《The Binding of the Dragoon》Chapter 5: The eventful evening.


“Well if it isn’t little Shortclaw.” A large jet black beastkin man says as Astrid and Shortclaw walk into the shop, leather and cloth armor lining the walls in all shapes, sizes and design. “Don’t tell me, you got yourself a mate already! Does your pops know? And wait, is she and elf at that!” The beastkin wraps his arms around Shortclaw and lifts him up giving him a big hug. “I’m so proud of you, I thought you were going to be like your pop when he was younger.” He then puts Shortclaw down and wipes a tear from his eye.

“No! Uncle Blackclaw this is just a misunderstanding; she is my friend…” He looks over at Astrid as she starts blushing. “Yeah friend and we just came over here due to she needed a job.”

Blackclaw eyes Astrid up and down before grabbing Shortclaw and pulls him off to a corner of the store and starts to whisper. “Eh, Short, I know she needs a job but you know you shouldn’t work in the same place as your mate, keep work and home separate if you know what I mean?”

Shortclaw’s eyes widen in shock. “No I told you uncle Blackclaw, she’s not my mate!”

Blackclaw looks over at Astrid again then looks back at Shortclaw. “Short… do you happen to be uhhhh…. Into other beastkin warriors?!”

Shortclaw pushes back at his uncle. “No No No No! It’s…. it’s just that we just met and became friends and I am trying to help her out.”

A twinkle seems to appear in Blackclaw’s eyes. “Ohhhhhhhh, I get it.” He then nudges Shortclaw and looks over at Astrid who’s face is blood red due to listening to the conversation just now.

“I can leave it’s okay.” Astrid says as she starts to back away.

“Nope, you need a job right?” Blackclaw says as he wraps his arm around the now scared elf, pulling her deeper into the shop. “So little elf, from what little I know of elves your lot is good with bows correct?”

Astrid nods timidly, still red from the earlier occurrence.

“Are you good at anything else? Like skinning, tanning, tailoring, telling from the staff in your hand I can see that you are a mage how about smuggling not so savory goods past guards? I was just joking about the last one but tell me if you are.” Blackclaw says as he looks her up and down.

“The only one that I am good at is hunting with a bow, and I just learned I can use mana and got my familiar earlier today so I haven’t really learned how to control it till classes start here in three days.” Astrid says as she looks down at her feet, her ears drooping as she does so.

Blackclaw slaps her back and laughs heartily. “Don’t worry lass we are always in need of skilled hunters!” He then goes to the back of the shop and after a few minutes he comes back out with a few sheets of paper. “Okay this one is the work contract, it pretty much states the prices of the hides of animals you bring in, it also states that in the town of Flemmington, you are only allowed to sell any hides/animals you get to this shop. Are you okay with that?”

Astrid glances over the paperwork, after a few minutes of consideration she writes her name at the bottom.

Blackclaw smiles. “Good! Now as the paperwork says we pay fifty copper per large decent quality pelt, a little more if its excellent, a little less if it’s in a poor quality. Ten to twenty copper per small pelt depending on the size. If it’s a scaled pelt then the price is double. And if you happen to bring in a magical animal pelt, it will depend on the beast, but I had a hunter bring in a scaled Tyrraca skin, he ended leaving with twenty gold pieces.”


Astrid’s mouth hangs open at the hearing of twenty gold pieces. “That’s… that’s like 2000 silver!”

Blackclaw laughs. “Yep, and it was crafted into one of the most beautiful sets I have ever crafted, sold for a pretty penny to some baron up north.” He then pulls out another piece of paper and hands it over to Astrid. “This is a permit to hunt in the nearby woods, keep this with you at all times, if you get caught with an animal without it you will be viewed as a poacher and possibly put in prison. And last but not least!” Blackclaw then pulls out a large bow with a BC carved into the side of it and a quiver full of arrows. “Since I didn’t see any on you I am guessing you will need this.”

Astrid looks at it reluctantly. “Are you sure? I don’t have money to buy it right now.”

Blackclaw shakes his head. “Don’t worry lass, think of it as an investment in Shortc… I mean my new employee.”

