. “Not again.”

“Massssster?” Viele asks as he watches Astrid grimace in pain.

“I’m okay Viele.” Astrid says as she grits her teeth.

“Yes… you are just fine…” The dark voice says.

“Shut up!” Astrid screams.


Astrid’s eyes open wide and she looks up, the voice and the headache disappears as she sees who is in front of her.

“You okay babe?” Shortclaw says as he wraps his arms around Astrid as she starts to cry.

“I’m so sorry…” Astrid says as tears start to fall down her face.

“You don’t need to say sorry about something silly like that.” Shortclaw says with a chuckle. “If everyone apologized for saying shut up then we would get nowhere in life.” Shortclaw then pats Astrid’s head before giving her a kiss on her forehead. “Now stop crying, will you? You are getting my shirt all wet.” He says jokingly, causing Astrid to nudge him.

After holding Astrid for a minute, he finally lets go of the hug and smiles at Astrid. “So, was your private class that bad? We can talk to Blaze and ask if we can find a new tutor.”

Astrid just shakes her head no. “Not that, I like the class. The teacher rambles on a lot and she is a little too preppy, but I enjoy the classes.” Astrid then pauses for a minute. “But unfortunately, we can’t do our one class together.”

“Wait, you can’t take advanced military tactics? But it’s required to graduate.” Shortclaw says as he raises an eyebrow.

“Apparently they have it under control.” Astrid says as she looks down slightly.

Shortclaw sighs and wraps his arms around Astrid again. “Well, we won’t have any classes together this year, but I guess we will still have time together after classes.”

“Yeah.” Astrid says before nudging Shortclaw. “I think tonight we should go get some sandwiches.”

“I think you are right.” Shortclaw says as he stands up, grabbing Astrid’s hand as she stands up. “I heard the city got a new shipment of meat in yesterday, so I am wondering if the sandwich lady has any fresh fish in today.”

Astrid smiles and follows behind Shortclaw as they head into town. After a few minutes they arrive at their favorite food cart.

“Hey, sandwich lady!” Astrid says cheerfully as they arrive at sandwich cart.

“Hey!” Sandwich lady says with a smile. “Where have you been? It’s been what feels like forever!”

“Sorry! We have been busy.” Shortclaw says as he stands at the cart, eyeing the different meats cooking on the heated metal slab. The fat from the meat rolling off the slab, filling the air with delicious smells causing everyone to drool.

“So, Astrid, you want your normal? A little of everything?” The sandwich lady says with a laugh.

“You know me so well.” Astrid says with a grin.

“Same with Viele.” The sandwich lady says as she looks at the nodding tree ent. She then looks over at Shortclaw. “And I know what you want dear.” She says with a grin as she pulls out some fish fillets out from a metal box.

Shortclaw’s tail stands strait up as his eyes widen, he then quickly settles down and tries to look away. “Yes… that will do.” He says as he puts the coins down for the sandwiches and leaves her a little extra for a tip.

After getting their sandwiches they walk back to the park. When they arrive, Astrid and Shortclaw sit together on the bench. Viele yawns and sits down on the ground beside them, Viele already shoving the sandwich into his mouth.

“It sucks that during the week this is the only time we really get to spend time together during days we have class.” Shortclaw says before taking a bite out of his fish sandwich.

“I know…” Astrid says as her and Shortclaw continue to take random bites out of their sandwiches.

“Ssssandwich!” Viele says as he looks at Astrid’s currently half eaten sandwich.

Astrid looks down at the sandwich and takes one more bite before handing what is left to Viele. He then shoves the entire thing into his mouth, eating it in one bite.

“You shouldn’t eat your sandwiches in one bite.” Astrid teases. “That’s why you always want half of mine.”

“Meh.” Viele says as he watches Shortclaw hurry and finish his fish sandwich. They then just sit there on the bench, arms wrapped around each other till it starts getting dark.

“So, in two days when our free time comes up, uncle was saying that he had something special he wanted you to work on.” Shortclaw says with a yawn. “Apparently a big spender is needing a leather gear set and is requesting it be infused with nature mana.”

Astrid raises an eyebrow. “Hunter going after some nature-based beasts?”

“Probably.” Shortclaw yawns before standing up. “Well, it’s getting time to get back to our rooms. Would you like me to walk you to your room?” Shortclaw says with a grin.

“In a minute.” Astrid says as she waves him off. “I’m going to sit here for a few minutes before I go to my room.”

“You sure?” Shortclaw says with a frown now.

“Yes, don’t worry I will be okay.” Astrid says as she stands up, giving Shortclaw a quick peck on the lips.

“Go get some sleep, I will be right behind.”

“Okay, okay.” Shortclaw says, defeated. After a little bit he turns around and starts walking to his room. Before glancing back at Astrid. “See you tomorrow babe.”

