《Dragonknight Chronicles》Chapter 11


It took several seconds for Milius to process what had just happened and adjust to the sudden flood of light. He pushed himself into a sitting position and stared around. They were now above ground, in a different, more tranquil part of the forest. The woods around them were much thicker than before, and the leaves and grass were brown, but not dry or burned. Ariana and Shakil were standing a few feet away, Shakil rubbing his head and Ariana unfazed, and Sirius was beside him, getting to his feet.

“What happened?” Milius croaked.

“I’d also like to know,” Sirius said bitterly, brushing grass out of his blonde hair.

Shakil looked at Ariana, his expression expectant, and a dreamy look suddenly fell over her face. “It was the wind,” she said, in a voice as vague as the look in her eyes. “The wind saved us …”

“Wow, that was clear,” Sirius said, giving her a very cold look. “You mind giving just a little bit more detail?”

“It was all around us…,” she continued, now staring skyward, not giving the slightest indication that she had heard him.

“Ariana!” Shakil shouted, looking frightened.

“What?” she said, jerking out of her reverie. “Oh — oh sorry — I was just —”

But what she was, they never found out, for at that moment, a voice rang out: “Ah, you're alive!”

Milius rose, turning with them, to see Parluck the goblin waddling towards them, looking pleased. “I had my doubts, but you surprised me!” Parluck continued.

As fast as lightning, Sirius rushed forward and grabbed Parluck, hoisting him into the air. Shocked though he was, Milius couldn't help but feel faintly amused to think how they resembled a father punishing a naughty child.

“What are you doin’?” Parluck cried, kicking out with his short, stubby legs. “Lemme go!”

“You left!” Sirius bellowed. “A whole herd of monsters attacked and you just abandoned us —!”

“What was I supposed to do?” Parluck said indignantly. “I'm not powerful enough to fight any of those things!”

“Let him go, Sir,” Milius said, walking up to him.

“You're still defending him?” Sirius demanded.

“No, I'm not,” Milius said quietly. “But I need to talk to him.”


Reluctantly, Sirius thrust the goblin down.

“Thanks, kid —”

“Save it,” Milius said coldly. “Sirius is right — even if you couldn't help in combat you could've lead us somewhere safe — clearly you knew somewhere you could go. But that's not what I want to talk to you about.” He unsheathed Palpatunde, revealing the slime-covered blade. “It didn't work,” he said. “Twice I used it before and both times it worked — but not a while ago. Why?”

“Mmmm …” Parluck looked at the blade thoughtfully. “Don' know,” he said casually, getting up. “Never seen nor heard ‘o anythin’ like it wit’ that sword. Now if that's all —”

“No it's not all!” Sirius spat. “We were almost killed! We had to jump in a — a hole to survive!”

“A hole?” Parluck asked curiously. “Where did it lead?”

“Does it mat —”

“An underground chamber,” Milius cut in. “Really deep, too.”

“Indeed?” Parluck said. “So how did you survive? And how did you get out?”

All heads turned to Ariana. She cleared her throat. “I — I don't really know how to explain it … I felt this kind of — energy — in the room, and there was this wind … When I stepped into it, it's like I, became wind too, or part of it, and then I just floated through the ground and landed here. I don't know,” she shrugged. “It’s really complicated.”

“Interesting…,” said Parluck, who had been listening with rapt attention. Then he shrugged as well. “I would’a just used the mist to escape from the monsters, but I guess that works, too.”

“What mist?” Milius said.

“‘What mist?’” Parluck repeated suspiciously, as though he thought Milius was trying to be funny. “You!” He stabbed a finger in Shakil’s direction, making him jump again. “You know what mist I'm talking about.”

“Uh, no, I — I don't —”

“You told me you knew what the sword did!” Parluck screeched.

“Yeah,” Shakil muttered, fidgeting, “the earthquake thing —”

“Not just that, you idiot!” Parluck cried. “The sword can also create mist. All you had to do was use it as a cover and escape!”

