《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 4


One day while Marshall was peeping on one of the cute mercernary girls staying in his inn Marshall felt a feeling he'd never gotten before. ( He got a hard on. Just kidding. )

The feeling was like a he was sucking on something except more invasive and non-voluntary. When Marshall started looking around his dungeon to see any abnormalities he found something that made him giddy and nervous at the same time.

A trio of two humans and what Law could only describe as a dwarf were walking towards his maze. The humans were a pair of male and female and looked to be siblings, though they could also be cousins. Both of them looked like caucasians who stayed in under the sun alot. They had light brown hair, the females was tied in a bun while the males was shaved. The dwarf was short and stocky with beefy arms and thighs. He had a masculine face that few women would actually find handsome, he also had black hair that flowed down his face to braid together with his same colored beard.

All three of them were wearing armour, the humans wearing light brown leather and the dwarf wearing metal scale mail. The human male had two short swords and a dagger; the first sword on his hip, the second on his back, and then he had his dagger in his inner leg. The female had a bo-staff and gloves as her hammer, the staff on her back and the gloves on her ( feet ) hands. The dwarf had an unexpected weapon that Marshall wouldnt have connected to dwarves, he had throwing knives and a bow.

When Marshall focused on the group he heard them having a conversation discussing his dungeon.

" So should we go in and see what this dungeon is about or should we go back to the guild and collect the reward first? "

" Honestly lass Im sure you can guess my opinion. I think we should at least explore the first floor but if its easy we should go as far as we can. What do you think Anderson? "

" Im with you Dranthe, I think we should check out the first floor and document everything, especially because well get two extra gold once the guild confirms we documented the floor. Like you said we should check out more floors if everything is easy. "

When the girl who Law confirmed is a sibling of the other human heard her brother and the dwarf she seemed to be kind of nervous.

" But we dont know anything about the dungeon, it could be dangerous and nobody even knows were here. We cant take this kind of risk with just us three, I think we should go back to the guild and hire another amatuer team. "

" Then we'll have to split the money with another team, sis we cant afford that. We have to take care of mom and Dranthe has his daughter to take care of. If we keep all the money for ourselves we can take light jobs for a few months instead of monster subjugation missions. Can you imagine, we'll get to spend more time with mom for awhile. You cant tell me you arent excited. "

The young human male was very enthusiastic when explaining the benefits to his sister, he was especially excited when mentioning his mother. The dwarf nodded his head while the younger male was talking, despite there being no emotion on the face of the dwarf one could see happiness at the mention of more time with his daughter. Even the young woman seemed swayed by the benefits but she remained stern in her opinion.


" We might be able to spend more time with more, that is if we dont die. Listen Ande I want to spend time with just as much as you do but if we die she'll have nobody to take care of her. Same for your daughter Dranthe, if you die what'll happen to sweet little Lizzy. "

Hearing the young girl both of the males seemed to lose any excitement they had had when discovering the dungeon. Especially the brother who had been especially excited. Both of them knew though that the girl wasnt being a spoil sport or trying to ruin the fun, instead she was the only clear thinking one in the trio.

" ' Sigh ' You're right Samatha, what do you suggest we do? "

" I think we should higher a level 1 team to act as meat shields. We can use them as protection and then we can get rid of them to keep all the profits. "

Hearing Samathas ruthless words both of the men grinned savagely.

" Hahaha I was wondering when your bloodlust was going to show its pretty little head. Wonderful idea lass I think we should set off right now. "

" I agree. "

With that surprising end the trio of mercernaries set off to find a group of sacrifices.

When Law had originally heard the groups conversation he was thinking of making the dungeon imcompleteable so that they would leave. But when he heard their last few words he was disgusted and made it his goal to make them suffer as long as possible in his prison. He even decided to make a mechanism that would ensure the trio would be trapped, sadly the sacrifices would be collateral.

