《The Binding of the Dragoon》Chapter 16: Wraithclaw


Jake stands at the entrance of the gate to Flemmington, the main gate is closed behind him due to how late it was, but he still had to make sure only safe people are allowed through the side door. He was the unlucky one on door duty tonight due to he lost all his money on the day’s card game. Thankfully for him, he only had four more hours till it was time to change guard. He fiddles with his armor slightly as he starts to doze off. He suddenly gets startled when he hears a deep and powerful voice.

“Hello human, is this the town Flemmington?”

Jake nearly jumps out of his skin as he looks up, in front of him as if by magic are a large group of beastkin with full leather and metal armor, various weapons, and all on horses. “You scared the shit out of me, how did you get there.”

“We rode our horses, and I repeat for one last time, is this the town of Flemmington?” A large orange and black beastkin says as he looks down on the lone human guard.

“Ye… yeah…” Jake says, looking them all over.

“We wish to enter.”

Jake looks them over again. “I will have to go wake up the night captain to make sure since you all seem, armed.”

“That will be unnecessary, we will go ahead and enter, I do not wish to wait any longer.” A large black beastkin towards the back of the group says before he suddenly disappears, leaving a very confused horse behind.

Jake narrows his eyes at the horse that suddenly had its rider disappear. “In Gaia’s name, why did this have to happen during my shift. Where did that beastkin disappear to?” He asks the orange and black beastkin that was talking earlier. His eyes grow wide as suddenly all the beastkin disappear except the orange and black one. He watches in disbelief as the remaining beastkin hops off his horse and gathers all the horses reigns before walking to the guard.

“I will wait till the night captain gets here to get entry approval.” The beastkin says as he stands there, unmoving.

“Where did those other beastkin go?” Jake asks as he pulls out his sword.

“They went to deal with official claw clan business, it is nothing that a human should worry about. Now please gather your night captain so that I may enter.” The beastkin says as he holds the reins.

“Stay here!” Jake says as he pulls out a small flute, he blows the flute and it lets out a soft buzzing noise as he holds the sword in the other hand watching the beastkin. About a minute later, several people appear on top of the wall by the gate, the one closest has a large bottle of brown liquid and nearly falls off the wall in his stupor.

“Damn it Jake, I told you to only use that thing during an emergency, all I see is a bunch of horses and a cute little kitty.” Night captain Sin says before he takes another swig.

“There were a bunch of the beastkin but they all seemed to disappear, I think they went into the town.” Jake hollers, not taking his eyes off the beastkin in front of him.

“Oh?” Night captain Sin looks down at the beastkin. “Are you bad kitties?”

The beastkin looks up at the obviously drunk man on top of the wall. “Are you the night captain? If so I would like to formally request entrance to the town.”


“I don’t think I can do that, Jake said you are a bad kitty, bad kitties aren’t allowed in town.” Night Captain Sin says as he leans forward, almost falling off the wall but gets dragged back by one of his men.

The beastkin’s eyes narrow in annoyance. “Chief Wraithclaw commanded me to enter town properly and rejoin him but his command to rejoin him supersedes the previous command. I wish to apologize for this but I must rejoin the rest of the men.” The beastkin suddenly disappears off the horse, followed by a loud thud.

All the guards look over to see Night captain sin twenty feet away from where he was just a moment ago. In one hand, he has his bottle, in the other is the tail of the now unconscious beastkin that just disappeared, he then releases the beastkin’s tail and drops him in front of the wall.

“Bad kitties stay on that side of the wall.” Night Captain Sin says right before he stumbles backwards and falls off the wall. A loud crashing noise can be heard as Night Captain Sin crashes into a stack of boxes. “The booze is fine!” He yells as the guards shake their heads. Some of them go check on Night Captain Sin and the rest go and tie up the unconscious beastkin. “Jakkeeeeeeee, you are getting docked twenty-five copper per bad kitty that got inside the town.” He yells as he is helped up.

“But, captain!” Jake’s mouth opens wide.

