《Reaper's Game》Chapter 28: Night Attack


"Everything is organized and ready to go. I'll be taking my leave now." Carey bowed to the king who was sitting on top of his throne, aside from them only Hesn and Ben were in the room.

"Thank you very much for your help." The king gestured for Carey to get up gratefully. "I'm sorry to have taken so much of your time."

"Since this will help a lot in the upcoming battle it was not wasted time at all..." Carey paused and looked conflicted for a few seconds before looking straight at the king, "But are you sure this is worth it? I mean to make that sort of contract with him."

"I am neither a great warrior or mage, I'm not a wise sage or a valiant commander. Truthfully, I've hidden behind my daughter's backs more than they have mine. Contenting myself on following up on their actions rather than taking those actions myself." The king raised a hand to stop the protests that were about to come out of three people's mouths. "I know my own capabilities and I also know that I am nothing but dead weight in the upcoming battle. If so this little that I can do to make a difference is certainly worth it."

Carey wanted to say something, anything, because in her mind the king that had held the kingdom together for so long was definitely capable. But at the same time the words he had said were true. If you were to ask about him from random person from any class be it commoner or noble they would most likely answer with indifference. Neither good king nor a bad one. One who stood by justice's side but at the same time made sure the nobles were pleased, as such there were few that would answer otherwise unless they were directly affected by the king's decisions.

"Well enough with this depressing topic, I hope you have a safe trip and I'm truly grateful to you from the bottom of my heart." This time the king bowed to Carey, surprising all present into a flustered panic.

"M-My liege!!!"

"Hmph, don't take me as an ignorant or prideful fool. At the very least I will show gratitude where it is due. Besides, it's not like there's anyone else here." The king gave a wry smile, "Just don't get yourself killed, if the palace gets damaged we can always fix it, if the castle gets taken we can always take it back; but there's nothing we can do about the dead."

"I-" Carey froze up with tears threatening to spill over. From a young age she had already been acquainted with the princess's, of course she had plenty of interaction with their father who despite being busy all the time managed to free up a part of the day to spend with his daughters. For Carey who didn't know her parents, he filled up that void.

"Come on, let's go." Ben grabbed Carey and turned her around then gently pushed her back, "Don't worry old man, I'll keep her safe." As they were about to exit the room Ben stopped and turned around, "Watch yourself too okay?" Without waiting a reply he strode out with Carey in tow.

"Heh, he still hasn't changed all these years. Wonder when he'll confess." The smile that was one the kings face faded as he turned towards Hesn, "Hand out the items Carey had been organizing to the troops."


"At once!" Hesn bowed and headed out the doors that were to their left, one especially made for guards.

"Hmm... So, how's your father been?" The king didn't look behind him as a figure melted out of the shadows.

"He's been fine, no less energetic than before." Kaila stood there behind the king's throne the sharp glint of a blade in her hands.

One more day till they arrive... Gwyn looked down at the sword that lay beside her. Despite diligently filling it up with mana every day there hasn't been any indication of it being full, "As expected of a Divine weapon, does it even have a limit?"

"You're done early today." Shea stepped into the room with a tray of tea.

"Seems I've gotten better at handling mana." Gwyn grinned as she accepted a cup of tea from Shea, this had become a daily event for them.

"Here, this is yours." Shea handed Gwyn a leather bag that was small enough to be attached to the belt.

"What is it?" Gwyn opened up the bag and stared at the contents with her mouth open, "Th-This is!" Inside were small vials with transparent liquid of various colours, all arranged with a little bit of cloth between them so they would not break from bumping into each other.

"Potions, supplied to everybody here." Shea patted a similar bag that was attached on her left side, "Hesn and the guards started handing them out just now.

"Hesn? But where would he get these?" Potions were of course a must for any soldier or adventurer but the cost was not a simple thing. Gwyn lifted one of the vials, not only was the potion contained within glass it was also clear and had a solid colour unlike the usual ones that were often diluted several times to the point where the colour is barely distinguishable.

"Seems father and Carey made a deal with Shin before he left. The red potion heals most wounds barring missing parts, the blue one is for mana and the yellow one refreshes you completely. Every bag has at least three, the types depending on who they are for." Shea gave a bitter smile, "Carey didn't tell me anything, even though all this time she had been sorting them."

"Just what did Shin want for all of these?" For almost five thousand people to have three of these, it would cost no small fortune to obtain normally. He already had access to information and he didn't interested in marrying either Gwyn or Shea.

"I don't know but for now I think we can be grateful for them." Shea carefully closed the bag and sat down, slowly so the bag doesn't hit the ground hard. "This will save a lot of lives."

"Definitely, with this the troops can be more relieved about the upcoming battle." Gwyn likewise carefully placed the vial back into the bag and closed it. "Don't save it though, if you need to use it; use it." Shea looked up in surprise because Gwyn had guessed what she was thinking. "I've known you long enough to at least know that you want to save it for someone who really needs it. They're fighting for us so don't throw away your life." Gwyn grit her teeth, the battlefield was merciless. If one tried to save a comrade who went to protect you it would only end up wasting their efforts, the job of a leader is to stay alive; as long as they are hope won't be lost.


"I will but I don't think I'll have any chance to use it. Joker told me to wear one of the animated armors tomorrow." Shea sighed, "I tried refusing but she wouldn't take no for an answer."

