《Reaper's Game》Chapter 22 Part 1: Duel


"Fight me." I looked up at Gwyn who said those words first thing in the morning when we woke up.

"Sorry?" Although I cannot think of a reason why she would say that she did have her sword drawn and pointed at me; rather that's quite a lot of strength to be able to swing that sword around one-handed.

"I want a duel," Gwyn said that without moving from her original pose, looking into her eyes she definitely seems serious.

"You'll lose you know, Shin's the strongest!" Lily floated around us cheerfully, at that Gwyn grinned.

"There's no point in challenging you to a duel if you weren't strong." Was this because I killed the Platinum Bear in one hit... or was it because of the intimidation yesterday?

"Just give up Shin," Tarbalt said from the sidelines, rather the men have already created a circle around us about ten meters wide.

"Since you've already cut up the meat I'll handle the cooking so don't worry about that." Fergul called over from beside a fire where he and several other men were roasting the meat.

"That's why you guys were looking at me and whispering last night!" I thought it was because of the show I put on before, sigh... "Fine, Lily go join the circle."

"Okay! I want pancakes after!" After spinning around me several times she flew to sit on Tarbalt's shoulder.

"So..." I looked at Gwyn, "How are we doing this? I've never done a duel before." Actually I have but I don't think the duels those three do are the same.

"Well... I called it a duel but this guy won't last long," Gwyn tilted her head towards her sword, the crack from last night aside, it was surprising it hasn't broken down yet due to the wear that was evident on it. "I'm not ignorant enough to believe I could win, so let's just fight until he breaks, you're more than worthy enough to be his last opponent." Gwyn assumed a stance, holding her sword out in front of her with both hands.

I guess that sword has some sentimental meaning, despite all the chips and scratches it has obviously been maintained well and this morning too going by the shine it's giving off. "Ok," I lowered my stance into a defensive one, "Ready when you are."

"Thank you..." Gwyn closed her eyes for a second, "HAAAAAAH!" with a shout she closed the distance between us in an instant. I've thought so ever since a year ago but what would normally be so fast that I wouldn't even see it is now slow, I kind of feel like one of those over powered heroes or villains. Suddenly Gwyn fell forward, did she trip? I reached out intending to catch her as Sense Killing Intent and Sixth Sense as well as Danger Perception all went off at once. Turtle Stance (Restraint 50%) With a green aura covering my arms I crossed them just in time to receive Gwyn's great sword that was coming at my chest. Because of my positioning when I tried to catch her I was blown back several meters before stopped at the edge of the circle by a cute voice shouting out Wind Wall.


"Thanks Lily." My arms stung a bit even with the skill on so I shook them while observing Gwyn, rather than a trick I think I just misinterpreted her attack; well at least the strong has room for stupid acts of kindness.

The cracks along her great sword expanded after the impact with Shin's arms, considering the force she hit him with this wasn't surprising. But really, Gwyn had thought that he would have at least taken some damage from that but all it seemed to do was cause a little pain. Using the force from falling forward and spinning, that blow also had her strength and weight behind it, "Really you are making me lose confidence in myself." What's most frustrating for her however was the fact that Shin hadn't even shown any killing intent never mind counter attacking, meaning that he has yet to get serious. Even before Gwyn was probably only able to knock him back because he thought she had tripped and was trying to help.

Normally leaving a small opening especially to an opponent like Shin would end up with her dead, but since it was Shin that she was up against Gwyn felt that she could take the time to use her trump card. Although I wanted to fight with you for a bit longer... She looked down at her sword then closed her eyes a small smile on her face.

When Gwyn closed her eyes a wild red aura started flowing and forming around her and her sword, "Wait Gwyn, you're using that?!?!" Tarbalt hinting that this is Gwyn's trump card or at least strong skill isn't very smart you know, although anyone with any amount of sense would be able to figure out that she was up to something. Turtle Stance (No Restraint) The green aura solidified around me and formed into an avatar of a turtle.

Maybe she's using her gods ability?

"I don't think so Karen, it taking too long to be an god's ability." I Whispered so no on else could hear, well one fairy could probably hear me. The reason she didn't use it last night was probably because of the amount of time it takes to prepare.