“I’m just fucking with you.” Night Captain Sin says as he walks towards the town. “Jake, gather those horses and tie them up, the bad kitties will need them once I find them all.” Night Captain Sin then pulls a large white orb out of his pocket, as he puts it up to his face it starts to glow brightly. “Hello Flemmington!” Night Captain Sin says, his voice echoing across the entire town of Flemmington. “This is your good friend Night Captain Sin, I have an announcement, we have some bad kitties that have entered the town. I request that all residents stay within their home and all guards need to wake up and gear up.” Night Captain Sin pauses for a moment. “And to the kitties out there I am cominnggggggg.” Night Captain Sin puts the orb away and takes another swig from his bottle. “Let’s go men, time to go hunting.”

Shadowclaw opens his eyes as a voice fills his room, when the announcement ends he stands up. “Kitties huh, I guess he finally showed up.” He lets out a sigh as he stands up, walking through his home and into his shop, over to a shelf filled with different armors, he chooses one with large red and blue scales covering it. When he finishes putting it on he hears a heavy knocking at the door to his shop. He walks over to the door slowly, when he reaches it he cracks it slightly and looks out. He sees several beastkin in full combat armor, the one in front of the door is his brother, Wraithclaw. He opens the door. “Hello there brother! I heard the announcement that you were coming!”

“Hello there brother, I am here due to your letter.” Wraithclaw says, looking at Shadowclaw, a hint of anger in his voice and in the way he looked at his brother.

“I guessed, come on in before the guards find you.” He beckons his brother inside.

“My men will stay outside so we can talk in private.” He then lifts a paw as he walks inside the building, when he does all the beastkin behind him disappear.


Wraithclaw walks deeper into the building as Shadowclaw closes the door, he looks around the shop at the random pieces of armor everywhere. “So, brother, do you hate me that much?” Wraithclaw nearly growls out.

“You know I don’t”

“Then how come you couldn’t keep your promise!” Wraithclaw yells, swiping at a nearby wooden table, smashing it to pieces. “You promised that you would keep my son from doing anything stupid! Then shortly after he gets here he gets tricked into a marriage vow! You have unraveled years of hard work! You are lucky that you are my brother or I would have already killed you where you stand!” Wraithclaw yells, bearing his teeth.

“It was unfortunate that it happened the way it did, if I could change it I would, but it is already too late.” Shadowclaw says as he narrows his eyes, looking at the destroyed table.

“Where is the damn runt hiding at? I am going to gather him up and bring him back to the tribe. I will fix this, even if I have to murder this elf harlot with my own two paws!”

“Shortclaw is currently in his room at the Flemmington Academy, but I would recommend that you avoid starting a confrontation there.” Shadowclaw says, his face full of worry.

Wraithclaw bears his fangs angrily. “You have no right to recommend anything to me, my men and I will level this town if I have to.” He then rips the door off its’ hinges as he opens it, tossing it to the side. “Men, gather up, we are going to the Flemmington Academy.”

-At the Flemmington Academy-

The gate golem known as number 808 or BOB by some of the academy faculty stands guard at the gate. He usually is only active when someone comes within proximity of the gate, but tonight it special. He was activated by the sound of an emergency announcement, there were possible enemies inside Flemmington so he was put on full alert status. He stands there almost unmoving as nothing happens for a while. Bob’s head shifts slightly as a large group of beastkin appear in front of him in a blur. The light from a nearby lamp reflecting off the metal interwoven in their armor.

“Hello, student or faculty of Flemmington Academy, please show your student or faculty badge.” Bob says mechanically.

“Golem, get out of my sight.” Wraithclaw says as he walks past Bob.

“Student or faculty member badge not shown, dispensing with appropriate force.” Bob says as he lifts his large metal fist, he swings it, spinning his entire body as he does. A loud cracking noise can be heard as a beastkin jumps between Bob and Wraithclaw. Bob’s fist instantly shatters the shield that the beastkin uses to block the fist. The beastkin then gets sent flying, slamming into a nearby stone school building.

The beastkin lets out a loud cry as he slams against the wall, a multitude of different bones break between the fist hitting him and slamming against the wall.

“Useless.” Wraithclaw says as he jumps forward, slamming his fist into the golem’s chest.

Bob falls backwards from the blow, landing on his back, a giant hole now in his chest. “Entering repair mode, mana core in danger.” He says as he stops moving

“Let’s go, I have a son to discipline.” Wraithclaw says as he leaves bob there, going through the gate. Wraithclaw lets out a growl when he notices something is wrong after he enters the Academy ground. Several lamps suddenly light up, turning the area near the gate into a day like state. In front of him are three humans, one is a tall female human with a large sword, another is a short male human wearing blue robes, the last one is a half-naked female human with a wooden staff.

