《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 6


One month after the battle bug trio brought back the golem Marshall was still occupying himself with studying it's body. Golems were an interesting creatures, they like most creatures in Marshall's new world got stronger the more Mana they abosrb. For most monsters though, they increase in intelligence and body strength while golems don't technically have brains so all there Mana goes towards their body and core. This leads to Golems having many body's many time stronger than other creatures of the same level. The core of Golems is also what holds their body's together. The cores act as a sort of magnet that sends out Mana to hold each individual peice of the golem, it also acts as the brain for the golem and is what controls all of the movements of the golem. What Marshall found quite odd though is that despite the golem not having a brain it does have a personality. Marshall's golem has a personality that doesn't like fighting, but he loves to train himself. It's ironic though that he can't actually use most of the fighting techniques he had self taught himself for two reasons, first the techniques were bad, and two his size is to big to fight most enemies. This lead Marshall to thinking that the golem core is different from a usual monster core, something that Law didn't have.

When he thought of that Marshall instantly started studying on how to implant a regular monster core into the golem. Marshall first created an artificial golem by inserting an absurd amount of Mana into a rock formation that was laying around in the dungeon. It took around three days worth of Mana, and if Marshall hadn't kept a reserve using the left over monster cores from dead monsters then he would have been in trouble.


( I guess I should use this chance to explain that Marshall discovered that you could use the cores from dead monsters as batteries. I couldn't really think of a way to impliment this into the story so I'm taking the easy way out by making this note. )

Luckily though he had plenty in Mana leftover in the batteries and he only needed one day to make the artificial golem.

When the golem was created Marshall didn't instantly get to work and instead watched the slow process of the golem forming. After the golem was completely created Marshall continued adding more and more Mana into the golem. He spent one month inserting as much Mana a day as he could.

You know that if your idea works, then you'll either make a monster with absurd amounts of potential or . . . . nothing will happen. You'll have wasted a month of your time doing a stupid worthless experiment that will have no benefit on you or the world.

" Thanks Sys, totally didn't feel nervous anyway. "

Oh you know I'm just teasing you. Likely chance is you'll actually make an amazingly talented golem that is a perfect mix of brains and brawn. For the most part most likely, there are of course beings that are stronger and smarter. Though if you could make an army of genius golems then you'll definitely be one of the rulers of this world.

" Then uuhhh let's hope this works. "

Saying that Marshall took one of the monster cores and tried to implant it into the golems body. He put it near the golems core.

The cores were like two magnets with same facing poles, they rejected and pushed against each other. Law didn't give up there though and kept forcing. He tried turing the monster crystal every which way to see if the the crystals were actually like magnets. Unfortunately it didn't work. With this Marshall decided to try a new method, he seperated the crystals enough so that there was barely any pushing between them. He then started pocking around with concentrating on the area between the two crystals. Law could feel the Mana between the two crystals, but he couldn't really feel out the details, so he decided to consult Systa.


" Sys, I can feel the Mana between the two crystals rejecting each other, but I can't figure out why. Any ideas on an easier way to observe the Mana? "

Hmm, you could try buying a Mana sense skill. There should be plenty inside of the dungeon skill.

" Great idea. "

Dungeon Store -

Dungeon Skills -

Sight Skill -

Mana Sight -

Basica Mana Sense - Advanced Mana Sense - Superior Mana Sense - Max Mana Sense

Elemental Mana Sense - King Elemental Sense - Emperor Mana Sense - Dragon Mana Sense

Legendary Eyes -

Mana Eyes -

Bloodline Eyes -

Marshall first bought Advanced Mana Sense, he then got activated it to try and see the Mana between the crystals.

What he saw was a truly mystical sight. He saw a battle between two beams of energy, a brown beam and an orangeish red beam. They looked looked like the aurora lights except one solid color and more energetic. Seeing the sight Marshall realized what was going on, the two crystal had incompatible Mana. The golems Mana was earth element while the monster crystal was fire element, two opposing elements. Law then took away the fire element crystal and went towards his store of monster cores to find one that would match with the golem.

After twenty minutes of having the orc search through the stores, when they found an earth element crystal core Law instantly grabbed it and took it towards the golem. Once again though the crystals rejected each other and Law just couldn't figure out why. He used his Mana Sense to observe from every which direction, he even kept trying to force them together. Eventually he relented and decided to ask Systa.

" What's going on? I can't figure out what else I need. "

All you have to do is let the monster core become connected with the golems core. Even though they are of the same element they are from different creatures. Just keep the monster core on the golems body and after a few weeks the Mana from the dead monster will be replaced with the golems.

" ' Sigh ' So I have to wait another fucking month? "

Sorry babe.

" What? "


After that Marshall awkwardly stared at the blue screen, while in a seperate dimension full of clue screens a short gray skinned chubby girl was smacking herself on the head. It was cute, but one could realise how nervous she was that she screwed up her relationship with one of the few people who had been nice to her in years.

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