Astrid takes it and bows her head. “Thank you so much.”

Blackclaw chuckles. “Don’t worry about it lass just make sure you bring me back lots of pelts!”

Astrid nods. “Oh, and do you want me to do anything with the meat, bones, and that kind of stuff? Or is that mine to keep.”

“You can sell the meat, and do anything you wish with it, we just want the pelts, but if you bring an animal here and need us to get the pelt off of it we will be taking part of it for that days lunch.” Blackclaw chuckles.

Astrid nods again before Shortclaw puts his hand on her shoulder. “Well since this is all done, are you hungry Astrid? It’s almost getting dark and I haven’t seen you eat all day.”

“Yeah, just a little.” Astrid says her stomach growling in response causing both Blackclaw and Shortclaw to bust out laughing.

“Short, get that woman some food! Men don’t let their ma… friends starve.”

“We are going.” Shortclaw says in a huff. “Astrid, I know this great inn that serves the best talon kabobs!” Astrid just nods and follows due to the calling of free food.”

As they leave the shop Blackclaw shakes his head. “That silly cub, but ehhh I guess he is growing up, but an elf of all things.” He shakes his head more as he starts to close up shop.

Astrid smiles as she is nearly dragged by Shortclaw to the inn. A big sign saying “The Fallen Phoenix” in large blue lettering is on the front of the door. As they enter the inn Astrid notices it is very busy, a mixture of beastkin, humans, dwarves, even a giant all drinking and eating merrily. After they both sit down at a table a short human female comes by with a sheet of paper and a writing utensil.

“Hello! My name is Beth and I will be your server for this evening, do you know what you would like to eat?” Beth says with a large smile on her face seeing the two sitting there.

“I would like one large talon cabob.” Shortclaw says.

“Since Shortclaw says they are good I will try one too.” Astrid says.

The head of the staff leaning against the table comes alive and turns to Beth. “Can… I …. Have… raw… talon?” Viele says.

Beth drops the paper and utensil, stepping back as she does. “Dev…devv…..” She stutters.


Astrid sees her stepping back and she stands up. “NO! no no sorry about that, he is my familiar, he’s transformed into a passive form for travel, I am so sorry.”

Beth looks at Astrid. “You are a mage?”

Astrid nods. “Yes, I just became one and got my familiar, I am so sorry about him scaring you.”

Beth gathers herself and picks the paper and scribbles down some notes. “I am so sorry, I have seen my fair share of mages and familiars, but it’s just the first time I seen a familiar do… that.”

Astrid nods apologizing over and over before Beth says she is all right.

The dinner goes by smoothly, all three of them eating every bit of their food. Astrid and Shortclaw talking merrily as they talk about their family and pasts.

They then leave, as they enter the street they notice it is now dark outside, the light from the moon and various lamps lighting up the street.

“I think this is the most fun I have had in a while.” Shortclaw says a large smile on his face.

“Same here.” Astrid says as she smiles.

“So… Astrid… I know you told me that you lived out by the cursed mountain with only your parents, so does that mean that I am your first friend?” Shortclaw says as he eyes her waiting for her answer.

“Ummm…. Sort of?”

“What do you mean sort of?” Shortclaw says a hint of confusion settling on his face.

“Oh… when I was younger I had a friend, he was strange though.” Astrid says as she looks around taking in the view as they are walking.

“What do you mean strange?” Shortclaw says trying to keep up with the elven woman.

“Oh… well… now that I think about it he was definitely strange. I guess I didn’t think too much of it when I was younger. But he was like a small black talking ball, and he always seemed to be angry, or sad so I would sit and talk with him for hours till my parents would find me. We used to talk a lot but as I got older my parents forbid me to go talk with him so we talked less and less, then he just kind of… disappeared?”

Shortclaw’s jaw hangs down slightly as he listens to her tell her story. “Well… that is definitely a strange person, could it of been some sort of spirit? They can take on a form like that and some can talk, and that would also explain why your parents told you to stay away from him, they can be dangerous.”