The half naked human with the staff yawns. “So, you are the kitties that the announcement talked about, what are you doing here, and did you just hurt Bob?”

“Move out of the way humans, I have to go retrieve one of the students here, my son.” Wraithclaw snarls out.

“Wow, that is not how you speak to a lady. Hello, my name is Amy, I am a teacher here. The short man right here is Clark, and on the other side of me is the giant lady that likes to be called Maria. May I ask your name?” Amy asks as she cocks her head and puts on a fake smile.

Wraithclaw lets out a sigh. “My name is Wraithclaw, I am the chieftain of the claw clan, and I am here to retrieve my son.”

Amy thinks for a moment. “Is your son Shortclaw?”

“Yes, that was the name given to my runt of a child by his mother.” Wraithclaw says as he puts on a toothy grin. “Now you may bring him to me so that I may leave, human named Amy.”

Amy’s eye twitches as she gets annoyed. “I’m sorry, Wraithclaw was it? That student has already paid for the second semester and unless he himself wishes to leave we can’t force him to leave, even if you are his parent.”

Wraithclaw’s anger flares up from Amy’s answer. “Enough of this charade, men, disable those three. I will go find my son.” Wraithclaw says as his men sprint past him, turning into blurs as Wraithclaw disappears.

“He has escaped, he is heading towards the student housing. I have these if you two go and capture him.” Maria says with a giant grin on her face.

Amy glances over at Maria and lets out a sigh. “Just don’t kill any of them, and be careful, these aren’t regular soldiers.” Amy and Clark both turn away and sprint towards the student housing.

Several beastkin soldiers attempt to pass Maria but she slams her sword down in front of them, causing a shockwave forcing them to stumble backwards. “Nonono, you men get to play with me.”

The beastkin soldiers start to snarl, each one pulling out a shield and their weapons.

“Yes! I guess beastkin men are the same as human men, they are too stupid to know when someone stronger than them are in front of them.” Maria laughs out as she sprints into the group of beastkin, when she gets close to the beastkin she pivots her body, spinning her enormous sword around her. The group of beastkin raise their shields in unison, only to be blown back from the aftershock of the weapon being swung.

“This female is dangerous! We must use the backup plan. Remember men, it’s fifteen then we must escape, don’t stay to twenty.” A beastkin says as he touches a white stone on his armor that lights up. The rest follow suit and activate various stones on their equipment.

“Relying on the power of trinkets makes your own power weak.” Maria says as she slams her sword in front of her, it cleaves into the ground as if it is butter. When the sword sinks into the ground it sends dirt and stone along with a shockwave at the beastkin.

A beastkin suddenly appears behind Maria, he swings his sword down as blue and white sparks fly off it. The beastkin’s eyes suddenly grow wide as instead of hitting his target he is hit in the side by the flat side of a large sword. He suddenly disappears in a white flash and appears with the rest of the beastkin.

Maria watches as the beastkin coughs up blood, a giant smile on her face. “I thought you guys were supposed to be strong, come at me!”

The beastkin snarl again and spread out around Maria, several of them charge towards Maria in a blur, others jump into the air and throw grey orbs and throwing knives.

Maria twists her body and spins the sword around her, sending the charging beastkin and projectiles back. Suddenly a beastkin appears above her with a yellow glowing mace. The beastkin slams it down towards Maria but she gets her sword between her and the mace in the nick of time. The mace slams down onto the metal of the blade making a tinking noise before a ZZZZZZTTTTTTT noise is heard. Maria’s eyes grow wide as she feels her body go numb, she tries to get away but she has loses control of her body.

The beastkin surround Maria as she drops to her knees, dropping her sword on the ground. “Cheap bastards.” She says with hatred in her eyes.

“Captain said not to kill any of them, but if we don’t she will just chase us down once the shock wears off.” One of the beastkin says as he walks closer to Maria, he raises his sword up, but as he is bringing it down he gets stopped by a strange voice.

“Heeeeeeeyyyyy youuuuuu kittiesssssss, I foundddddd youuuuu.”

