《The Legendary Gamer》Full Stat/Skill List/Explanation.
I know there is no stat called EP YET, but MAP will be transformed into EP soon.
STRIncreases physical capabilities related to body strength. The higher the stat, the more punching power, weight lifting capabilities, jumping height/distance, grip strength, etc.ENDDetermines the physical durability of the body, the higher this stat, the more physical can be taken without taking excessive physical damage. Also grants stamina recovery speed based on the stat value.VITHow much HP a person has, also determines resistance to diseases/infections.AGIHow much stamina a person has, as well as their acrobatic prowess. Any exercise that would be considered based on acrobatics is determined by the AGI value.DEXThe speed of a person’s reflexes, and how easily they can follow high-speed movement. This only dictates how quickly a command can be sent to a part of the body once a person reacts to something. A high speed stat with a low DEX would mean that a person would have extreme tunnel vision.SPDHow quickly a person can move their body on an overall scale. Determines full body speed, how quickly they can dodge after they know something is coming and begin their movement to avoid it. Works in tandem with DEX, not as an exact superior or inferior depending on closeness of DEX and SPD between people.INTDetermines memory, mana amount, and how quickly a person can think. At a certain level, this stat becomes a fully eidetic memory, capable of remembering all information heard, seen, smelled, and felt. A person with high INT can better process information they are sent from their senses, and can more easily begin sending commands to different parts of the body. Works in Tandem in regards to senses and sending commands though. Since the eyes can best focus on what is in the center of their vision, a low DEX means missing information even if it can all be processed. It also means that even though the signals are sent immediately, it may take time for the signals to arrive and then be sent after they are received and processed.EPThe potency of a person’s energy. The higher this stat, the less mana/stamina needs to be used for skills. This also reduces the amount of stamina required for running, and how much it costs to block attacks with mana. If a person with higher EP faces off against a person with lower EP, the person with higher EP will need to use less mana to block a move if using an active ability to block an active ability. It also determines the power of skills, as long as they do not specify a specific modifier. This has taken over the mana/stamina reductions from leveling up skills. Leveling up skills now only increases their power, which is at an about average power at 50 for a person with the same EP.WISHow wise a person is, their ability to think through new situations and come up with the right answers, or answers that will lead to the best possible outcome. For example, two people with equal stats aside from WIS get into a fight, higher WIS gives an advantage as long as fighting experience is equal. Also determines how quickly mana is regenerated.CHAHow charismatic a person is, allowing for more successful leadership due to higher trust, and how much people generally like a person. The higher the charisma, the more attractive a person is as well, though it is on a smaller scale than the increase in trust that others will place in a person. Can also have a small affect on bartering skills, and how cheaply a deal can be made below asking price or above expected value based upon quality and other factors.LUKHow lucky a person is, affects drop rate, how many items drop, small effect on evasion rate, general luck, and how likely something bad is going to happen to you. If a person has 1000 luck, even if their entire life has been “perfect,” they could still not have anything bad happen because of their luck stat.
SKILLGAMER'S GIFTPASSIVEThis skill grants the user a game-like interface and unique benefits to the different status'. As the world is your game, and your body the character, your mind is on a different plane and is immune to mental assaults and status effects.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/ASKILLREVEALACTIVEUsing this skill reveals the information around you, the higher the level, the more you discover. Will fully reveal information on people if they have a friendly status toward you.LEVEL = 93COST = N/ASKILLPASSIVE MAGIC MASTERYPASSIVEThose with high wisdom are given even stronger passive spells. Brings the bonus strength from passive skills to 5%/WISLEVEL = MAXCOST = N/ASKILLMANA REGNERATIONPASSIVEThrough continued learning and training, mana regneration through wisdom doubles, giving a full 1%/10 WIS.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/A