“Possibly.” Astrid says as they continue walking down back to the academy. Once they reach the gates a large blue stone golem with red eyes asks them for their school passes. After Shortclaw shows his he starts walking inside.

“Hey Shortclaw.” Astrid says, causing Shortclaw to turn around.

“You coming?” Shortclaw says eyeing Astrid.

“Oh I have one or two things I need to do before I go in, so go ahead without me I will be in shortly.”

“You sure?” Shortclaw says making a step forward.

“Yep, so go ahead I will see you in the morning.” Astrid says, smiling and waving to him.

They both turn around, Astrid going towards town and Shortclaw heading to the dorms.

“I wonder where she is going, I hope she is okay.” Shortclaw thinks as he gets into his room. He buries his head into the pillow letting out a growl as he thinks of her.

Astrid reaches the outer Flemmington gate, she shows the pass to the guard as he nods at her, warning her to be safe out in the dark.

When Astrid goes far enough into the woods she looks at the staff in her hand. “Okay Viele, go into your normal form, I need to talk to you about what I plan to do.”

The staff in her hand expands, and what looks like a few dozen snakes forming a large bundle all surrounding one large emerald green snake with a stone in it’s forehead that looks like the stone at the tip of the staff forms. The center snake opening its mouth, its’ tongue flicking ever which way. “Yessss…. Master?”

“Okay, here is my plan, we are going into the woods, I need you to attract any animals you can and I will shoot it with the bow, if it gets dangerous I will rely on your power to protect me okay?” Astrid says smiling at her familiar.

“Yesss…. Masssster….” Viele says as he takes on the form of Ivy again.

“Why are you in her form Viele? You know it brings back bad memories.” Astrid says as she recoils from Viele.

Viele quickly transforms back into his normal form. “Ssssorry… massster… I thought…. Her ability…. Would help… hunting prey….”

“Ability?” Astrid asks in interest.

“Dryads…. They are able to put out scents….. to attract prey… It isssss why….. we were fighting her…. When we first met….. due to she…. Attracted usssss….” Viele says watching his master.

“Oh. So do you think this ability will help us catch a bunch of prey to skin?” Astrid says questioningly.

“Yesssssss…..” Viele says confidently. He shifts back into Ivy’s form, after Viele closes his eyes Astrid starts to smell a very sweet smell coming from Viele.

“Okay okay I get it, you can stop doing that now.” Astrid says as she blushes.

Viele stops and grins at his master. “Letssssss hunt…. Ssssome prey.”

Viele in his Ivy form and Astrid walk deep into the forest till Astrid can make out some trails that animals seem to frequently travel. “Viele, go ahaid and start attracting the animals, I will climb this tree and shoot them as they come okay?”

“Yessss… master…” Viele closes his eyes as he starts to produce as much pheromones as he can.

After twenty minutes of nothing Astrid starts hearing rustling in a bush. Suddenly a large bristleboar charges out of the bush charging strait at Viele. Astrid pulls the string back on the bow and lets the arrow fly, after a second it hits right on the bristly back of the boar, the arrow falling harmlessly. “Shit! I have to shoot it in it’s unprotected face, and fast.” Astrid pulls another arrow out of her quiver, she takes a deep breath, pulling back the bowstring, after a second she lets the arrow loose. THWAK was the sound the arrow made as the arrow slams into the side of the bristleboar’s head, crushing part of the skull and damaging its’ brain. The bristleboar makes a loud screaming noise as it flips over, rolling all the way to the feet of Viele due to the speed it was running when it died.

“Good sssshot…. Massster…..” Viele’s eyes widen as he senses more enemies approaching from the direction the bristleboar came from, he looks over at Astrid but it is too late, she is already down the tree heading towards him.

“MASSSTERRRR!!!!!! GET BACK IN THE TREEEEEE!” Viele yells in a panicked voice.

Astrid froze in surprise when she hears Viele yell. “What are yo…” She then hears the bushes the bristleboar came out of shake violently, and suddenly a pack of five Devourers appear. Their jet black fur shining in the moonlight. She screams as she makes a run for the tree, not wanting to get overran and eaten by creatures known to eat anything, even the bones of their victims. As she is running the pack is getting closer.