The beastkin all turn around to see a human male in chain metal and plate armor. In one hand is a bottle full of brown liquid, in the other is a small sword.

“Get him.” One of the beastkin says, two of the beastkin charge at the man, they both swing their swords towards the man.

The man stumbles forward as the swords get close to slicing him up, the swords go a mere inch above him as he rights himself back up. “Sissy, why are you playing with these bad kitties? Is this why you have never been married? You know how much mom has been worried about you?”

Maria glares at the man. “What do you want, Sin?”

“It’s Night Captain Sin.” The man says as he stumbles again, dodging more sword swings as a large group of beastkin charge at him. “And does mum know about all this?” Night Captain Sin takes another swig from his bottle as he stumbles to the right as a sword flies by where he was just at, embedding itself into the ground and exploding with fire.

Maria’s eye narrow in annoyance. “Will you shut up.”

The beastkin in front of Maria swings his sword at Maria as Night Captain Sin stumbles closer, trying to get rid of one problem before the beastkin had to deal with the new one. Before the sword can connect with Maria’s skull a bottle of brown liquid slams into the beastkin’s head, knocking him unconscious and causing him to crumple where he stood.

The rest of the beastkin see this and their eyes grow wide, a few of them charge at the still stunned Maria, attempting to finish her off. They all turn into a blur as they charge at Maria, when they reach Maria though she is no longer there. They look around to see Night Captain Sin a good distance away, a hand latched onto Maria’s arm, drag marks can be seen in the dirt where Maria was dragged.

“In Gaia’s name! What is wrong with you!?” Maria yells, her back bruised and hurting from being dragged across the ground.

“Sorry sis, you know hic that you are too heavy for me to carry. That and you can’t complain, that was my favorite bottle of alcohol.” Night Captain Sin says as he lets go of Maria’s arm. “After this you owe me a bottle, the good stuff too, not the stuff the school staff drinks.”

Maria rolls her eyes. “Just give me a few minutes for this stun effect to wear off, I can already move my fingers so I don’t have much longer.”

Night Captain Sin lets out a sigh as he stumbles towards the group of beastkin, he does a practice swing with his sword as four charge towards him. The two wielding axes charge from his front while two with swords go to the sides. They all blur in unison as the two with the swords slash at his sides as the two with axes swing down, before the weapons land any hits he falls backwards, the two axes landing between his legs, embedding themselves in the ground. He swings his sword as he sits on the ground, causing all four of the beastkin to jump back. The two axe wielders suddenly cry out in pain as blood flows from their arms, the short sword seemed to cut them from a lot further then it should have. “You are bad kitties.” Night Captain Sin swings his sword again, this time it becomes obvious what happened. The sword quickly grows as it is swung, the beastkin try to jump out of the way but a good portion get caught by the flat of the sword, sending them flying.

The beastkin that were fast enough to jump out of the way of the sword swing throw daggers coated with poison at Night Captain Sin. His eyes grow wide as he is still mid swing and unable to dodge. “This is going to hurt.” Goes through his mind as the daggers inch closer. He feels a wave of relief as the daggers suddenly fly away from him. Once his sword goes back to normal size he looks over to see Maria standing up, her sword in hand.

“We are even, so don’t say anything to mom about what happened here.” Maria says with a grin.

Night Captain Sin lets out a hiccup as he gets into an offensive stance. “Bah, just help me capture these bad kitties.”

Night Captain Sin and Maria stand side by side as they get ready for the beastkin that are now charging at them again. Suddenly the battle changes as a whistle gets blown. As soon as the whistle is blown the group of beastkin suddenly stop and bow.

A large orange beastkin speaks up. “I am sorry for what just occurred, and we will be leaving now, we have just received the order to leave the city.” They all then turn around and suddenly disappear.

“What in Gaia’s name was that?” Maria yells out in frustration, ready to get revenge for what occurred earlier.

“Bad kitties go bye bye.” Night Captain Sin says as he falls flat on his face, passing out.

-Student Dorms-

Shortclaw sits in his bed, awoken by a recent announcement by Night Captain Sin. He could only sit and wait because he knew who was coming. He sat and watched the door till it seemed to open by itself. In the doorway lit up by the moon is a familiar beastkin, his father, Wraithclaw.

“Hello father.” Shortclaw says as he sits in the bed, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “I can guess why you are here.”