"You know..." Gwyn opened her eyes which were now glowing red and glared at me with a savage grin showing off sharp fangs, "this is the real reason I'm called the Princess of Hell." The red aura flowing around her all of a sudden formed into a red ogre with two large horns protruding from the side of it's head. As sudden as it appeared however it quickly disappeared and started condensing around her sword. Was it transformation magic or something similar to my stances? Either way even with Turtle Stance up at full power I was getting alarms, a smile slowly crept its way up my face.


"Damn, I guess I picked up Vilana's bad habit." That damned battle manic, Carbon Skin, a thin layer of condensed carbon surrounded my body like a second skin, first time I actually used this skill since I got it from the Lord of the Mountain; nice that it doesn't restrict my movements. Rock Crushing Fists (Restraint 50% Bending my knees into a stance where I can react quickly I wait for her to attack.

"Barrier, Barrier, Barrier, Barrier, Barrier!" Five Barriers was Tarbalt's max, he was less concerned about Shin than Gwyn's attack. Having also witnessed what happened last night Tarbalt can understand why Gwyn decided to use that skill but to this extent it would create a lot of damage.

"What are you doing?" Lily floated upside down in front of Tarbalt without a care in the world.

"Putting up Barriers obviously, that skill of Gwyn's devastates the area her sword strikes." Tarbalt looked at Shin's back which was being covered in a black material, "I don't think I'll have to worry about him but there's going to be collateral damage.

"Hmmm... Shin! Tarbalt said we need Barriers." Lily waved at Shin while she said that, Tarbalt swore inwardly, he gave Shin another hint about Gwyn's attack.

"Make one then Lily."

"Okay!" Lily flew up above the group and aimed both her hands down towards the center of the circle, "Barrier!" A white transparent dome appeared locking the combatants away from the outside. Tarbalt can't help but feel jealous, stacking five Barriers was the most he could do at the same time yet Lily could cover the entire area and not looked tired in the least. As Tarbalt's vision strayed from the fairy back to the fight an explosive noise could be heard and in an instant accompanied by a blinding flash of light it was over. "Shin make breakfast now!" The barrier faded as Lily darted at Shin for a hug before once again sitting on his shoulder.

"Wha-what just happened?" Tarbalt was not the only one in confusion, none of the viewers aside from Lily saw anything in that short period of time.

"As expected," Gwyn stood there holding the hilt of her broken sword, the shards and blade were no where to be seen, "Can't even leave a scratch on you."

"I wouldn't really say that," Shin was looking down at his right fist where a light red mark could be seen, "You did manage to break through carbon skin and turtle stance, if you had a stronger weapon..."

"You were holding back a lot," Gwyn sighed, "Not even once did I make you fight seriously... Even though you said I wouldn't survive your training I'm more interested in it now."

"You're plenty strong already you know, I doubt many other's could have defended that attack, magical beings aside."

"Don't need to be considerate of me, that skill would be really hard to use in actual combat." Gwyn sat down, "It's tough on my body and drains all my mana, even if you do ignore the long time it takes to prepare it would be a desperate last attack at best. It was fun though," She flashed a large grin before looking down at the hilt of her sword, " I've still got a long way to go... for this guy however the journey's done."

Wasn't really consideration, it's true that Gwyn is ridiculously strong for a person from this world without a patron god; even now I can still feel the sting from the impact.

"Oh, Shin can fix that for you." Sighing I facepalmed, Lily doesn't mean anything bad, I know that but she's pretty much given away two of the secrets she wasn't supposed to within 24 hours.

"It's fine," Gwyn looked at me sympathetically, "That didn't seem like something Shin wanted to be known."

"At this point it doesn't even matter anymore, when we get to the capital I'll fix it up for you," I did store the broken pieces of the sword in my inventory so it wouldn't scatter everywhere after all, even if currently they are in an unstable state.

"What's with all you guys?" Fergul said as he waved us over to him, "Well whatever, breakfast is ready."

"Eh!?! Shin's not the one making it?" Lily exclaimed while pouting, pretty sure Fergul said that before we started the duel. Patting Lily's head I pulled out a plate of pancakes complete with butter, cream, berries and syrup; instantly her face lit up and she happily ate while we started breakfast.

*Note: This ones a little short mostly due to the fact that I have this little problem with seeing "break off points" in the story (might be one of the reasons some of my chapters could be longer/combined but aren't), good news though would be that I can probably finish the other half of this tomorrow.

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