《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 5


Not long after the the trio of adventurers commited suicide Marshall was trying his hand at creating humans. It wasn't that humans were a particuarly strong, but the do have some benefits compared to other races. They can learn a broader range of skills as opposed to most other races. Humans could learn skills from just about any race as long as they have the necessary blood lines. Humans also frequently birth more talents than other races, like orcs.

Thanks to those benefits Marshall naturally wanted to try mixing human genetics with another race such as orcs, elves, alligators or any other race Marshall could get his hands on.

Thanks to where he lived Marshall could get his hands on some pretty good creatures like bears and alligators along with wolves and other strong species. Solomon could also spend some of his dungeon points to buy creatures from the dungeon store, anything from roaches to tigers and even dragons ( Eastern and Western ). Marshall could also but animal bluprints which give a general outline of the insides of an animal, this would give Marshall ideas for cheaper than buying the actuall animal.

What Marshall was trying to do was give his orc boss the brain of a human. Orc brains usually aren't good for comprehending skills or magics and are instead made to release a lot of Mana that will put the brain in overdrive during battle. If Marshall could make a way to combine the critical thinking of a human and the battle state of the orcs, then Law would have an overpowered beyond belief orc. If Marshall could then have his orc breed with another super talented creature then he would be loving life.

Despite Solomon trying to help his boss he wasn't directly trying out his ideas on his boss monster and was instead trying it on a different orc. The non-boss orc was one Marshall kept specifically for testing.

Despite a few days of testing Marshall sadly hadn't made any leeway what so ever. Marshall had however changed the test orc's vocal cords to produce a more human voice. Originally orc's couldn't speak in a language that most humans could, they instead speak using a guttural voice that sounds like it came from the depths of a mountain. A language like that couldn't be spoken by most races, though some scholars have learned to understand the language.

After he changed the orc's vocal cords Marshall started trying to fine tune the muscles; he also started teaching the orc english, which is Marshall's mother language.


So how's the work going on trying to implant a human brain in an orc?

" I'm not trying to implant a human brain in an orc's body, I'm trying to get the best of both human and orc brains. And it is going pretty good, the test orc has already learned three weapons up to an acceptable standard, thats pretty good considering he couldn't learn anything for a year. It only took him three months to learn how to use the great sword, hammer, and shield to attack, maneuver, and defend. He can handle his own for three minutes or so against the trio ( The lizard, lady bug, and beetle ). "

Nice, how's his language studies going, I can already speak English at a fluent level.

" He can already speak at a middle school level. Apart from learning english how has you day been? "

That douchebag ( Her boss ) tried hitting on me again, he even hinted that I would get promoted if I accept his advances. I filed another complaint to the God ( Of reincarnation ) but he's so busy that I doubt his bitchy receptionist gave it to him. I swear I hate that bitch, always acting like she's all that just because she directly works for God. Let me tell ya she even had the audacity to hint that I should take that fat asses romantic advances ( sarcastic and mocking ), I swear to you that if it wasn't for the fact that I liked my job I would've slapped that bitch up. . . . . . . And then he tried grabbing arm like I was some sort of easy whore . . . . . . . And she convinced John ( co-worker ) to push his work load onto me . . . . . . . I have been having headache problems . . . . . . .

Marshall just sat happily as he got hours and hours worth of blue screens packed to the brim with text. This was a situation that Marshall dealt with everyday, it was also what he looked forward to most each day. After all Systa was basially a sister to Marshall, she had been with him since the beginning and had stuck with him for nearly seven years. She was also the one that helped him out with many problems that he couldn't fix thanks to his inexperience such as learning how to use Mana and skills along with how to manipulate the bodies of his various dungeon residents.

" I don't know what to tell you Systa, I really wish you had a way to get with the God and ask him to transfer your department or something. At the least I wish you had a way to get that jack ass fired for sexual misconduct. "


Yeah I do to, sadly I that's not how it works.

P.O.V Change ( Battle Bug Trio )

" Alright guys let's do the usual, Lady you fly up and drop on him Lizzy you flank to the left and attack when you see a chance, I'll take charge and distract. "

"" Yes Boss/ Let's do this! ""

Beetle did a fast sort of shuffle towards the rock golem that he was facing off against. The golem was a creature that the trio had never ran into before it was big, slow, and slower than even the heavy footed beetle. The trio always attacked a creature that they hadn't seen before and they would always attack strong enemies. So when they saw the never before seen powerhouse that is the golem they were more excited than a guy getting some from his girlfriend.

The first thing beetle did when he got in range of the golem was to go in for a flying tackle, a flying tackle is where beetle will fly up to chest level before ramming into an enemy, it was a simple move but it was also effective.

When the beetle tackled the golem something that had never happened before happened. The golem didn't fall, instead it started to reach up and try and grab Beetle, fortunately Beetle was pretty evasive for his body shape and he easily dodged the golems hand. After dodging, Beetle tried attacking the golems ankle, when he rammed his hammer shaped horn into the golems ankle the ankle instantly got destroyed. This made the golem trip which gave Lady the perfect chance to crush its chest.

After many years of upgrades and training Lady the ladybug had gotten to be as heavy as a car. Such a weight dropping from dozens of feet in the air could easily crush a metal box let alone the rock body of the golem. One shouldn't underestimate the defense of a rock golem body, this was because a rock golem is basically rock that is loaded with Mana. Rock golems are rarely created naturally, so when they are they usually have stronger bodies than their man made counter parts.

The golem that the trio had ran into was a naturally birthed one, albeit a young one, this meant that it had a very strong body. So the fact that Lady and Beetlle could actually damage the golem was a testament to their strength and weight.

After Lady crushed golem both Beetle and Lizzy rushed in and started wailing on the golem. Sadly Beetle was the only one doing any damage with his hammer horn. Lizzy was more suited to battle enemies that bleed and not ones that would that would take two tons of wieght to crush. Eventually after two hours of crushing the golem finally surrendered.

Surrender was a skill that Marshall had created for his battle trio that would let them beat an enemy until they surrender. The skill was kind of like a dungeon function that would keep dungeon creatures loyal, unless something drastic happened. Surrender would basically act the same way until the creatures that surrendered returned to the dungeon where they then became loyal dungeon creatures.

" Alright girls let's head back to the dungeon. We deserve a break after catching master a new creature. "

" Yay, I hope master gives me a new pillow to sleep on. What about you Lizzy? "

" I'm going to challenge orc( the dungeon boss ) he said that he's learned a bit of English from orc subject. "

" So you're going on a date, hehehe lizzy and orc sittin on a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. "

Hearing Lady's teasing Lizzy just spead ahead of her two best friends, if she could blush she likely would.

Beetle just smiled at the two girls schenanigan's, he was also proud that Lady could already understand some of the phrases their master had taught them.

P.O.V Change - Marshall

' Hm it seems that Beetle, Lady, and Lizzy are back. Oh sweet they brought back a new creature! I can't wait to start testing on it. '

After that Marshall gave Lady a new mattress sized pillow according to her wishes; he helped set up the date between Lizzy and Orc, and he played some games of chess against Beetle who seemed to be addicted to the game.

Eventually though he could finally get around to one of his favorite things in the world, studying the bodies of new creatures.

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