The mechanism Marshall made was pressure plates that would open the door that Marshall locked, the amount of pressure plates would equal however many invaders there were. All of the pressure plates would need to activated in order for the door to unlock. But when all of the plates get activate a trap door actually activates that would make the group fall into Laws prison. He also made sure that the monkey bars would'nt break like they were originally intended to.

When Law was finished with his trap he decided to get back to peeping on the cute mercernary at his inn. As of now Marshall couldn't actually get horny and only watched females as a sort of appreciation of the female body. Marshall does remember what it is like to get horny he just cant.

After the red headed mercernary left Marshall decided to make some changes to his monsters. He didnt change anything drastic and instead decided to change the look of them.

He decided to start with his orc boss. The orc pre-operation was a whopping eight feet tall with long limbs and a short and stocky body. The orcs arms and legs were very beefy looking and looked like they could easily punch through a vault. Its skin wasnt actually regular skin but instead looked like the scales of a snake, and was a dark green mixed with a yellowish green. The orc also had long sharp claws dozens of sharp teeth. And the most distictive feature of the orc was its weaved hair that looked like a nasty chain mail armour.

The first thing that Marshall changed about the orc boss was its skin. When he first made the orcs skin he really liked the green and yellow gradient he had made with its skin, but after looking at it for a few days he decided he hated it. So he first made it completely white, and then he started testing out many different colors. Blue, purple, different greens, and yellows. He eventually decided on a fancy design, he went with . . . . rainbow. . . . . . . and then he changed it. Then he went with black and white checkered. . . . . . . and then he changed it. Marshall couldnt for the life of him decided on something even halfway decent looking. He eventually decided to go with a simple and solid dark green. After he was done fretting over the color of the scales Marshall went through and made sure all of the scales were in an even downward diagonal pattern.


When he was done with that Marshall lengthened the size of of the toes and fingers as well as the claws. Not by much only a few centimeters or so, Law only did it because he felt like it, it probably wouldnt help in battle much.

When he was done with the uselessness of the previous change Marshall moved onto the orcs hair. He first untangled the hair when he realized how stupid the original braid was. Marshall first changed the hair to a handsome salt and pepper look, this gave the orc an unkempt biker look. Law then made the hair a ponytail with a small strand sticking out over the orcs forhead.

When he was finally done with the hair Marshall took a full body look at the orc. And he had to admit that if he was gay and the orc wasn't an orc he would screw him.

After that Law went through and did some small changes on his other dungeon residents. He couldn't change much on his beetle, lizard, or ladybug sense he had already changed them to be as pretty as he thought he could. He also didnt change much on his horse, alligator, hawk, and treant. Though he did change the treants wood from a light oak to a dark ebony. He also gave the treants leaves a nice shine, he made it by infusing a butt load of Mana into its leaves.

It was about one month after they left that the trio of mercernaries came back to attack Marshalls dungeon, they brought along four young adults who werent even twenty yet. They came around while Law was talking with Ms.System Administrator.

" So you're telling me that you lost against a newbie, wow Systa. I thought you were better than that. "

" I'm telling you, he definitely cheated. There is no way that someone who has never participated in universe war could beat an old veteran like me. I bet his uncle funded him, considering that old fat ass is the only reason that punk even became an administrator.

" I cant really give an opinion except that you are definitely old. Why dont you tell me how that game works I might be able to give you some ideas. "

" Take back that Im old and I might. Besides I doubt a youngster like you could give any good ideas. "

" You wish you were young ya old hag. Anyway if you feel threatened that I have bet . . . . . . . Yes! Those bastards finally came back, I cant wait to see how my dungeon compares against them. You want to stick around? "

" You know I do Law. "

After spending over five years together Marshall and Ms.System Administrator, or as he calls her Systa, had become very close. They are basically those internet friends from Marshalls old world. If it wasnt for the fact that Systa couldn't leave the system world until she became promoted. As of their conversation Systa was basically the secretary of the God of Reincarnation, this is why she became Laws helper. If Systa got a promotion she would become a manager, if she became a manager she would be given the right to watch a certain amount of souls. She would then decided what kind of karma those souls have which would affect their reincarnation.

