《The Never-Ending Search for Amusement》Prepared


After a year of intense massages and endless feasts, I returned to the Universe. The gods better have a good plan, because the Challenge was going to start very soon.

“Hey guys!” They all jumped. Seriously? Can they not see me coming? I have a body now, you know.

“Hey, Omni,”- Primis

“Hello…”- Exitium

I guess the other deities are too scared to greet me. Sweet. It makes me sound like a complete badass.

“Ok, planning’s over! Ask any questions and then the Challenge starts!” I was going to let them ask questions, of course. Else they’d misinterpret the rules and ruin the whole thing.

“Ok…”- Primis

“Go! Ask!”- Me

“Well, we were wondering if we can make more species, and have them unified by one god.”- Exitium

“Why would you want that? Actually, no. Don’t tell me. Surprise me,”- Me

As long as they counted as a single nation, I don’t really care. The gods looked really relieved, though. They must have really wanted this.

“So, what species do you want?”- Me

“Well, we made some examples,”- Primis

“Ok, get them!”- Me

Magus, the great librarian he is, scurried off somewhere and came back a few minutes later holding three cages, which he presented to me.

The first one contained a heavily muscled, seven foot tall humanoid with thick green skin and large fangs. It looked like a cross between a human and a giant, with its strength and intelligence somewhere between the two. “This is an ork,” Primis said. I like it.

The second cage’s inhabitant looked like a smaller ork. It was about five feet tall and skinny; not a very good fighter. However, it’s brain was much larger, making almost as smart as a human. “We call this one a goblin,” Primis told me. Not bad.


The final cage had, unlike the first two, a beast. It was essentially a giant bat, with a wingspan of just over twenty feet. Even with it’s strengthened body, it didn’t look like it could carry an ork. A goblin, however, could use them as flying mounts. Very smart. “And this one is a giant bat, for transport and scouting,” Primis finished.

“I assume these will live with the giants?”- Me

“Yeah, that’s the idea,”- Primis

“Sure, you can use them,”- Me

In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what good the giants would do, but with smarter and more numerous allies, maybe they wouldn’t die out after a few thousand years. Well, I’ve waited long enough, time to start!

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