“The people who have gotten me half as angry as I am now are all dead, I am half a second from ripping your throat out with my own hands.” Wraithclaw walks into the room slowly, staring at his son. “Where is this elf you are supposed to be marrying?”

“She went home to visit with her parents.”

Wraithclaw disappears then suddenly reappears in front of Shortclaw, he grabs Shortclaw by his neck and lifts him up. “Don’t lie to me pup! No beastkin would let their future mate out of their sight till they were married. Where is she so we can end this farce.”

Shortclaw grabs his father’s wrists as he tries to struggle. “She… is… gone… to visit … with her parents.”

Wraithclaw releases Shortclaw, dropping him on his knees as he starts breathing normally again. “I’m going to solve this issue and bring you home. You will be paired up with the mate of my choosing and I am going to turn you into a proper chieftain.”

“What?” Shortclaw asks as his eyes widen.

“Do not question your father, no, your chieftain. You are going to show me where the elf went so I can strangle her with my own two hands in front of you. You will be freed from this marriage and you will become the next chieftain.”

“You can’t do that!” Shortclaw yells before Wraitclaw raises his hand and hits Shortclaw, hitting him across the face, sending him to the ground.

“I am your father, and the chieftain of our clan, I will do what is needed and you will too so our clan will be the strongest! I will not let you jeopardize our clan because of some bitch elf!” Wraithclaw then raises his fist again, hitting Shortclaw in the face again, causing him to go unconscious.

Wraithclaw throws his son onto his shoulder, leaving the room. “This child, he takes after his damnable mother.”

As he walks away from the room Wraithclaw stops in his tracks, in front of him is two of the humans he left a little while ago. “My guards let you two follow me? It looks like I have more of my clan to reprimand after this. I retrieved my son and I will be leaving the city, please let me pass.”

“I can’t let you do that.” Amy says with an annoyed look on her face.

Wraithclaw lets out a sigh and drops Shortclaw on the ground. “This is why I hate humans, they never know their place in this world.” Wraithclaw stretches out his arms as three large metal claws slide out of his gauntlets. He then suddenly disappears and reappears behind Clark, slashing at his back. As the claws penetrate Wraithclaw’s target his eyes grow wide as the human disappears and reappears twenty or so feet in front of him.

“In Gaia’s name, he’s fast, he almost got me with that attack.” Clark says as he reforms. He then pulls out a large blue orb from his cloak, and throws it into the air. As the orb falls, water gathers around it, forming into a large semitransparent serpent.

“Seriously Clark? You pulled out that ugly creature already?” Amy says as shadows start to gather around her.

“Hey, it was my back he tried to tear to pieces not yours.” Clark says as the snake lands on the ground. It remains unmoving until a small blue frog jumps up on its’ head and crawls into its’ mouth. After it crawls in the snake’s mouth its’ eyes open, revealing two glowing blue orbs.

Several students start to open up doors to their dorms and look out, murmurs can be heard from the doorways.

“All students close your doors, it will be dangerous out here for a few minutes.” Amy says as shadows fully envelop her, she then totally disappears as the shadows dissipate. After a few more seconds a wraith appears where she was.

“Huh?” Sheckith says as he looks around. “Why the hell did Amy summon me? Wait ahhh damn it she swapped places with me. No, you aren’t going to hide in the shadow and force me to come out. Not playing this game today.” Sheckith floats over to a nearby wall and sticks his head into the shadow being casted by the wall.

Both Wraithclaw and Clark both raise an eyebrow as they watch Sheckith.

Suddenly without warning Wraithclaw disappears again, appearing beside Clark and slashes at him again. This time, before the slash connects the snake slams its’ tail against Wraithclaw, catching him off-guard causing him to disappear again.

“Sneaky little beastkin.” Clark says as he gathers several orbs of water around him. He then fires them off randomly around him, suddenly one of the orbs he fires gets sliced in several pieces. He then quickly gathers more orbs of water, firing them at where the orb got sliced. Several more get sliced and one suddenly turns red and a slight growl can be heard. “But not sneaky enough!”

“Attack!” Clark yells as he watches drops of blood fly everywhere as Wraithclaw runs around. The snake charges under Clark’s order, chasing the blood droplets. Suddenly the snake gets sliced in two, it then gathers into a ball of water and reforms into its’ snake form.

