《Reaper's Game》Chapter 26: Peace Plan


"My, aren't you a little aggressive my master?" A face similar to Jane's was facing me with a seductive smile on her face, "Not that I dislike it." Certain parts of our bodies were touching and she started undressing in a squirming manner.

"Wai- What?!?" Let's retrace my steps. I woke up, made breakfast, gave Gwyn an item that allowed her to communicate with me, asked Ben about Clara, then teleported with Lily to Wuldrud Forest where the demons were last seen. So how did I end up on top of Jane? "Jane? Buh!"

A collision with a familiar magic sent my flying, "You're my husband Shin!!!" Lily was floating there with both her hands held out, wind balls were already forming in her palms where the last round was just fired from.

"Oh, I don't mind being a mistress you know." Jane(?) got up, wait she had wings and a tail. "I believe this will be our first time meeting," She gave a little curtsy, that looks really weird with Jane(?) doing it, "My name is Lust one of your loyal servants." Oh the demon of lust that Kage made... wait he used Jane as a base? I can't help but feel a little disappointed in a way.

"Wait Lily, stop hitting me with those, they're annoying." Although the first one had sent me flying, now that I was standing up they were kind of like snow balls. "Nice to meet you Lust but... why are you here?" Looking around there were definitely the huge piles of bones that used to be wolf corpses along with a bunch of debris and holes where there weren't any before.

"I sensed someone teleporting here and assumed that it would be you, after all there are not many who would be able to use it." Lust gave off another smile while getting up, her clothes messed up in a way that revealed various peeks at her womanly parts. But to get here this fast, was she just nearby or really fast? I have no idea the capabilities of the sin demons. "Now that you're actually here, the other two should arrive soon."

Sense Presence (No Restraint) Several people were heading our way, rather two demons, some goblins it would seem to be and a couple of humans. They really stood out with Sense Magic, a pitch black existence which created a void in the area and the other a blazing inferno. Lust's aura was a bit disturbing in an awkward way, it was pink and seemed really attractive for some reason. Ugh am I craving company so much that I'm attracted to an aura?

Lily sat forcefully on my shoulder and clung to my head while hissing at Lust. "What a cute little thing you are, I would love to spend some time with you." Lust's eyes started glowing and I felt a small amount of pressure in my head, mind control magic?

I covered Lily's eyes, rather her head with my hand. "What are you doing?" Intimidation (No Restraint)

Lust smiled completely unfazed by my skill, "Sorry sorry, she was just so cute that I gave in to temptation for a bit."

Turtle Stance (No Restraint) I threw Lily behind me as I activated turtle stance and removed the restriction on my defensive passives. Just in time because a black crescent of magic smacked into me pushing me back several feet.

"That's just rude, Pride." Lust was looking casually in the direction where the attack came from.


"You are not the one I made the contract with." Wings, plate mail and an absolutely arrogant attitude, he's one of those characters that I hate the most.

"Different souls but same person, our contract was with the chosen of the Reaper and he fulfills that you know." Lust smiled at Pride tauntingly.

"I will not accept such an inferior being as my master. To serve such a disgusting lower race such as a human is a disgra- ?!?!" While he was talking Pride was slammed into from behind into the ground several meters away to the right with an explosion of bone.

"Huh?" The one standing there, Wrath I assume was looking between his hand and Pride, "Did I do that?"

"Master's Master, this one is Gree. This one greets you most humbly." A goblin that was wearing some leather armor walked up from behind Wrath and knelt on the ground.

"Greets you, Greets you." Following Gree's example four other goblins also knelt before me.

"Wrath you bumbling idiot!" Pride had gotten up, not one spot on his immaculate armor and started stalking towards us again.

"That'll be enough." I guess I'll need to subdue Pride first before anything. I activated an ability that I rarely used due to it's stupidly overpowered nature.Aura of Death (Restraint One Target)

"Guh..." Pride stumbled as if hit by a heavy blow, it seems he is quite strong indeed since this ability kills weaker beings exposed to it after it had leveled up. "If you think you can make me submit with just this you are sorely mistaken!!!" Pride started moving towards me with his sword raised.Intimidation (No Restraint), Killing Intent (No Restraint), Demon Eyes (No Restraint). Pressuring Aura (Restraint One Target), Ruler's Aura (Restraint One Target) Every time I stacked another ability on Pride stumbled, as I activated my last ability Pride was forced onto his knees with his head bowed.

