《Dragonknight Chronicles》Chapter 6


Two days had passed since the disastrous first day of Milius’s appointment as a Dragonknight. He sat on his bed in the Dragoon Cave, twirling his sword Palpatunde between his fingers. Two days ago, he had been attacked by Ariana Worler, his fellow Knight. His cousin, Sirius, had intervened to help him, while Shakil had stepped in to stop them; but the Jewel Curse, a part of the enchantments that bound the Knights together, had prevented Milius and Sirius from striking Ariana down, but not before Milius had managed to land a blow on her. Only afterwards did he realize that the wound was worse than he could have imagined.

She hadn't been seen once in those two days, nor would the Elders give them any information about her condition — not that Milius was too concerned. Sirius had spent most of the past two days practicing with his sword and taking his dragon, Verdona, on short flights over the forest. Milius however, could not follow; his dragon companion, Lumeus, would barely even look at him.

Milius knew that he could easily force the dragon to obey him, but Calder, Milius’s predecessor and mentor, had made it clear that he was not supposed to invoke the magic of the dragon's bonds, and was instead to get through to him in a different way.

Milius could see no way to do this, at least, not so soon, and instead resigned himself to his room, where he would spend his time observing his blade. His blade that had left a deep gash in Ariana’s shoulder, but came out of the battle looking even shinier. His blade that had pulsed after drawing blood, his blade that Calder claimed possessed a deadly ability….

“Wondering what it does, I suppose?” a voice said from the doorway. Milius gave a little start and glanced toward the door, fully aware that he was only half-dressed. He had expected a visit from the previous Amethyst Knight for some time now, and was thus slightly disappointed, but even more surprised, to see Demus, Sirius's mentor, standing there.

“Elder,” Milius said, rising quickly and sinking into an awkward bow.


The Elder trudged into the room, clutching a rather short walking stick. He glanced around the room and Milius’s embarrassment increased tenfold.

“You haven't unpacked,” Demus said calmly.

Milius looked over at the boxes of his belongings that Minerva had sent up after she left two days ago.

“No, Elder,” Milius mumbled. To his relief, Demus turned away from the mess, and his heavily-lidded eyes found Milius’s sword.

“Calder was right, you see, about that blade. Terrible thing….”

Milius tried to keep his face impassive, but he was brimming with excitement. Any moment now his questions would be answered ….

“Er,” Milius said awkwardly, after a long silence; it seemed Demus wasn't planning on telling him anything, after all.

“Yes, my boy?” said Demus.

“Um — I was just … nothing,” he finished lamely.

There was another long pause. Milius was becoming steadily more uncomfortable with each passing second. The Elder said nothing, he did not move, he simply stared and stared at Milius.

“Breakfast has been prepared,” he said finally.

“What? Oh, yes … sir,” he said. The old man made a performance of turning away and walking slowly past Milius and out of the room. As he reached the doorway, he glanced back —

Though the man had turned slowly and calmly, Milius flinched as though Demus had rounded on him suddenly and menacingly. At the same moment, a powerful surge of fear and dislike rushed through his body. He had no idea where the sudden feeling had come from, or why, but he quickly shifted his expression into what he hoped was a calm, innocently curious face.

The Elder stared at him, unspeaking, for a full ten seconds before disappearing into the corridor. Milius stood there, dumbfounded. Then he shook his head. He dressed, grabbed his sword, and rushed out, half-hoping that he wouldn't see Demus again.

On his way to the Cave entrance, he met Shakil, who stopped. Milius had seen him a few times in the past two days, but neither had opted to speak, and instead hurried along, until now.

“Morning,” Shakil said, in a casual sort of voice, but Milius could sense, and inwardly reciprocate, his unease. His grey eyes swept Shakil’s figure and saw his fingers nervously caressing the edge of the bag of dragon feed that he was holding.


Before Milius could answer, though he was already somewhat determined not to, the red dragon landed outside the cave and roared delightedly.

Shakil took one glance at the dragon and then hurried off outside, walking as fast and as far as he could from Sirius and towards the curled-up blue dragon, Aleia.

“Was he bothering you?” Sirius demanded as he entered the cave, setting down his own bag of half-eaten feed.

“No,” Milius said. Verdona moved from the cave mouth and nestled contentedly under the shade of a large oak tree, giving a clear view of the other three dragons in the yard. Shakil had brought his bag to Aleia, who was eating quite gracefully. Further out, unattended, were the dragons Vrydius and Lumeus.

Sirius noticed him staring at the violet dragon (who had turned its back firmly on him when it noticed him looking) and sighed. “You'll never get through to him if you lurk in the cave the whole time you're here.” He smiled encouragingly, took the bag of feed and thrust it into his chest, then gave him a gentle push towards the dragon.

Milius scowled at Sirius, then slowly, reluctantly, he continued forward. He stopped a few paces from the dragon's stony hide. It really was quite beautiful, Milius couldn't help but think, like a finely carved statue.

“Lumeus?” Milius called. His voice came out rather squeakily. He noticed the plates on its head crackled slightly before it turned, slowly, to face him.

“Hi.” He was met with silence. The dragon glared down at him through its cold, marble eyes.

“Er,” Milius said, desperately fighting the urge to back away. He knew that Lumeus could not harm him, but the dragon's gaze was so intense that he couldn't help but feel frightened. He looked back at Sirius, who was indicating the bag of feed in his hands. “Oh!” He turned back to the dragon. “Are you hungry?” he asked, holding up the bag hopefully.

The dragon looked down at the bag, then back at Milius and, looking as though it cost him a great effort, shook its head.

“Oh, okay.” Milius was disappointed. He looked around; Shakil was stroking Aleia’s head, but their eyes were fixed on him and Lumeus. Even Verdona and Vrydius had woken up to look at them. Determined to make some progress, Milius steeled his nerves and forced himself to look directly into the dragon's eyes.

“Do you want to go for a ride?” he asked.

The dragon immediately slumped down with an earthshaking thud, folding its wings to its body so tightly it seemed unlikely he would ever unfurl them again. Milius’s sudden fierceness instantly melted away. “Right,” he said glumly. He could just as easily have forced him to fly, but he reminded himself he wasn't supposed to. He had to find some way to get through to him. But how?

Defeated, he walked back to the cave, dropping the bag of feed as he did.

“Well, it was your first try,” Sirius said bracingly.

“Yeah….” Milius glanced back. The bag was gone. Now slightly offended, he scowled at Lumeus, who had turned back to the horizon as though nothing had happened.

“That stupid dragon!” Milius said savagely. Vrydius looked around; he was farther out than Lumeus, so Lumeus had definitely heard him, but Milius didn't care.

He turned, ready to storm back to his room, and ran face-first into Calder. Milius stumbled, but Calder remained standing firmly.

“Elder?” Milius said, surprised out of his anger. He looked around, and he saw Aaron, Basil, Demus, and Ariana, all standing beside him.

“I would like you to clean up, boys,” he said calmly.

“Clean up?” Sirius repeated, as though the statement was alien to him. “Why?”

“In about an hour, we shall have a visitor,” Calder said. “A very special visitor.”

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