The droplets of blood suddenly stop appearing as Clark fires more orbs of water. “Damn it, he healed already? Must have been a shallow cut.”

“This one won’t be!” Clark hears as he feels three blades penetrate his arm, slashing across it, nearly slicing it off but Clark dissolves and reappears twenty feet away again.

“Gaia that fucking hurts!” Clark yells as he reappears, holding his nearly detached arm in place. “Protect me while I heal this!”

The snake quickly obeys its’ orders, it coils around its’ master as a glowing water appears around Clark’s injured arm.

“No you don’t!” Wraithclaw yells as he charges at the snake, he extends his claws forward and charges, diving into the snake at full speed to skewer Clark. He lets out an angry roar as several shadowy tendrils wrap around Wraithclaw midflight, stopping him from getting to his prey.

Behind Wraithclaw floats Sheckith, an easy to discern scowl on his face. “I can’t believe I am stuck doing this.” He then raises his hands up into the air as a multitude of shadowy tendrils surround Wraithclaw. As suddenly as the tendrils showed up they disappeared, along with Wraithclaw.

“What the hell did you do?” Clark yells as the snake unwraps from around him. The glowing water slowly healing his arm.

“Letting Amy take care of him!” Sheckith says grinning. The grin turns into a look of fear when he suddenly hears a loud cough from behind him, causing him to turn around. What he finds behind him is a very angry looking dwarf.

“Is Amy about to do what I think she is about to do?”

“Shit! I don’t know where she is!” Sheckith yells as he suddenly vanishes.

Wraithclaw lets out a growl as he watches the world around him change, what was once an area full of buildings is now a barren wasteland. He looks around to see nothing but dirt and a black sky. He turns around as he senses a strange presence, he then charges and slashes only to get stopped by a black wall.

“Well well well, you are the first one to actually sense me here.” A heavily sexualized female voice says, causing Wraithclaw to jump back, his hair standing on end as the wall disappears. As the wall disappears a feminine figure can be seen.

“You aren’t human.” Wraithclaw says as he starts to crouch, ready to attack again.

“How observant of you, hehehe.” Amy says cutely as she steps forward. Her once human form is now nearly unrecognizable except her face. Two large curved horns protrude from her forehead, her currently nude body is covered in a short black fur.

Wraithclaw quickly glances down to see her legs, they are slender humanoid legs except her feet, her feet are birdlike with deadly talons on each toe. She also now has a long slender tail covered in flesh toned barbs.

“Mmmmmm, you liking what you see there, big boy?” Amy says, letting out a soft laugh as she watches Wraithclaw’s eyes snap up.

“I will kill you, you dirty creature!” Wraithclaw yells, charging forward. He raises his clawed fist, slashing at Amy as she stands there smiling, before the fist connects he gets yanked back as shadows wrap around his raised fist.

“Mmmmmmm, you are a bad one, trying to attack me in my own little world.” Amy sways her hips as she walks towards Wraithclaw slowly. She giggles as she watches him struggle, only to get wrapped by more and more tendrils. “Why are you struggling Mr. Wraithclaw, I just want to show you a good time.” Amy runs a finger down Wraithclaw’s chest slowly, feeling every bit of his muscular form under his furry exterior.

“Don’t touch me!” Wraithclaw roars, trying to lurch forward and bite Amy.

“Nonono that won’t do Mr Wraithclaw, in here only I do the biting.” Amy then giggles and disappears, reappearing behind Wraithclaw, running a hand across his back.

Wraithclaw roars out again. “What is a dirty demon like you doing with the humans? Even helping them! Did one of them turn you into a demon! Dirtying yourself for fake power!”

Amy lets out a laugh. “Silly Wraithclaw, no one turned me into this, I was born like this.”

Wraithclaw waits until it seemed like Amy took her eyes off of him, walking around taunting him. He lets out a roar and several stones on his armor start to shine and silver mist spreads everywhere. His body seems to dissolve into the silver mist, releasing himself from the bond of the black tendrils. He solidifies and slashes at Amy but several shadowy tendrils block his strike. He then dissolves again and the silver mist starts to disperse, filling the area again.

“I hate using this, but for a demon it’s well worth it.” Wraithclaw growls as a claw appears in the mist, slashing at Amy.