"Give in yet?" I don't want to resort to physical attacks since I'm not sure how much he can take, if I go too easy he'll probably dismiss me but if I take it too seriously I might end up seriously injuring or killing him instead.

"Like hell I will to a lowly human!" This... might take a while. It's a good thing I have a large pool of stamina and mana as well as the skills themselves costing little resources due to their high level and efficiency.

"Wind Hammer!!!" Suddenly the area around Pride collapsed deep into the ground, of course Pride was no exception as he was slammed deep into the earth. Turning around I saw an angry Lily, "Wind Hammer! Wind Hammer! Wind Hammer!" Despite Wind Hammer being a relatively low level spell, Lily's high magical proficiency makes it incredibly deadly.

"Wait Lil-"

"Wind Hammer! Wind Hammer! Wind Hammer!" The hole Pride was in is now several meters deep as Lily repetitively cast her spell, Lust was laughing on the side holding her stomach with both hands as Wrath and the goblins watched silently.

"WIND PILLAR!!!" A giant pillar twenty meters tall and five meters wide of compressed air formed above the hole and slammed down at an incredible speed.

Magic Break (No Restraint) The pillar exploded outwards generating large winds spreading outwards, Lily was launched backwards into my waiting hand as everyone else endured somehow; well the goblins were just hiding behind Wrath the unaffected giant.

Lily puffed her cheeks out at me, "Why did you stop me!"

"That was going overboard Lily." With the sound of cracking rocks a black plated hand grabbed onto the edge of the hole and slowly pulled the owner upwards. Pride's immaculate armor was now cracked in several places and one of his eyes had a rock jammed into it.


"Ahahaha you should look at yourself." Lust was barely standing while laughing at Pride.

"Shut up you whore." Pride glared at Lust as the rock fell out of his eye socket, aside from some dirt his eyeball looked completely fine. "And you!!!" Pride pointed his sword at Lily, "You shall-" He never finished his sentence as I slammed him with a fist empowered by Bear Stance, of course with my strength unrestrained.


"Ah..." Oops I lost it for a second, where Pride landed was a giant crater worthy of a meteor. The surrounding trees were completely blown away and the rocks shattered, there were even several bloody spots where there were living critters a second ago.

"You should just," Lust couldn't finish her sentence as she held her stomach laughing soundlessly, "Submit." Squeezing that word out Lust continued with her fight against laughter.

Pride slowly peeled himself out of the ground however his armor was in shreds at this point with a giant hole where my fist landed, the pale flesh underneath a deep purple and swelling. "Fi-fine, you are worthy of being my master." His voice was strained and he was staggering towards us, now that he was up I could see that one of his wings was bent at a weird angle; injuries aside he's damn tough.

"Great, first lets fix you up." Repair using the repair command from my inventory I restored his armor while being next to it, Space Magic Mastery was really useful. Pride grimaced in pain as the armor was fixed, pressing down on the various wounds across his body. I tossed him a Major Healing Potion as I turned around to face the new comers that were just arriving.

"Wha-what the hell was that?" A man that was breathing heavily stepped into the clearing followed by another man and a woman.

"Oh Kendrick, pft, you're late." Still plagued by the remnants of the laughter Lust greeted the man in the front. "Meet my master-" it seemed like she was going to introduce me before she clamped her mouth shut and endured the temptation to laugh again while looking away from Pride with a large smile.

"You're human?" What's with the dumbfounded looks on the three's faces? Did they expect me to be some evil demon lord or something?

"Yes, yes I am human. 100% biologically human. I'm Shin, nice to meet you." I held out my right hand for a hand shake.

Kendrick stared at my hand fearfully for a bit before hesitantly grasping it in a handshake. "Kendrick Lannar, a cleric."

"Harold, I was a guard for a caravan."

"Same as Harold, I'm Jan."

The two introduced themselves, it seems like these three weren't under mind control? "I assume you have a base right?Let's head there before talking." This place would likely be under investigation quite soon after that explosion.

"Of course, right this way." Lust pressed her chest against my arm and dragged me off in the direction the others had come from, "Would you like a bath, food or... me first?" She had a large grin on her face as Lily was pulling on my ear from the other side. I must say that I've always been envious of the protagonist's with a harem, now I kind of pity them; who knows what goes on off screen.

"This... is quite impressive." What we have essentially returned to was an amazing fort camouflaged as a decent sized hill, so well in fact that I might have skipped it entirely if I wasn't led by Lust.

"Isn't it? It took a lot of work you know." Lust was showing it off all the while taking every opportunity to flirt with me.

