《The Binding of the Dragoon》Chapter 4: new home


In a small cabin near the base of the cursed mountain, a beautiful elf woman with long flowing blonde hair is walking into her kitchen, her brown dress flowing with each step she takes. Her long delicate fingers gripping the large scaly bird, known as a Ruska, lying motionless on the table as she lifts a knife and skillfully skins then slices the bird up into small pieces. A large smile appears on her face as she senses a presence nearby.

“It looks like that doting husband is finally home.” She puts down her knife and then runs to the front door. Squinting her eyes she can see a handsome elven man riding a large black horse. She jumps up and waves her hands in joy. “Stratussssss, Bastionnnn! Welcome home!”

When Stratus gets close to his beloved he jumps off bastion. He runs over to his wife and wraps his arms around her holding her close. “Did you miss me?” Stratus says as he gives her a quick kiss.

“Of course I did you silly man.” The elven woman says as she is held. “So how was the town doing? Is Astrid okay?”

“Amber once we get inside I will tell you all about it.”

Amber gives a little pout and prances into the house as Stratus ties up Bastion to the post outside the cabin. He walks inside and smells the air. “Is that Ruska I smell cooking?”

“Yes!” The enthusiastic Amber yells. She comes into the living room and sits down in a chair. “So sit down and tell me what all happened! Did she get into magic or archery? Was she nervous? Did she make any new friends already?” Ambers asked questions without letting her husband Stratus get in a word.

“Hold on! Hold on!” Stratus says as he tries to calm down his wife. “No, I don’t know if she got magic or archery.”

Amber starts to frown. “Did you not go watch her?”

“I got err… distracted by stuff…”

Ambers frown changed into a scowl. “By stuff… do you mean gambling?” Her voice now raising from the bubbly girl to angry elven woman stage.


Stratus’s eyes look down at the floor as he kicks at some imaginary object. “Maybe… but don’t worry I got everything from town that was requested!” He pulls out a large sack from his side showing all the spices/etc that his wife requested.

“Then where did you get the money to gamble? I just gave you enough silver coins to get Astrid’s first semester there, some coins for rent and to get the stuff in the bag.” Amber pauses for a second. “How many coins did you give Astrid?”

“Eight.” Stratus says as he continues looking down.

“Eight?!” Amber yells “Eight!? It’s eight silver coins just for getting into the school! How is she going to rent a room or anything else without more silver coins?!” Ambers eyes glowing brightly in her rage, mana flowing around the room causing the wind to flow violently the walls in the room start to shake and stuff in the room falls over. Before much damage happens Amber stops, the wind dying down and Amber’s eyes stop glowing.

Stratus is now cowering at the wrath of his wife. “She is an adult now, and we planned for her to do work since we can’t afford to support her there, she knows that, it’s just that she has to get the job a little bit faster.”

Amber’s hands fly up into the air seeming to give up on the man. “I swear to Gaia if she is stuck coming home due to your shenanigans I will do something I should of done after we had her!”

Stratus’s hands quickly reach down hiding his crotch. “I understand and don’t worry I have faith in her.”

“I knew I should of went with you.” Amber shakes her head. “The food should be done here soon, come in and make yourself a bowl.”

A smile shows on Stratus’s face. “I knew you would forgive me.”

“No, I have not forgiven you.” Amber says as she eyes her husband. “I just can’t stay angry at you when you are so…. you.”

“Awwwwwwww you do love me! Oh and before I forget!” Stratus says as he walks into the kitchen. “She seemed to of made a new friend, a tiger beastkin from the looks of him.”


“Good!” Amber’s face lights up at the news. “I was worried due to the only thing she ever seemed to talk to was her imaginary friend.”

“Well of course, she only had us to talk to most of the time.”

“I hope so.” Amber says as she looks out the window into the woods.

“So I wonder how long it takes before she realizes they won’t let her leave till the end of the first year.” Stratus says as he pours himself some soup into a bowl and takes a bite.

“It just made me sad that we had to lie to her, but you know she wouldn’t of went if we didn’t tell her she can visit anytime she wanted.” Amber says, her ears drooping as she frowns.

“I know honey. But like I said, she is an adult now so she can handle herself. That and if anything ever did happen we can always make another one here in four years!”

Amber looks at her husband annoyingly. “Oh that will definitely not happen now mister.”

Stratus’s eyes go wide. “I was just kidding honey! I was kidding!”

“You better be.” Amber swats at her husband playfully giggling as he jumps at her.

Inside the Flemmington Academy an exhausted Astrid holds her head. The stout gentleman in front of her frowning as she does so.

“What do you mean that it’s eight silver to enroll and another five for housing? Daddy only gave me eight silver and he said it was supposed to be able to cover both.” Astrid says in an almost pleading voice.

“I’m sorry mam, even if you are a mage, rules are rules, eight silver to enroll and five for housing.” The gentleman eyes her up and down. “Well if you want you can go ahead and enroll and if you are willing to share a room someone the school will let you bunk with them, or if you have family nearby willing to give you board but we have to be notified within three days of who you are going to be bunking with or if you have other living arrangements.”

Astrid looks down at the eight silver coins in her hand, all her money sitting there waiting for her decision. After a minute she reluctantly hands it over. “I will find a place.” She turns around as the man nods at her, the next person in line walking up to the desk to pay their fees as she walks away.

“Now how will I find a bunkmate in three days? Wait… where will I sleep at tonight?” At this the staff in her hand spreads out from the head of the staff, then tendrils snaking down to the ground then puffing out forming into a small wooden tent.

Astrid’s eyes widen in surprise. “You can do that!”

“Of course…” Viele says nonchalantly, his words seem to be laced with pride as he transforms back into a staff.

“I guess we can tell him we will have our own housing accommodations!” Astrid says as she gets back in line waiting to get back to the man and tell him the good news.

After informing the man that she made living arrangements Astrid leaves the building and goes to the courtyard to meet up with her new friend, Shortclaw.

“Soooo is everything setup and ready Astrid?” Shortclaw says grinning from ear to ear seeing the elf.

“Yep!” Astrid says smiling back. “Now I just need to make some money for food and stuff due to, well I am now broke.” Her smile fading slightly as she says this.

Shortclaw frowns. “How about this, I treat you to dinner and we can talk to my uncle about getting you a job.”

Astrid’s ears perk up at the words free food and possible job. “What kind of job?”

“He owns a cloth and leather armor store; he is always looking for people good with a bow to hunt down animals or even people good at tanning and sewing.” He says excitedly as he grabs Astrid by her hand. “Let’s hurry up and go before he closes his shop.”

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