SKILLMAGIC RESISTANCEPASSIVEThose with exceptional wisdom learn how to bend their mana to resist the magic of others. 1% Magic Resistance/10 WIS.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/ASKILLACTIVE MAGIC MASTERYPASSIVEThe intelligent few who have mastered this ability are granted a full 5% Active Ability Strength/INTLEVEL = MAXCOST = N/ASKILLMAGICAL SUPPLYPASSIVEDoubles the growth rate of mana form 10/INT to 20/INT.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/A
SKILLMULTI-CASTINGPASSIVEThose intelligent enough have learned to cast multiple spells at once or together to increase their lethality. Allows the safe casting of one extra spell/level.LEVEL = 1COST = N/A
SKILLWHAT LUCK?PASSIVEYou are lucky, is it a curse or a blessing, to be continued.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/A
SKILLA WISE CHOICEPASSIVEWill often make the right choice, regardless of prior knowledge of the right decision. This affects all questions asked and choices to be made. What then is the point of higher luck?LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/A
SKILLWHAT ARE THE CHANCES?PASSIVEVery great if this skill has found you, as you are now able to have random occurrences of great value land in your favor without prior knowledge. The chance is small, but at least it isn't impossible.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/A
SKILLLUCKY FINDPASSIVEIncreases the chance to find top quality gear for the creature hunted equal to 1%/10 LUK. This chance applies to all top quality item drops from the hunted creature. This can apply to as many drops as the top quality list contains. Also applies to lower drop qualities multiplying by 2 for every level down as long as the item is not obtained. Once an item is obtained, luck will be based off the stat alone.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/A
SKILLICE ELEMENTAL MASTERY[INTERMEDIATE]PASSIVEFamily ties or great skill are the only ways to obtain this ability. It grants the ability to learn all ice spells, and use spells of the intermediate level or lower with a 10X power boost.LEVEL = 1COST = N/A
SKILLWIND ELEMENTAL MASTERY[BEGINNER]PASSIVECan learn up to intermediate level wind spells, beginner wind spells will have 5X power.LEVEL = 1COST = N/A
SKILLWATER ELEMENTAL MASTERY[BEGINNER]PASSIVECan learn up to intermediate level water spells, beginner wind spells will have 5X power.LEVEL = 1COST = N/A
SKILLMAGIC MASTERY[INTERMEDIATE]PASSIVEGranted only to those of Sage status or higher, the user can learn all non-elemental magics. Non-elemental magics casted by the user are 10X more powerful if at the Intermediate level or below. Also allows the user to channel and control the mana in their body for use in creating and altering spells, so long as the capacity to perform the created spell is there.LEVEL = 1COST = N/A
SKILLMARTIAL ARTS MASTERY[BEGINNER]PASSIVEThe user is capable of learning martial arts easily, but can only become skilled to an average degree in any martial arts they learn. Speed and fluidity of martial arts increase with skill.LEVEL = 3COST = N/ASKILLCOPPERHEAD'S RESPITEACTIVEThis skill allows the user to create a poison mist that causes pain and difficulty breathing if inhaled, and pain along with difficulty seeing if got in the eyes. Open wounds are instantly infected and cause pain along with mild tissue damage. While lethality can be only slightly affected, higher intelligence will give much faster effects with much smaller doses. Creates a cloud in size depending on intelligence with the user being immune. Requires mana every minute to keep the density, otherwise no new mist is generated.LEVEL = 1COST = 450+150/MINUTESKILLICE ARMORACTIVECreates a nearly impenetrable armor of ice, considered an advanced spell, it is capable of withstanding nearly any physical attack, and can even withstand up to intermediate ranked fire spells.LEVEL = 1COST = 500+150/MINUTESKILLSPINNING MANA LANCEACTIVEBeing an advanced tier spell, it is capable of piercing even the strongest defenses in the magical world without a high tier defensive spell. The current number per cast is 1, but is increased based upon level.LEVEL = 1COST = 250SKILLICE MOUNTAIN FUNERALACTIVECreating a mountain of ice to surround the target, this spell freezes and kills whatever is trapped inside. Only a Fire Spell of the GRAND level can destroy this monstrous spell.LEVEL = 1COST = 3000SKILLSWORD MASTERY[BEGINNER]PASSIVEAllows the user to fight effectively with swords. The higher the mastery, the stronger the user is at fighting with bladed melee weapons.LEVEL = 57COST = N/ASKILLFIRE ELEMENTAL MASTERY[ADVANCED]PASSIVEGrants excellent control of fire magic, granting the user the ability to perform spells up to the EXPERT level.LEVEL = 3COST = N/ASKILLFIRE LAND BURSTACTIVECauses the land to catch fire and shoot fire from it in a radius equal to the number of yards times intelligence. Strength gains intelligence factoring normally, and