"A lot of work for everyone but you, you mean." Kendrick was sighing behind us, since we returned at a much more manageable pace it seems like everyone's more or less recovered from their previous trek.

"I'm sure you're tired from your travels, let us speak in a much more comfortable environment shall we?" As Lust led me to what was obviously the main building, although it was more like a small mansion, the others drifted off in different directions. Walking into the building where two guards held the doors open for us I noticed that most of the people although working independently, seemed lifeless.

"Welcome to my room." Lust threw open the double doors to one of the room on the second floor revealing a spacious bedroom with a large soft looking bed.

"Weren't we going to an office or something like that? Also are all the people here under mind control?" I stopped at the doorway and refused to budge despite Lust pulling on my arm, Lily had a triumphant face on for some reason.

Lust sighed and seemed to give up on dragging me, instead opted to sit at the edge of bed with some very welcoming gestures and posture. "They are but I'm treating them well you know. I've been dutiful to the order so at least let me have a reward for it." Lust pouted, I still can't get used to her having the same face as Jane.

"If I remember correctly, Kage said that the order was to find information about other chosen and stay out of trouble right?" The base certainly was hidden but so many people go missing is inviting trouble isn't it? Plus there had been very obvious evidence of demon activity that matched Wrath's and Pride's descriptions.

"That's about right, the men here are mostly bandits with the exception of the three from before and won't be missed. About information gathering I have people infiltrated into most of the underground and a good portion of the legal businesses; from the information obtained I have a list of several people who are most likely a chosen. Of course we've got a good amount of money, equipment and items stocked up here in case we need to act in a less subtle way but I've been careful you know."

"Even though there are hunts for both Wrath and Pride?"

Lust sighed and rubbed her forehead, "They did that before I could stop them, Wrath is kind of dim and attacked a village almost killing the chosen there while Pride massacred a temple but let the chosen escape. I've kept them out of sight ever since then, but it was hard you know."

"Where's the chosen now?" I can kind of sympathize with her since Pride looked uncontrollable and with a name like Wrath I doubt he's much better.

"She's locked in one of rooms in this building, of course she gets proper treatment since I knew you wouldn't have wanted her harmed." Lust shifted her posture, in the process moving her clothing to be even more revealing and suggestive.

"Thanks," As I turned around to leave an invisible wall blocked my path.

"Is that all I get?" Turning around I saw Lust walking towards me with tears in her eyes, "I've done so much the least you could do is give me a reward." She curled her arms around my neck and strained to get closer to my face, her height lacking despite already being on the tips of her toes. Where'd Lily go? She was here before we went up the stairs. "Is my body not enough for you? I know I'm lacking in several areas but at least just a kiss?" Lust started stripping, wait if it's just a kiss why undress?

"Ok if it's just a kiss." Lust gave me a small smile as I bent my legs a little putting our faces at a close distance to each other. Lust closed her eyes and pulled on my neck to get even closer and... kissed my on the cheek. As she did so I felt some energy leave me as Lust seemed to become more energetic.

"Thank you my lord, that was truly delicious. Maybe next time we can go further." Lust was fully dressed by the time she let go, did she have an instant dressing skill? She winked at me, "We succubi are great in bed you know."

"Sorry..." I'm kind of ashamed that I was actually disappointed about just the kiss on the cheek, tch taking advantage of her isn't something I want to do. Sigh... true love is impossible to achieve I know but I still can't help but to chase after it.

"Sorry for what?" Lust linked arms with me and again led me, this time down the stairs towards the basement of the mansion. "Let us head towards her then."

"She was near death when I met her, we barely managed to keep her alive and even now she has various wounds." Despite being the basement the halls were brightly lit by torches that contained small magic stones placed at equal intervals. "She is alive and stable but we couldn't fix her limbs, only her right arm is still fully functional. Jan takes care of her most the time." Lust's smile disappeared for a second, "Such a shame, she would have been fun to play with." It seemed that Kendrick can cast low level healing spells but he couldn't heal her completely, the three being sin demons of course didn't have any healing spells.

At the end of the hall we arrived at a door guarded by two female demons, "My lady, Master." The two bowed to us before moving aside. In terms of appearance they looked like a human except their red skin and the two horns curling forwards that was on their heads. Did Lust summon these? I did not think that solely because their clothing were very revealing.

