《A Technomaniac in Another World (Prototype)》♫ Oh, Yeah! New Arc! Mini-Arc ♫


Oh. Oooooh! Oh.

Yello! Thank you oh so much for reading until here! Expect more of course(duh!). Anyway, this next arc will be small. The first had 12 chapters, this next one will be smaller. I think half of it? Or even less. Still thinking though!

Anyway, it will be more of a preparation arc, to be exactly. Kenji will be learning few tricks and making his artifacts. Yes, in this next arc, he will be acquiring the Odyssey Outfit. I think some people might have thought he's an idiot for not acquiring it, right? Eh.

Well, there will be details about some things, such as Blacksmithing, compounding as we all know exist even on the real world. He will also build some kind of way of moving around. Gimme your thoughts on it. I want to see what you guys might think.

Oh, and of course. Give me criticism! Constructive criticism, of course. Improvement is something important. And you guys help me out! I'm not good with words, so this is relatively small. I'll be posting a side story soon, and will be having a small hiatus, because it's almost end of the year. A bit of rest and all of that.

Also, did you notice that if you divide 2020 by 5, it will be 404? This year was tough, huh? Better be not found then. Sorry! And that's it! Thanks for reading!

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