“I — I didn't —” Shakil’s voice faltered under Sirius’s intense glare.


“Ah, anyway — Burly, said I'd tell you about that sword if you survived —”

“I already figured it out!” Sirius snarled.

“Really, now?” Parluck said.

Before Sirius could answer, Ariana cut in: “Parluck, do you know how long we were gone exactly?”

“Hmm … don’ know how long you were trapped for … but the last I saw you was almost a day ago.”

“One day,” Ariana said. “So we just have to get through two more.”

“For that we need a safe place to sleep and some food,” Sirius said.

“I have an idea,” Milius said. “Parluck, do you know anywhere around here that we can rest in?”

“What makes you think I do?” he grumbled.

Sirius made a furious move toward him —

“Okay, okay!” Parluck cried. “There's a little fort about an hour's walk away from here, just keep going straight. You'll know it when you see it.”

“Good. You'll be taking us there — not letting you slip away again. Sir, you and Bloom can go find food in the meantime.”

“Absolutely not! You're not going off by yourself!” Sirius said fiercely.

“Sir, I can handle myself. Plus, I won't be alone.”

“Oh right, because they're such good company,” Sirius said scathingly.

“Sirius —” Milius said exasperatedly.

“Fine!” Sirius said, then he rounded on Ariana, raising Vulcatrix with a menacing look. “But if you try to hurt him again — Jewel Curse or not — it will be the last thing you ever do. Let's go,” he added imperiously motioning Shakil forward.

Once they had trotted out of view, Milius set off with Ariana and Parluck. They walked in silence for a time, then Parluck spoke.

“So you tried to kill him, eh?” he said casually. “Why’s that?”

Ariana went a furious shade of red. She turned away quickly, but Milius could have sworn that he had seen a glimmer of tears in her eyes.

“It was those stupid Elders,” Milius said bitterly. “Wanted to test our skills or whatever —” To his enormous surprise, Ariana suddenly tackled him; she flung her arms around his neck and burst into tears.

“Oh Milius!” she sobbed. “I'm so, so sorry!”

Milius, utterly stunned, glanced at Parluck, who was looking surprised. Ariana sobbed her heart out on Milius’s shoulders for a few minutes, then she looked up, her plump face shining with tears.

“I just w-w-wanted to impress the E-Elders, you know,” she choked. “I was s-so excited when I became a Knight, a-and I just tried to — to live up to the title — I thought that if I followed them completely that I would do great, you know….”

“It’s — it's okay,” said Milius. He wasn't sure that he completely forgave her yet, but her apology, though messy, had relieved him of some of the resentment he held towards her. Like a weight being lifted off his heart.

“Let’s — let's just go find the safehouse.”

She nodded, seemingly unable to speak anymore, and they trudged on in silence, Ariana sniffling occasionally. After nearly half hour of walking, Parluck cried out in relief. They had reached a tall tree with a trunk as wide as the entrance to the Dragoon Cave.

“So — what are we supposed to do now?” Milius said, confused.

Parluck strode forward and placed his fingers against the tree trunk. “We climb, ‘o course,” he said, and with incredible speed, he began to ascend. Ariana and Milius exchanged dark looks, and began to climb, using their swords for support. Several minutes later, they finally reached the top. It was some sort of tree house. It reminded Milius of one that he and Sirius had built when they were younger, but this one was much larger, and more finely carved.

“You should be fine here for a while,” Parluck said. “Now we just have to wait for Burly and Pretty.”

And that they did. They sat and waited for several hours, their stomachs rumbling, but no one spoke. At last, they heard Sirius cry out from down below. Parluck went out to greet them, and they returned a few minutes later, clutching large bags of fruits.

Milius could have sworn that he saw Sirius smile at Shakil, but then he passed it off, convincing himself that he was now so hungry that he was hallucinating.

He went to join the others and they ate. Sirius broke the silence. “Two more days — two more days and then those geezers will get what's coming to ‘em.”

The Knights nodded in fervent agreement.

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