《Dragonknight Chronicles》Chapter 5


“What?” Milius said, staring at Aaron, his face a mask of incredulity. The Elder’s black eyes were fixed on him, and his lips were curled into a very cold smile. Milius glanced around at the other Elders, hoping to see one of them smiling or laughing, to be assured that Aaron wasn't serious, but they remained still and silent, looking somber, excepting Aaron, who seemed to be enjoying himself.

Milius’s eyes roved around the room, taking in the shocked faces of Sirius and Shakil, and coming to a rest on Ariana’s stout profile. She looked terrified. But this did not last; her stunned expression faded away, giving place to a firm resolve. She backed away and unsheathed her sword. Milius drew a sharp and involuntary breath and watched, horrified, as she twirled the sword between her shaking fingers, the emerald in its hilt glinting ominously. She lunged —

Sirius had drawn his sword with such speed that Milius didn't even see it until it clashed with Ariana’s, stopping it dead in the air. The ruby in its hilt gleamed palely as sparks danced along the blades.

“Ariana!” Shakil cried, aghast. Stormpyre’s emerald hilt was now emanating a dim light as well; it seemed to be brightening slightly with every slash, and at the same time, Ariana’s movements were becoming faster with each passing second, so that by the time Milius recovered from the shock, Sirius was being hard-pressed.

Milius started toward the pair, Palpatunde aloft, but Shakil had joined the fray as well. He swung his sword, Oceannerva, with a frightening accuracy, knocking Milius’s blade out of his hands.

“Stop! Stop!” he shrieked, turning to Ariana and Sirius, who were still grappling. Milius seized his opportunity while his back was turned: he struck out, kicking him off his feet, then retrieved his sword and dashed for the pair.

The air was filled with sparks, the clangs that signified the blades connecting, and streaks of crimson, emerald, and violet. Ariana was struggling now, unable to deal with both at the same time. As she parried one of Sirius’s jabs (rather clumsily), Milius made a wide, downward arc and slashed her shoulder. The blade burst through her armour; she screamed, staggered, and fell. Her sword clattered away. She was crumpled on the floor, unable to defend herself as both Milius and Sirius advanced. Shakil was running toward them, yelling. They thrust their swords out in one identical movement —


Palpatunde, Vulcatrix, and Oceannerva all clattered to the ground as their wielders threw their hands over their ears and screamed as though their insides were on fire. A horrible, piercing, screeching noise filled their ears, paralyzing them. Milius felt as though his very bones were being grated, but then, after what felt like an eternity, the sound stopped. There was a long, stunned pause. Then Sirius sprang to his feet.

“What the hell was that?” he demanded of the Elders, who seemed perfectly untroubled.

For the first time that day, Milius heard the fourth Elder speak. His ears were still ringing, but he heard him quite well, considering.

“A test.” He had a strong, deep, slow voice. There was a short pause, then, he continued, “The Jewel Curse. As Aaron explained, Knights, blades, and dragons are all bound by a powerful force. That force will not allow a Knight to inflict serious harm upon their allies, lest they feel its punishment ….”

“That screeching noise?” Sirius asked loudly; it seemed the ringing was prominent in his ears as well.

“Yes ….” They waited for him to continue, but were met with mere silence. It went on and on. By now Milius had gotten to his feet and was standing beside Sirius. Shakil, on the other hand, had gone to help Ariana. The gash in her shoulder seemed to be much worse than Milius though: she had gone very pale, and she seemed too weak to stand or even speak. Finally, Calder broke the silence.

“No one was going to die here, today. Aaron” — he shot a reproachful look at him as he said it — “simply has a flair for the dramatic. As Demus told you, this was a test — and you all failed magnificently.”

“Ariana,” he said sharply, “how quickly you jumped at the order to kill one of your own allies — Sirius, Milius, two unto one against a defenseless member of your own party — Shakil, how easily you lose composure, dropping your guard in the midst of battle ….” He shook his head, looking severely disappointed.

“The only thing to come out of this debacle, is that you at least tapped into the abilities of your blades — two of you, anyway.” He gave a significant look to both Ariana and Milius. Then his eyes snapped back to Ariana. “Palpatunde wields an especially deadly ability — I am not, of course, simply saying that because I wielded it once — but you can see for yourself just what it does, or what it can do, rather, just by looking at Ms. Worler here….”


He sighed. “You are dismissed for today, and I think it would be best to put the start of your formal training at a later date ... Shakil, if you can bring Ariana along, please. Milius, your mother is waiting for the chance to speak to you. Sirius —”

“I'd like to go with Milius, if that's okay?” he said tentatively.

Calder considered for a moment, then said, “Very well. I imagine you can help to make Minerva see sense. Yes, you can go.” He and the other Elders turned to leave. “Shakil?” he called back.

Milius watched without regret as Shakil lugged Ariana along, then he and Sirius retrieved their swords. In the light of the dragon-head torches, Milius examined Palpatunde. There wasn't a single trace of blood marring the surface; in fact, the blade seemed glossier somehow, and Milius felt a strange, but rather weak vibration, as though the blade was pulsing.

“But —”

Sirius, who seemed to have noticed nothing, clasped Milius’s shoulders and steered him out of the room. His blonde hair was matted with sweat, and his armour bore several marks where Ariana had got him — though it seemed only narrowly — but he still smiled down at him. Milius, who had been dreading the conversation with Minerva, felt more at ease knowing that Sirius would be there with him. He was still unsure how he felt to be a Dragonknight. A part of him was excited, elated, at being chosen amongst hundreds of others who were gathered in that crowd. But another part of him was afraid of what might lie in store for him, on top of his already rocky relationship with the dragon, Lumeus, who was supposed to be his partner, and now he was quite uncertain how he felt about Ariana and Shakil, the people he would embark on this journey with.

The flood of his thoughts was stemmed as Minerva’s tear-streaked face swam into view. Once again she tackled him, almost crushing him, but this time Sirius stood beside him.

“Oh Milius —”

“Mother, I —” He had to get the words out, regardless of the impact, because if he didn't say them now he might never get the chance to do it again. “I —”

“I know,” she said. “You want to stay.” He nodded weakly. “Yes ... I was thinking out here, and I realized something. Your father took a similar route, and he — he — well ... it didn't work out the way he wanted it to. But maybe, that's because he didn't have the support you do. He ventured into the darkness alone, but you're not alone.” She turned her watery eyes upon her nephew. “Look out for him, will you, Sirius?”

“I always do.” He smiled.

“Will you be okay?” Milius asked her.

“Don't worry about me, worry about yourself,” she said gently. “I’ll be fine.” She pulled them both into a tight hug, then drew away. “Calder will be taking me back home. You two, will be staying here. And I don't want to hear about either of you giving any trouble,” she added sternly.

They both nodded meekly. Then Calder appeared. “Are you ready, Minerva?”

“I am.”

Calder gave a sudden, sharp whistle, and within moments, the gigantic, stone-like figure of Lumeus appeared. It landed, without looking at Milius, bowed at Calder, and they both climbed on. With one last sad look at them, and one great beat of the dragon's vast wings, Minerva was gone.

“We should get inside,” Sirius said, after they became no more than a speck on the horizon.

“Yeah …”

“I need a shower,” Sirius added, as they set off.

“You really, really do,” Milius said, grinning and fanning his nose. Laughing, they disappeared into the cave.

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