Opening the door we entered a decently sized room with a big bed was situated in the corner furthest away from us. right in front of us were a closet and to the left at the end of the bed was a desk covered with what appeared to be letters. It was there that a blonde girl sat looking at us with wide fearful eyes. "This is Celia, the chosen of Echo." Echo... I think she was a muse in greek mythology? She was cursed to only repeat sentences spoke to her but she wasn't a god according to the myths.

"Celia this is my master Shin." Hearing Lust say that Celia hastily covered up the letter she was hiding with her arms and kneeled on the floor with strained limping movements.

"Please forgive this one for any disrespect to you great lord." Her voice was cracked and weird sounding in several places and she was shaking the entire time. "This lowly slave humbly present herself to you."

I looked at Lust questioningly who looked away slightly, "We... may have threatened to completely massacre her town to get some information out of her."

"It's fine, please get up we aren't going to do that."

"Tha-thank you very much." She slowly got up, her eyes scanning us for any sudden movements or displeasure. Looking at her closely her ears were slightly pointed, elf?

"Are you an elf?" Celia trembled at the word elf.

"I-I am a half elf." She continued trembling as she answered my question, she seemed on the verge of tears.

"It's my first time seeing one." Not that I've met many while training, I reached out a hand to touch her ears out of curiosity but before I made contact Celia dropped to the ground.

"I-I'm very sorry, I'm sorry for existing, please don't destroy the village." She was full out crying at this point and I held a arm out to stop Lust who was leaking some killing intent. Is it because she was a half elf? I thought half breeds may be treated poorly but her reaction is extreme isn't it?

"It's okay I won't do that." I reached a hand and pat her head and she flinched at my touch, wait isn't she a grown woman? I was used to doing this because of Lily but is this fine? I froze as I saw her limbs that had been previously covered by her clothes. Her legs and left arms had many scars on them and were slightly curved one way or the other along the entire limb. "Here drink this." I held out a vial that contained a deep purple liquid. This was a rejuvenation potion, different from regulars potions that just closed wounds this potion will regrow limbs; hopefully it works just fine on repairing damages and scars.

"Ye-yes." Celia reached out her right hand for it and used her left hand to uncork it with some difficulty since the movements on her left arm were slow and shaky. Lifting the vial to her lips she paused and seemed to look behind her. "It, it's okay Echo." She said that in barely a whisper being chugging the potion. So it seems she could communicate with her god like Jane said, am I the only one who can't?

A soft glow covered Celia as her damaged limbs straightened themselves and the scars faded until they were gone, yup a girl definitely shouldn't be hurt like that. "Tha-Thank you very much." Celia bowed her voice soft and lovely with her movements smooth, seems like she's all better now.

"No problem, in fact I should say sorry for what my subordinates had done to you in the first place." I bowed my head slightly to a flustered Celia and a pouting Lust.

"Sorry to do this right after you just recovered but, I would like you to join us." I continued while looking at both their shocked faces. "Of course I don't mean to join us as in joining my army or as a servant but a treaty of sorts I would like to make between chosen. I may be the chosen of the Reaper but I have no wish to fight or kill others unless I have to so I have decided that I would live in this world and if possible convince the other chosen to do the same."

This was the course of action I have decided upon after getting the full rules from Reaper, it wasn't against any of the rules and even if it was a slim chance it would allow anyone who outlived me to return to their worlds if they wished. Of course this was a naive plan but one that I can actually fulfill using the strength I've obtained.

"I-" Celia cut herself off and looked uncertainly between Lust and me.

"You can go back to the village if you wish and of course I promise that we won't attack. We can even do a soul contract if you wish."

"I... if it's alright can I stay with you instead?" I blinked in surprise at her request. "It was my fault that the village was attacked and... even if you don't there is no guarantee that another chosen won't attack in the future. "

"Er, if you want I guess, but what about your contacts?" I pointed to the letters she had on her desk.

Celia smiled wryly, "I was actually writing to tell him that I'll be cutting off connections with him... I don't want to drag anyone else into this mess anymore."

"Well then... Welcome I guess." This was an unexpected turn of events, especially after all we had done to her. I wonder if sending a bunch of gold to the village would be at least a bit of compensation.

Note* I may release Shin's stats at some point in the future but for now iz a mysteryz (although obviously they are high). Next chapter will be a side chapter about Celia (since I ended up writing the rough draft in my mind while writing this, kind of random but my brain is wired weirdly). I'll try to get another chapter out sometime during the weekday but my schedule is pretty messed up so not sure what is exactly happening. If not chapter will be out next weekend for sure.

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