“See you later.” Astrid replies as she sits back down on the bench, sighting contently.

Astrid sits on the bench, looking up at the sky as the stars sparkle. “I can’t believe we are getting close to the end of our schooling.” Astrid says to no one in particular.

“Massssster… sad?” Viele asks as he moves onto the bench with Astrid.

“No… It’s just… I don’t know Viele, ever since everything happened. It’s like everything has just been spiraling out of control.” She then looks down at the white wristbands, running a finger around one. “When I graduate, I wonder what I am going to do next. I can’t go back home… I guess I got Shortclaw, but his family issues are bad.” She then sighs. “Well, I guess I can work as a hunter full time for Blackclaw. It is good money, even though I haven’t been able to do it for a year.” She then slips the arms of her robe back over the write bands.

“Destroy them, be free.” The voice says as it returns triumphantly, causing Astrid’s brain to pulse in pain.

“Shit.” Astrid thinks as she grips her temples again, rubbing them.

“You are weak… devour them all, become stronger.”

“Why are you in my head screwing with me, leave me be!” Astrid growls as she buckles over, holding her head.


“It cannot leave you be… because It is you. You are it.” A slightly different voice says as the pain level in Astrid’s head starts to raise. A vision starts to appear in her head, one of her own face talking to her.

“What?” Astrid says as the pain becomes too much, and tears start to flow.

“The voice is you… your body is in the process of a painful transformation. It is just your brain’s attempt at getting a grasp of its’ transformation. A lot of chemicals going rampant.” The voice says pompously.

“So, I am going crazy.” Astrid says as she continues to hold her head, it feeling like it is about to split.

“No, you are not going crazy.”

“Isn’t that what a crazy person talking to herself would say?” Astrid says as she feels Viele pat her back.

“Masssssster not crazy.” Viele says happily.

Astrid suddenly lets out a loud scream as it feels like a spike is being driven into her brain, causing her to nearly pass out. After a few seconds she starts to feel normal, every bit of pain vanishing like it was never there. The face she was seeing now disappearing along with the pain.

“Masssster, need to go… back to … medical building?” Viele asks, worried.

“NO!..I mean… no… sorry for yelling Viele.” Astrid says as she wipes the tears off her face before standing up, wobbling slightly. “I need to go to my room and get some rest.”

--- Later that night ---

“This has got to be the hardest thing I have ever done.” A feminine voice says as the owner of the voice floats about in the middle of darkness. She continues to manipulate the mana around her, directing it where it needs to go. “I really wish master would have chosen a fully-grown adult for this. Keeping a mind and body stable while It is undergoing two transformations is not the easiest thing in the world.” She continues manipulating the mana as it tries to escape from her grasp. “Thankfully due to me rushing it there at the end, her brain is at the point it needs to be at.” The owner of the voice then smiles as it detects the activity inside the sleeping Astrid’s brain.

Flying, that is what Astrid felt. She opens her eyes to see a giant valley under her, mountains on the right side, and a vast unending ocean to her left. “Amazing.” She thinks as she instinctively focuses on small objects in the valley. As she does her vision seems to zoom to it, letting her see every single minute detail. Her attention then shifts to what feels to be her wings, the air flowing around them with each powerful beat. She then notices the mana circulating in and around her wings, controlling the air, helping her stay in the sky effortlessly. She then moves her attention to the rest of her, her entire body is covered in large black scales, her feet ending in large curved claws. Instead of freaking out about all this, Astrid feels as if this is normal, this is where she belongs. She continues to fly for several minutes till she feels an out poor of power in front of her.

Suddenly, a human looking man appears in front of her, causing her to stop her happy little flight. She looks the human over as she quickly notices a set of white feathery wings flapping behind it. The wind seems to cause the man’s long blond hair to flip around as he floats there. Astrid quickly enrages as something in her brain screams enemy. Her mana flares up as she thrusts herself forward, her fangs bared as a spear materializes in the man’s hands.

The man then charges forward, spear in front of him as he screams out a war cry.

Astrid reaches forward, knocking the man’s spear to the side as she wraps her arms and wings around the man. She then roars out as she sinks her claws into the man’s sides and her fangs into the man’s shoulder. Astrid lets out a shudder as they start to plummet to the valley below, her body shuddering harder as the mana infused blood fills her mouth.

“Yes… kill the enemy… devour them till there is nothing left…” The voice says as she continues to plummet.

“Why? I don’t even know who they are!” Astrid thinks as she continues to plummet.

“Why?” The voice asks. “Because you are their enemy, and they ours. And to who they are?” The voice pauses before letting out a soft laugh as Astrid is mere feet from the ground now, her winged victim finally ceasing his struggles. “They… call themselves gods.”

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