《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 12 - Fourth Floor & Sys


While his four newest monsters were out being mentored by his strongest monster Law decided to expand his dungeon.

He left his maze alone since he couldn't do anything with it until he got really good with runes. He also left alone his hole room since there was also nothing he could do to it. His third floor was also about as good as it could get, so he decided to start making his fourth floor.

He decided to go with a floor that isn't technically fatal but it could make people commit suicide. The floor had three rooms. All you would have to do to pass is to survive inside the room for one week. Marshall even made a sign saying that.

The first room was a " silent room ". It was a room with complete and total darkness along with runes that completely sound proofed the room. That was literally it. Marshall was confident though that few people would be able to pass the room though.

The second room was the opposite of the first. It was a black room with constantly going strobe lights. The lights were synced up perfectly so that there would be mere fractions of seconds of light and darkness. There was also an extremely high pitched constant noise that could barely be picked up by normal ears.

The last room was a room that used a new type of rune that Law had created. It was basically a gravity less room that would make some float in pure darkness. The room was also silent. That was it.

When he had finished up his last room Marshall realized the pointlessness of what he had done since nobody had made it past his second floor let alone third. Law could probably close his dungeon up since he didn't even need people to visit it like most dungeons. That was because he had dozens of buildings throughout multiple cities that would give him Dungeon Points.

When he got to that point of thought Law realized that as a dungeon his pointless was useless. He was more of a person playing a video game than a dungeon. He became slightly depressed until he realized that he was literally living the dream. He was basically a hidden king of multiple cities. He could manipulate beings on their most basic levels. He had a presumably sexy girlfriend. He was basically immortal and he had multiple bodies one of which was an extremely buff monster with a massive penis.

As a man the only thing he could ask for would be children, which was simply a matter of time.

He became super perked up at that point. One could even tell because the aura that was his consciousness gained a slightly pink color. Dungeon consciousness would only gain colors when they experienced extreme emotions, pink was happiness, black was anger, blue was lust, gear was green, sadness was yellow, purple was disgust, surprise was white, trust was orange, anticipation was brown, and excitement was a mix of all the colors.


While he was feeling happy he got a message from a certain assumed beauty.

Hey Law, I noticed that your pink why are your so happy?

Marshall proceded to explain his day, how he went from building the floor, to being depressed, to where he was at that instance.

Well how about I give you another piece of good news. The God of Reincarnation finally heard our prayers, I'm a manager now.


Marshall's consciousness instantly became an extremely bright rainbow of colors. If he was on earth a sattelite could of seen him from space.

" When can you come about? "

This time next month. So make sure you get you Idol there becuase we are definitely fucking.

" Way ahead of you babe. "

The instant he got her message about her becoming a manager he had already instructed his golem to start bringing his Idol to the dungeon. The golem then transformed itself to look like an antelope. Though it was much bigger than an average antelope. The golems antelope form was it's fastest form and one of it's favorite forms.

" My Idol is already hard. Can't wait to hurt you. "

I can't wait to have my pelvis ripped apart. I'm so wet.

Then proceded an hour of " sexting " between the two. Law switched to his Idol body just so he could get the " full experience " of the sexting.

After an hour they got to the real talking.

" Anyway I will make a shrine for the God of Reincarnation, I'll give it it's own room and everything. Put a bunch of Mana crystals in there, it'll be nice. "

Ooo that's a great idea, my boyfriend putting a shrine in his dungeon will totally help me get me a promotion.

" Then tell what he looks like. "

I'll to you one better. ( Insert Picture Here )

Systa had sent Law a picture of a spritely young man that oddly enough had a long white beard that hung down to the top of his stomach. He had a full head of salt and pepper slicked back hair. He was black. And he had two pure white eyes that had the infinity symbol instead of pupils.

" Tottaly not what I expected from the God of Reincarnation. I figured he'd be an old white man. "

That was the old God of Reincarnation. He was a traditional prick, the only good thing about him was that he was efficient. This new one is voted as one of the top five most handsome Gods. He likes to change things up which makes things hard for the people low on the totem poll. Luckily I don't have to worry about that anymore.