“Master dodge!” Viele yells, causing Astrid to jump down to the ground, a wave of roots flying over her hitting the Devourer at the head of the pack that jumped at her. Viele finally reaches to where his master was, getting between the devourers and her. The devourers are now cautious, pacing in front of Viele after the show of force that injured their fellow devourer. “Master, please hurry and get into a tree, I will fight them but I need you to shoot them while they are distracted.”

Astrid nods, quickly getting up and climbing the tree faster than she has ever climbed before. By the time she got back up Viele is already surrounded and getting attacked by all sides, he is currently in the form of a tree Ent, his hard bark like armor barely able to defend against the claws and fangs of the devourers. Every time one lunges they latch on and he swings them off. The devourers getting hurt each time but even Astrid can tell Viele’s armor won’t hold on long and she had to help him now or he will get seriously injured, maybe even die.

Thunk! RAWRRR! Viele looks over to the devourer on his right, an arrow sticking out of its’ front leg, it turns around to try to run away only to get shot by another arrow in its’ back. It slumps down and starts convulsing as a third arrow hits it in the throat, finishing it off. “Good…. Massterrrrr…. Now lets finish the ressssst!”

“I got your back Viele!” Astrid yells as she lets loose another arrow, the devourer dodging it as they are now also paying attention to her. “Is there any way you can slow them down? I don’t have many arrows left!”

“Yesssssss…. Masssster….” Viele yells as he looks at one of the more injured devourers, he lunges at it full speed, and he reaches, extending his long wooden ent arms to their full length. The devourer dodges with its’ quick reflexes just to let out a howl of pain. From Viele’s arms came two snakes, latching onto the long thin legs of the devourer, holding it in place.

THUNK! Another arrow let loose from Astrid, this one piercing the devourer in the mouth as it howls, it slumps down as the snakes bring it to Viele’s body. The tree ent body starts to change as snakes start to erupt from the body, devouring the devourer. The remaining three devourers, seeing two of their friends dead already and another two injured badly the largest of the three, the alpha, lets out a howl and all three retreat deeper into the forest. Viele turns around to see his master climbing out of the tree. “Master! Are…you…. okay?”

Astrid lands on the ground. “Yes Viele, thank you so much you saved me there.” She quickly hugs her familiar as he stands there in tree ent form.

Viele pats her head not knowing what to do. “It’s…. okay…. Masssster…. Life… for….Massster…” Viele tries to crack a smile, the wood creaking as he does.

Astrid busts out laughing at this display made by Viele. “Okay Viele, thank you. Now… we need to hurry and skin and prepare this meat and get it back into town so we can put it on ice before it starts going bad.”

“Don’t… worry… masterrrr… Viele… shall…. Prepare…. You… rest….” Viele’s barklike hand changes to what looks like a rounded blade.

Astrid eyes the blade. “Are you sure?”

“Yesss… now… rest…” Viele walks over to the quillboar, he quickly starts to skin and pull out the innards of the animal, after he is done with the quillboar he goes to the remaining devourer, repeating the process. After he is done with both he holds his hands over the meat and the skins and starts to produce green spores that envelop both.

What was those spores? Astrid asks.

“Special… ssspores…. Keeps…. Bodies…. From… decaying… preserve… body… while… still…. Safe to eat…”

Astrid nods in acknowledgement, when Viele is done he puts all the meat in the bag they brought and drapes the skins over his back, carrying both they head back towards town. The trip back to the town was uneventful, it getting very late in the night before they get close to the gate, as they get near the gate they find a flat spot in a grouping of rocks. Astrid puts her bedding down, placing the bag of meat near her. Viele then takes the form of the tent from earlier spread out over the sleeping mat, the furs that were on his back are now draped over his tent like form.

“Master… sleep well….” Viele says as Astrid lays down on the mat, her eyes close and she quickly falls asleep, all the excitement of her first day quickly catching up with her.

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