《Ruthless Reincarnator》About Qi and Magic


Qi isn’t the same as Magic Power.

Qi is energy. It’s everywhere, and it composes everything.

Heat, coldness, heaviness, mass, space and time, radiation, light…. Everything is Qi.

But Qi isn’t magic power.

Magic power…. It could be said to be knowledge. But that would be wrong. It could be said to be comprehension. But that would be wrong as well.

Magic power is something. But as much as a blind person can’t know what color is without seeing it, a regular human from eath probably will never know what magic power is.

Unless it has been trained extensively like a Shaolin Monk or something, of course.

Since Qi has intimate relation to Magic Power, and Magic Power is the force to move the Qi.

One can say a mage uses his Mind to move energy - or even to change the Laws of Physics.

But that would be wrong.

The laws are there, and they don’t change.

The mage’s mind is there as well, and still, imagining something or effectively producing it as magic are totally different things.

The force which connects the mage’s heart, mind and body to Energy, to Qi, be it in the form of light, heat, mater, or even space and time - this is Magic Power.

The heart allows for the mind to focus. The body produces and stores both Qi and Magic. And the Mind instructs Magic to Move.

However, if Magic Power can move Qi after being instructed by the mind, then as well Qi can move Magic Power, as long as there is enough of it.

Just imagine Magic Power as a river, which has a dam regulating its flux, and Qi as a small amount of dirt. The mages’ mind is the dam, and the mage is the one who can release more or less water, and also decide where it will go to.


Except that, if the dam is too thin, or the river suddenly expands, the dam will explode. If a mountain suddenly gets in front of the dam, as well, then the river won’t be able to move it, no matter how the mage instructs it to go. It will be deflected instead - contrary to what the mage desires and following the course of nature.

This kind of power will move the foolish mage’s mind, spirit, emotions or even body in turn, if it is too dumb to know its own limits.

Yes, Magic Power allows for amazing things to happen. It can change the basic structure of mater by manipulating energy, space, time, gravity, magnetism and even other forces and substances, directly!

It can change gravitons, bend space or even produce toxic radiation.

But It is also dangerous.

Foolish is the mage who doesn’t know its own limits, since he is bound to be teared apart by the very magic power he tried to control.

Just like a dam exploding from too much pressure.

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