" Any particular material you would suggest. I am sure there is a material he likes. "


Correct. There is a type of wood called Infintie Wood, he really likes it. It is really expensive though so I don't know if you'll be able to afford it.

" Lemme check. Brb. "

Sorry babe, I have to go. My promotion comes with an increased work load. By love you, can't wait to rock your world.

" I'm throbbing already. "


After that small exchange Sys went back to work while Law went to his dungeon store.

Dungeon Store -

Materials -

Wood -

Search - Infinite Wood -

One Tree = 1,000,000,000 Dungeon Points.

One Tree = 1,000 blocks.

One Block = 6 by 6 by 6

One Block = 1,000,000 Dungeon Points

" * Whistle Sfx * Damn that's expensive. I barely have enough to afford a block, but I guess it's worth it for Sys. "

Law then proceeded to buy a single block. His emotions were so strong that they bled through to his Idol body which procceded to cringe from the price.

" Looks like I am going to have to invade some more cities. But I'll get this statue built first. "

After stating that Law instantly got to work. He first got the general outline of the God's body. He would occasionally look back at the picture before shaving some off. The God was a fairly lean dude, he had zero percent body fat with lean even muscles. Some people would say that the God had perfect muscles, Law would of course disagree.

Law had no way of seeing the God's wang-a-dang ( penis ), so he just did a slightly above average snake ( penis ). Law was pretty quick when making the penis and balls.

Once he was done with the base of the statue Law then started using his Mana to add in the details including hair, veins, and the indentation on the muscles. The funnest part was making the pupils which were the infinity symbol. What Law did was use a special technique to make a bunch of really tiny infinity symbols using the grain of the wood and scratches. He did this by using Mana like sandpaper. The end effect of the pupils made them pop, literally the amount of Mana made the pupils shine.

After that Law bought some cheap silk robes that were black, they were modeled after Chinese emperor robes. Law was surprised by how cheap the robes were considering how majestic they looked. But he reasoned that they were cheap because they didn't have any special effects.

After that Law took the statue and out it near a tree in the plant room. This would give the statue a ton of Mana, though Law didn't know why the statue would need so much Mana.

When he had the statue set a screen popped up in front of Law.

Are you sure you want to set this as the guardian God of your dungeon? Yes or No.

Law, though he didn't understand why, selected yes. After all the God of Reincarnation controlled a basic function of the universe so there would be worse Gods to choose.

Please wait while the statue absorbs the ambient Mana.

The statue then started absorbing absurb amounts of Mana, even more than his Idol body used. The statue absord so much it created a physical effect on the surrounding. It made a literal tornado of Mana around the statue.

Please recieve the blessing from the God of Reincarnation.

Blessing of the God of Reicarnation - All dungeon monsters sould can reincarnate in a new body. All souls will be sent to a collective inside of the dungeon consciousness. Dungeon consciousness can absorb the memories of the souls. All sould will reincarnate with their memories.

" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Oh my God, that's so fucking OP. Thank you Sys. "

What'd I do?

" Thought we could only talk once a day. "

Manager. Anyway, what'd I do?

Law then showed her the message he got from the system. When she saw it Sys who could almost always respond to something was struck speechless.

My God, literally. How much Mana did the statue absorb, becuase that's ridiculous.

" Enough to make a physical tornado. "

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enjoy your OP-Ness. It was nice knowing you.

" Praise me more. "

The two went back and forth like that for a few minutes.

" Now I kind of want to kill some of the old timers and re-create their body. . . . . . OH MY GOD! Babe I have an idea. If I make you a resident of my dungeon, then I can make you immortal. "

I can already reincarnate with my memories once. But it is still a great idea, because you can make me an Idol body so that I can always be with you.

" . . . . . . How are you such a genius. "

Praise me more.

" . . . . God damn it. Anyway, I will get to making your Idol body while you get back to work. Send my some pictures. "

Sys sent three pictures one was a full body nude from the front, the second was a full body nude from the back, and the last was a close up of her face, she was doing a wink and a kiss.

" . . . . . "

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