《Reaper's Game》Chapter 25.5: The Demon Jester


"I'm guessing your clothes were burnt away by the flames when you were equipping it." Gwyn was currently sitting on a chair in the room I was staying at and asking me various questions about the equipment I gave her.

"Is there a way to fix that problem?" Gwyn was looking down at the bracelet which was the condensed form of the armor.

"Ah... I don't think so. To begin with it wasn't even me who implemented the flames, it was originally just supposed to be a flash of light." The flames were probably a result of the soul metal interacting with Gwyn's mana, technically my fault but how could I have known? "It doesn't really matter either way, the way the armor is designed it can take on any shape you want. It can even change colours, although the armor value does not change. So if you make a long flowing dress the armor of each individual part is reduced while concentrating it into that bracelet will make it incredibly resilient." Aesthetics is important you know, people can spend hours in character creation and even lots of money for purely visual goods. It's the worst feeling ever when you have a piece of equipment that is amazing but looks shitty or doesn't match your theme after all.

"So I just use my mana and imagine it?" While she was asking the question the bracelet glowed and flames sprouted out from it covering her body. When the flames disappeared she was dressed in simple brown leather armor like the set that I met her in. "Oh this is really useful... By the way what's this made of?"

"Promise you won't freak out?" Of course the topic of materials would come up... I totally overdid it, in terms of strength that armor is probably close to the level of a boss dragon's scales.

"What... Did you use?" Gwyn was looking at me suspiciously without really answering the question.

"Err... The base leather is made using Carbon Leather made from the hide of a Carbon Bear, it's highly fir-"

"Wait Carbon Bear!?!? You mean the lord of the mountain?" Gwyn stood up from her chair and slammed her hands against the wall on either side of me. Isn't this a rather familiar scene? But normally I would be on the other side of this treatment.

"Ah, yeah I kind of killed him about a year ago." Gwyn opened her mouth but before she could speak, "Continuing on, as I was saying the armor is highly fire resistant due to the Fire Dragon's Scale. With how the Soul Metal reacted to you, it would seem that the armor will make you completely fire immune and highly heat resistant. There is also a complimentary automatic temperature regulation system that will allow you to walk in extreme heat or cold comfortably. Unfortunately I couldn't enchant it to allow flight but there are various stat buffs tied in with it and it will take something ridiculous to damage the armor. That's about all that I did to the armor." Comfort is a required thing you know, I've been through a hellish training where I managed to block a magic attack only to have it burn or freeze me through the temperature and not the attack itself.


"There were a lot of words I didn't understand in that... But basically what you're saying is that this armor is really really strong?"

"Well if you were to simplify it, basically."

"Who are you really?" During my explanation Gwyn had sat back down and was now looking up at me in amazement.

"Just someone who gets carried away with things, you should stop by my place sometime." I'm proud of the work done on the base over the past year and a half, the four of us got way too carried away but it's almost a country in and of itself in the way it functions with a lot of luxuries of earth functioning.

"Maybe later, I guess the sword is the same?" Gwyn sighed and started getting up.

"Actually I have no clue about the sword." Gwyn froze then blinked at me a couple of times.

"Sorry I think I heard wrong, what did you just say?"

"I have no clue about the sword, I made it using the materials from your old sword mixed in with Soul Metal. I have no idea what stats it has after it transformed." It was simply a rare quality steel great sword before she touched it, I haven't had a chance to examine it yet due to the way things went. "Just give me a second." Weapon Appraisal (No Restraint)

Onihime's Hell Blade (Divine 1-Handed Great Sword): With a flame strong enough to rival a god's, this sword was made from the condensed flames of hell. Special Ability - Consumes 500 mana to summon an Attacking Red Oni to fight by your side, Consumes 500 mana to summon a Protecting Blue Oni to fight by your side.

Atk: 250

Def: 100

Durability: N/A

+50 Str

+50 Vit

+50 End

+500 Fire Dmg

+25% to the effectiveness of Fire Skills/Magic

WAIT DIVINE!?!?! I assumed it would end up being a mythological grade since that's the highest I could craft but what the hell is with the stats?!?