level increases the height and heat of the flames as well.LEVEL = 73COST = 1000+250/MINUTESKILLELEMENTAL SUMMONING[ADVANCED]ACTIVESummon an elemental of any known element to aid you in battle. May summon one elemental of each known element per level.LEVEL = 1COST = 1000/MINUTE/ELEMENTAL[TR]SKILLTEMPORAL MAGIC MASTERY[ADVANCED]PASSIVE/ACTIVEA skill that grants a total immunity to aging even at the most basic level, not only preventing them from dying of it, but staying the same physical age forever. Also gives a person’s magic the ability to “remember” every time that they have lived through. This skill is the basis and prerequisite for all time-related skills. Can also cause time to stop, which happens automatically when inside the user’s own protected space now.LEVEL = 1COST = N/ASKILLARMORCRAFTING[GRAND]PASSIVEGrants the user the ability to craft armors through the knowledge they have of armorcrafting. This skill allows for the creation of all armors, from heavy armors made of metal, to even the lightest of cloth armors. As level increases, the chance of creating a UNIQUE item rises, and the rank of the skill determines the quality of the material that can be crafted. For example, an EXPERT item is still usually stronger than an ADVANCED UNIQUE item.LEVEL = 99COST = N/ASKILLWEAPONCRAFTING[GRAND]PASSIVEWeaponcrafting is a skill that is used to craft all types of weapons from wood and bone weapons to all types of metal weapons. Follows the same basic principles as ARMORCRAFTING.LEVEL = 85COST = N/ASKILLTIME WARPACTIVEAllows the user to travel through time using their temporal memory as an anchor on when they can go. Due to time travel being a very special concept, time can be transformed by changing events. If a person kills somebody that was supposed to die at a different time, it can entirely change the future and decide whether you can actually return to your present. Can bring up to one person for every level of the skill.LEVEL = 3COST = 1000/PERSONSKILLMYSTIC SUNACTIVEA grand tier spell, capable of reaching temperatures exceeding 9,000 degrees Farenheit. These temperatures are hot enough to heat up the area to a point where it can melt skin and tissue just being near the heat.LEVEL = 1COST = 1500SKILLLIGHTNING ELEMENTAL MASTERY[BEGINNER]PASSIVELightning elemental spells can be used up to the intermediate level. Beginner and novice spells gain a 5x boost in power.LEVEL = 1COST = N/ASKILLCHAIN LIGHTNINGACTIVEThe user channels lightning energy, keeping a connection to it, and then fires it into an enemy. This energy bounces to other enemies, and will chain through them. Due to the connection with the user, it can be kept active.LEVEL = 1COST = 500+250/MINUTESKILLLIGHTNING BURSTACTIVEFlowing magic into the sky, the user rains lightning down after enough enters the sky. The destructive force is immense, since the attack can be controlled with precision. The lightning has enough destructive power to be considered extremely dangerous, but can be easily defended with knowledge of how lightning is directed.LEVEL = 1COST = 500SKILLLIGHTNING BODYACTIVEThe user can transform their body into lightning, enabling movement at the speed of lightning. This technique requires immense focus though, and prevents other attacks or spells from being used.LEVEL = 1COST = 1500+750/MINUTESKILLLIGHTNING STORMACTIVEThe user can create and sustain a storm, which can rain down near continuous lightning. The speed and number of strikes are dependent upon level.LEVEL = 1COST = 1500+750/MINUTESKILLCHAOS LIGHTNINGACTIVEThe user covers the entire area with lightning, but an extremely powerful form of lightning. This lightning has enough destructive power to punch through metal instead of being channeled by it. This ability can be sustained, but takes almost full concentration to control it if so.LEVEL = 1COST = 4500+2250/MINUTESKILLJEWELRY CRAFTING[GRAND]PASSIVEThe ability to craft jewelry from any kind of material, a very profitable craft, as jewelry has two qualities that make it very valuable. The first is that it I very appealing to the wealthy, and the second is that jewelry one of the best items for holding magical charges. This is due to the fact that gems and beads can hold mana for a near indefinite amount of time.LEVEL = 7COST = N/ASKILLTAILORING[GRAND]PASSIVEA skill used to create clothing from any kind of cloth. The higher the skill level and rank, the better the clothing is. Even though clothing is often thought of as weak, those who gain enough knowledge can even learn how to sew with metal thread, which can vastly improve the durability of clothing. Clothing is also much better at holding a magical charge than armor, since it does not repel or prevent a charge like solid plate metal will.LEVEL = 99COST = N/ASKILLENCHANTING[ADVANCED]PASSIVEA skill used to store a charge in an item, the strength of the charge depends on