Amy raises a hand and a black shield forms, blocking the claws. Amy then slashing at Wraithclaw with her free hand just to hit the silver mist. “Mmmmmmm, are you trying to play hard to get with me? I don’t like that, not at all.”

A claw forms behind Amy, swinging towards her. Amy grins as she turns around, grabbing the claw’s gauntlet. “This is my world, did you already forget that?” Amy’s eyes start to glow slightly as shadows envelop the mist, absorbing it till it disappears. “That may have worked in the real world, but here, tricks like that are easy to defeat.” Amy grins as she watches Wraithclaw solidify again, shadows envelop his body, holding him in place. She shifts her tail in front of her till the barbed tip of it is touching Wraithclaw’s chest. “I think you are going to taste delicious.”

Wraithclaw bears his fangs at Amy in defiance. “As soon as we get out of this I will have your head on a pike and massacre everyone you know for this humiliation.”

Amy grins again, thrusting the barb into Wraithclaw’s chest. “Oh, don’t worry, when we leave here you will be too drained for any of that. Not that you will remember any of it. Mmmmmmmmm well if you can satisfy me before you die.”

Amy giggles seductively as she nips at Wraithclaw’s neck, the tail lodged in his chest seems to pulse hungrily.

“I’m… going… to…” Wraithclaw’s body goes limp as the tail pulses faster.

“Mmmmmmm, he tastes so sweet.” Amy says as she lets out a moan.

“Ammmmmmmyyyyyyy!!!!! Hide, he’s coming and he is not happy! It was that bastard Clark, yeah Clark!” Sheckith says as he materializes near Amy.

“Mmmmmmmmm what?” Amy asks as she sways slightly as if she was drunk.

“No… No… No!!!! Snap out of it Amy! We can’t have him see you in this state, you know what he will do!” Sheckith says as he tries to approach Amy.

“Mmmmmm, I don’t care, he tastes sooo good.” Amy says as she runs a hand across Wraithclaw’s unconscious face.


Sheckith freezes as he hears the familiar footsteps. He turns around to see the dwarf Blaze staring at him with an angry look on his face. He then looks to see two hammers in his hands, one glowing red, the other a dark brown that seems like it will fall apart at any moment.

“So, this is where you ran off to Sheckith, what a dreary place. Oh, and you seem to have found Amy. I thought you didn’t know where she was?” Blaze says as he stares daggers into Sheckith.

“No, it’s just.” Sheckith tries to talk but he gets interrupted.

“I don’t care, go ahead and leave while I talk to Amy.” Blaze says as he walks by Sheckith.

“Hello Amy, this is a form I haven’t seen in a while.”

Amy turns around and looks at Blaze, her eyes light up and she gains a giant smile. “I never expected you to be able to come to this space, but I guess if it is you anything is possible.”

“It was annoying, but yes… even people that are not me can do it…” Blaze looks at the unconscious Wraithclaw. “Before we talk any further I would like you to release the beastkin before you kill him.”

“But he’s so tast… he was hurting one of our precious students. So he deserves this.” Amy says as she shudders and lets out another moan as her tail pulsates more.

“He will receive his punishment, but the punishment is for me to decide, so release him now!” Blaze says as he slams the glowing red hammer on the ground, flames start to erupt all around him.

Amy jumps back, releasing her tail from Wraithclaw, causing him to fall to the ground. “What are you going to do? Kill me?” Amy shrieks as the flames erupt by her.

“No… just pound you till you get back to your senses.” Blaze says as he pops his neck.

“Mmmmm… promise?” Amy says with a giant grin, causing Blaze to narrow his eyes in annoyance. Amy then charges forward, her entire body getting enveloped in shadow as she charges.

Blaze stands there, putting the glowing mace down, he grips the brown mace that has bits and pieces seem to fall off with each movement. He waits till Amy gets close, her shadow engulfed hands forming into claws, ready to tear Blaze to shreds. When Amy gets into range he swings the mace, hitting her with the head of it. When the head of the mace collides with Amy the mace turns into a cloud of dust.

Amy’s eyes grow wide as she suddenly stops mid charge, her entire body seems to stiffen.

“Don’t worry, you will only remain like this till I know you have cooled off and reflected on your actions today.” Blaze says as he watches Amy slowly turn into stone.

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