"So... what did you find out about the sword?" Gwyn was looking nervously at me who had my mouth open in shock.

"Err... How do I tell this to you without causing a panic..." There probably isn't, "The sword is Divine grade and is stupidly strong, gives buffs to fire attacks, it's virtually indestructible and you can summon Oni's to fight for you."

"Wha-WHAT!?!!?" Gwyn was staring in shock at the sword in her hands, yeah... I made have overdone it a little, think she's a bit too ridiculously strong at this point.


"What's wrong?" Carey slammed open the door to my room with Lily following right behind happily chewing on some sweets.

"Nothing, we were just looking at the stats of Gwyn's Divine grade sword."

Carey looked at me and blinked, "WHAT!?!?!" More footsteps could be heard coming down the hall as Lily was humming, this... is going to be a long day isn't it?

"So you want me to help them for the duration of the attack?" A creepy jester was standing in the middle of my room, twenty sets of black plate armor was lined up behind him. "As you wish master." Giving me a bow Joker the jester clapped his hands and skipped out the door. Responding to his clap the empty armors marched after him out the door, of course they weren't normal suits of armor. They weren't just any animated armor either, made from Soul Metal with the soul of a demon merged in the Demonic Armor's were stronger than most humans could ever be. Still Joker is really unsettling to me even though I technically summoned him, his androgynous voice is actually really confusing sometimes; I also wonder why he wears such frilly clothes.

"I'll go make sure they don't cause a panic," Carey followed the demons out the door with a sigh.

"So you can use teleportation magic too?" Shea was looking at me with interest.

"How did you know it was teleportation not summoning?"

"The magic for the two are just different." Was there a difference? They looked the same to me.

"So anything you need?" Actually why is Shea in the room alone with me right now? Lily not counting, even Caroline isn't with her.

"Uhmm..." Shea blushed, wait this isn't another proposal is it? "This is embarrassing for me to ask but..." Shea squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. "Can I have some of the drink you gave my sister earlier?"

"Eh?" Did she mean the Moonlight Honey Water? I was feeling expectant for a second... "Uhh sure." I held out my hand towards her as a bottle appeared in my grasp.

"Tha-thank you," Shea bowed, "And please don't tell anyone about this." With that she left, wait was she waiting for this the entire time since she got here?

"Shiiiinnn, I want some too!!!" Lily hugged my head from behind.

"You can't have any, you already drank an entire bottle of Sunlight Honey before." I handed her a cup of apple juice, which she instantly grabbed and started drinking. Do fairies have a high metabolism? Lily is eating more than most people I have ever known yet doesn't change physically in any way shape or form, I think many would envy her.

"Well let's go do some shopping, we're leaving tomorrow morning at dawn." Since I've fulfilled my end of the contract I have no reason to stay here any longer, any information I would want to collect can be done through Joker. I need to track down the Sin Demons and make sure they rampage somewhere before anything else happens.

For Joker, serving ones master was one of the most joyful things he could be doing. As a demon the ranking one has among the others was decided by their strength as well as who they had connections with. Despite being a relatively low ranked demon Joker had the luck to be chosen to serve Shin which meant that there was a connection to the Reaper. If Joker does well maybe the Lord Reaper himself will give commendation for the loyal and hard work Joker has done. Joker turned around to look at the twenty other demons following behind, they were in the same situation; lowly demons that they were.

"Ah, maybe if I carry Shin's child I'll be able to get an even bigger boost. Ah if the Lord Reaper makes me a general that would just be the best." Giggling Joker went along her merry way towards the room where she and the other demons would be residing in until the incident is over. The servants that were along her path gave her frightened looks with various whispers about the mask she had on her face and her strange behaviors. "Hehehe I wonder what the child will be named?"

Note* Short therefore the .5 but still relevant to the story, next chapter will be out probably Saturday, will try to get two out this weekend while I'm still in my writing mood.

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