the item that the charge is being placed into. For example, gems have the highest magic retention rate, and are therefore the best place to store an enchantment. Swords with a gem in the hilt make for the strongest charge, unless the entire blade is made of a precious stone.LEVEL = 39COST = N/ASKILLADVANCED PARTY HEALACTIVERestores 50% health to all those healed, up to a total of the normal mana expenditure of the spell. If there are alterations increasing the power of the spell, then that is how much more can be restored above the standard cost of the spell. Can currently heal for up to 7500 health, but still a maximum 50% health of the person being healed.LEVEL = 9COST = 2500SKILLSHIPBUILDING[BEGINNER]PASSIVEGrants the ability to build ships, the maximum size and quality of the ship depends on the level and rank of shipbuilding. For example, a NOVICE could build a smaller fishing boat, where a person with EXPERT could build a boat up to a mid to large-size naval destroyer in size. The materials that can be used also depend on rank, since it requires more knowledge of shipbuilding to keep the ratio for staying afloat right.LEVEL = 31COST = N/ASKILLSPATIAL MAGIC MASTERY[NOVICE]PASSIVESpatial magic is a form of magic that gives people access to a backdoor through the world. They can perform spells to warp space around them and make a real world area into somewhat of a protected space.LEVEL = 1COST = N/ASKILLSPACE WARPACTIVEUsing this spell, a person can warp space to access otherwise inaccessible areas. These can be such things as hidden dungeons and locked protected spaces. While the main rules of the area cannot be broken with this spell, it can allow access to the outer most levels. The use can also be used to enter areas outside of reality, areas placed there through turning a real piece of land into a pseudo-protected space.LEVEL = MAXCOST = 10SKILLTELEPORTATIONACTIVEThe user channels magic and then can teleport to any location they have been before. A spell of the beginner level, it requires some skill with spatial magic to use effectively. Due to a long channeling period, it cannot be used as a combat spell. Cannot be used to travel to any location less than 5 miles from the user, and must be to a location that the user has been to.LEVEL = MAXCOST = 500SKILLBLINKACTIVEAn advanced form of teleport that can be used to transport oneself and others a distance, but happens instantaneously instead of taking place over a minute of channeling.LEVEL = 3COST = 1500SKILLDIVERSION CLONEACTIVEAn advanced cloning skill, it can be used to create a clone with no consciousness. It is best used as an escape or diversion, as it holds all physical and genetic traits of the person creating it.LEVEL = 1COST = 1500SKILLTRANSFORMATIONACTIVEThe user can transform their body using DNA that their body has previously, or does currently have. These genes are stored in the magic, and can be pulled out to the active body form after learning the spell. The spell is near instant, but does have restrictions. Altering total mass is doable, but takes more time and added mana to facilitate.LEVEL = 9COST = 3000SKILLPARTY HEALACTIVECan be used to heal the members of a person’s party. This can only be used on actual party members, which can only be determined through either a spell that gather’s people as a “party,” the person making an actual party.LEVEL = 100COST = 500SKILLPOTENT MAGICPASSIVEThe user’s magic is becoming more potent, and that also improves the power of their spells. Magic cast is 50% stronger when cast with potent magic. This does not work with variable cost spells, as they control mana differently.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/ASKILLGRAND POTENCYPASSIVEGrants an extra 50% to spell power, making attacks even stronger and heals that much more effective. Total of 100% higher spell power, doubling natural spell strength. This does not work with variable cost spells, as they control mana differently.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/ASKILLDRAGON’S MIGHTPASSIVEThe user gains the true magical power of a dragon, can only be gained by those housing a dragon or great magical potential. Boosts the power of spells to 300% of natural strength, making them much stronger, and also effectively doubles the power of spells even with variable costs.LEVEL = MAXCOST = N/ASKILLMYSTOKINESISACTIVEThe user can fully control magic, but can only control as much as they are spending. Greater control allows more power when controlling magic to attack or bind. For example, if a person is spending 20000 mana to control this ability, but they only have no cost reduction, then a person they are going against with just 10,000 and a 50% reduction in their costs would require spending full mana points just to prevent them from using spells.LEVEL = 3COST = VARIABLE
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