"Well, it'll come in handy during an emergency... wait! Joker is a girl?!?!"

"Eh?!? You didn't know?"

"Well I mean the way she acts and talks, not to mention the name of Joker... does, does Shin know?" The name was given by Shin so did he giver her that name without knowing? From the depths of her heart Gwyn truly wished that it wasn't the case.

"Everything is ready, Sir!" A soldier gave a salute to a cloaked figure who was grinning while caressing a skull.

"Kukuku, it's finally time. I'm coming for you my princess." The figure waved his hand. Simultaneously a dozen armored forms stood up and started walking in unison towards the wall from the shadows of the buildings they were in. Their skin glowed green in the moonlight, "Let's give them a wake up call!!!"

The Capital City's Second wall:

"Guh!" One of the royal army's soldiers toppled over with a deep cut on his chest. "W-Why?"

"We've been running around here and there for YEARS, and we have gotten nothing from them." The fallen soldiers former comrade in arms was standing over him holding a bloody sword with a mad glint in his eyes, "The time of the royals are at an end!!!" He raised the blade, "Don't worry, I'll make it quick."

The blade came slashing down and warm blood flowed through the cold night air. The soldier painfully opened the bag that was at his side with his left hand, his right was barely attached now. Having found the red potion he quickly drunk it before grabbing the bag off of the cold body at his feet. Offering a quick prayer to the corpse he re-lit the torch that was recently put out and ran towards the watch tower, he needed to warn them that there was an attack coming.

Across the entirety of the wall a similar scene was happening, over half of the soldiers stationed on the wall turned on their former friends. That one soldier would prove to be the only loyal soldier to make it out of the attack.

"Killed by a dagger." The cloaked figure kicked the corpse of the traitor, "Useless." He reached down with a jagged knife and started sawing off the head. A moment later a green light was emitted from his hand and the detached head shrunk down to the size of a billiard ball. "Let's go." He started walking while carelessly throwing the newly shrunk head into the bag he had slung over his shoulder. Within the head was quickly swallowed up by the other heads that were in there shifting due to his movements. A dozen guards followed him closely as he strolled towards the gate that connected the royal grounds and the nobles residences, his aim was the walkway that would give him access to the inner wall. Behind him trailed the soldiers that were put under his command by the nobles.

"... Why are we working with a monster like him?"

"Shhhh, he'll hear you. Orders are orders, just follow them and you'll be fine."

"I wonder... what that skull's for? Is it how he casts those spells?"

"Shut it!" The senior soldier smacked the unfortunate soldier that spoke last, "Just move, we won't have to deal with him after this."

"I don't think we'll be able to kill him though, even with a surprise attack."

*Smack, the soldier fell down with blood trailing from his mouth, "I said shut it!" the senior soldier cautiously checked the hooded figure for any reaction before turning back to his men, "Don't speak of that matter again, it'll be somebody else's problem after we start fighting anyways."

"Gwyn!!" Tarbalt burst into the room with Fergul close behind. "They're attacking!"

Gwyn untangled her legs and got up quickly before falling over because her legs were numb from being in that position for so long. "What?!? Weren't they not supposed to arrive until tomorrow?"

"About half of the royal army turned on us, one of the soldiers from the second wall got away and alerted us but now the ones inside turned as well. There's heavy fighting everywhere and it's chaos."

"We've already told everyone else to head towards the south gate." Fergul shifted his armor a little.

"DAMN!" Gwyn grabbed the sword and wrapped her arm around Tarbalt who held out his arm to support her. They just had to attack right after she finished transferring mana over to the sword. "Where's Shea?"

"She and her unit is headed towards the north gate to keep it clear for Carey's return, a messenger has already been sent to the temples but considering the fires around there I'd say they have their own problems."

"And the other gates?" The north and south gates would of course be the most highly contested, especially the south. The other two could be said as extras since the city guard are keeping the enemy from travelling there as much as possible but a sneak attack cannot be dismissed.

"Surprisingly quiet." Tarbalt's eyes met Gwyns, "It may just be that the enemy is overlooking it or doesn't want to contest it but, I highly doubt that."

"I can walk myself now." Crimson flames surrounded Gwyn as her favorite leather armor came into existence. Up ahead through the open doors of the Palace Gwyn could see the figures of soldiers fighting on top of the walls, a group of them concentrated near walkway between the two walls drew her eye. A cloaked figure was situated in the middle of them and was cutting heads off of the fallen regardless of alignment. Gwyn quickly uncorked the blue and yellow potions chugging them down and then, feeling energy flow into her she started running at the cloaked figure. "You two meet back up with the group, I'm taking that bastard down!"

Gwyn gripped her sword hard and started focusing on the vast pool of mana that was stored within, Shin had said she could summon monsters, two powerful monsters and right now they need all the help they could get.

*Note: Numbers!!! -

Royal Forces: 4975 -> 3215

Traitor Forces: 0 -> 967

Noble Forces (Currently engaged): 0 -> 1758 + 13 (Cloaked man and guards)

Total Casualties: 793 (Royal/Traitor Forces), 242 (Noble Forces)

Celia's chapter about 35% I'll say done (was working on that instead of second chapter). X.X writing down the rough stories of the people surrounding her so I don't forget ate up so much time.

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