When she became a manager she would actually have the time to visit Law should she want to, which she does.

The group of seven entered the dungeon entrance in a very slow and cautios manner. The four newbies went ahead of the three veterans who Law learned were level three mercernaries. Mercernary level go from level 1 to level 13. Level one mercernaries are strong mortals and weak people under level 10. Level 2 mercernaries are either strong people under level 10 or weak people from level 10 to twenty. It goes on like this until mercernary level 10 after level 10 one must have a massive achievement to advance examples include killing a dragon, killing a strong vampire clan, creating an extremely powerful clan or school, creating a powerful weapon or medicine, any kind of achivement could work as long as it isnt something that is easy to accompolish.

The mercernaries advanced at an even and slow pace until they finally realized they were in a maze. They hadn't actually realized they were in a maze until about twenty minutes in the maze when they passed the same wall twice. At that point they actually started walking around at a faster pace. They performed a variety of methods to try and complete the maze from random, to always follow the right wall, to always follow the left wall, they even tried to destroy the wall. Thankfully though the walls had been stuffed with so much Mana they could withstand multiple bombs going off. After around a week and multiple trips out of the dungeon to get food the group finished the maze.

The entire time Law and Systa were laughing at the pure stupidity.

" Hahaha look at them idiots. " I think we passed this wall already guys. Maybe we should go back. " " ( The bold words in quotations was Marshall quoting one of the mercernaries. )

" HA! I cant believe that fucking retard tripped on flat ground and smashed his head. HAHAHA! "

Systa seemed to enjoy watching them suffer, likely being the only stress release she had had in years. She particulary enjoyed watching a particul newbie who kept tripping and falling he had even tripped which then made his three team mates trip over him.

On top of watching them Marshall and Systa learned some juicy secrets. Like Samantha and Anderson being in a romantic relationship despite being siblings. And the fact that Samatha is cheating on Anderson with one of the male newbies. Apparently that was how the trio of mercernaries convinced the newbies to join them.

After seeing such a situation Marshall truly started to worry if the morals of his new world were so horrible for all beings or if Anderson and Samanthas family was particuarly bad. Marshall learned from Systa that incest was pretty common among certain races, especially nobles. There was also an elven clan that didnt allow any outsiders to enter the gene pool.

It was the part after the mercernaries cleared the maze that Law looked forward most to. As Law predicted the trio made the newbies cross ahead, Samantha tricked the newbies leader by whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

" Listen baby why dont you cross first so that you can be first to get the treasures. When you get the treasures we can elope together and never have to live a life of worry and fighting. . . . . Plus if you go first then I will let my big brave man try that thing hes been wantng to do with my butt. "

When the young mercernary leader heard the temptations of the demoness( not actually a demoness ) he got a bit of a chub and seemed to have a burst of adrenaline that made him want be first across. And so he rushed two bars at a time across the hole. He even dismounted with a flip that all the newbies cheered for and Samantha gave a whistle.

When he stepped on the first pressure plate he realized that there were seven for each person. When he told that to the others they all crossed to open the door.

While Marshall was waiting for the mervernaries he decided to add some fancy designs on the door. The designs depicted a king sitting in a throne of gold and gems with a crown of diamond.

This pumped up all of the mercernaries who were expecting to get the secret wealth of an ancient king. Even the veterans who should have known better than to expect such a lucky break seemed to have become idiots. When they all stepped on a plate and were at the peak of their excitement they all felt a feeling of their guts getting rising into their throats. It was at that moment that they knew they fucked up.

After that they trio stayed locked up for four months before giving up and commiting suicide while the newbies were mercyfully killed on their fall.

Even though Law didnt enjoy watching the three suffer especially considering their family situations but he knew that he would have to get used to such things to survive in such a disgusting world. All he could do was to help out on the occasional injustices he witnessed.

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