《Blade of shattered reality》v1 chapter 35: Before the demon king's arrival


The commander of the demon army that invaded the country of Rybridia Lary the cursed blade stood in-front of us. He wore a full body plate armor made of mithril and he has a greatsword that seems to have a lenght of 200 centimeter long, while his face shows signs of anger. He sits down on a chair on the other side of the room and said.

"So? our demands on your surrender is the new weapons used on the battle yesterday, the royal capital of egradia, and lastly provisions for our war against the shougunate. If you comply to our demands then there's no longer any need to continue this battle."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

He seems to be too confident because of their overwhelming number of soldiers, His face has shown signs of underestimating the strength of the troops defending the city. They think just because our best soldiers are here then they can easily occupy the city while were away, they also surrounded the camp so there's no way that we can leave this place without fighting their forces that's surrounding us. There are two million enemies outside the encampment and we have nine hundred fifty thousand soldiers here with us aside from Aseria-san, Fina-chan, Fumiko-san, Yuriko-san and ilya-san. Our fighting potential isn't that bad at all but I can't help but get worried since there's no telling what the enemy could do. If we're not careful then they'll exploit our weakness and it could be fatal.

"Have a seat, we can't talk if you're just standing there."(Lary the cursed Blade)

He invited me to sit down, but I have no Idea on what he's planning, but I saw Fina-chan who seems to have a face that tells me it's alright to talk to him. So I sat down and he said.

"There's no way your forces can break through our forces. Your only lucky that you made it this far because of the spell that protects the city, but if that barrier isn't there then our army would have easily wiped you out."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

"So did you really think that our army is surrendering? it's the opposite we're asking if you're willing to lower your weapons and surrender peacefull. To tell you the truth Lary the Cursed Blade if we wanted to our army could have never asked for you to surrender and we would have just massacred you all without any signs of mercy. But I realize one thing, just because you're our enemy that doesn't mean that it justifies my actions on mercilessly slaying the demons in silveria. Every night I kept hearing their dying screams in my head, so if possible I wanted to end this war with only a few casualties."(Kyouko)

"Please answer a question before I can decide whether we should accept your offer or not."(Lary the Cursed Blade)


His eyes aren't filled with malice anymore and he doesn't seems to be plotting something so I came him my reply.

"What's the question that your about to ask, it depends to the topic of the question. If it's about our weaponry then we'll have to refuse. But if it's about something else then maybe we can find an answer to your question."(Kyouko)

He smiled at me and said.

"What are you fighting for?! Is it honor?, Glory?, Fame?, The desire for a strong opponent or Wealth? can you tell me what your fighting for."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

I didn't understand his question clearly, what will he gain if I answered his question and what's the point in knowing my answer? I can't understand him properly. Then there's no problem on telling him my reason.

"It's to protect the future of that little girl, I want her and everyone that I love to have a peaceful life and I'm more than willing to throw away anything for them, even my humanity."(Kyouko)

"Your humanity? What do you mean by that?"(Lary the Cursed Blade)

"Well that's something I cannot tell him since he's an enemy. I realized that every time I activated [Divinity] it appears like the power that I gained after using isn't removed. But I lose a small portion of my humanity everytime I use it. But Devourer told me that if my [Divinity] is high enough then his blade can temporarily gain the power to kill the demon king.

"You aren't from this world aren't you Kyouko-dono."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

"What do you mean by that?"(Kyouko)

The demon seems to be amuzed when talking to me and he said.

"It's because we met in the other world, we met in earth the world you came from the country of japan in sendia right. And I'm someone that you know right Nee-san."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

It's strange it feels like I really do know this person, But who is he? I don't know who he is but it feels like he was close to me in my original world, Is he trying to confuse me? But what will he gain for doing such a thing? and the way he told me where I'm from is so detailed, I can understand if they knew earth but to know the country and province is that even possible?

"I know you also have a lot of questions. But I can't answer them not and I will not answer them until the time has come for me to answer them."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

He's up to something I just know it. I just don't know what he's plotting yet, why would he waste his time on a conversation like this unless.....

"You're stalling us right!!! You're keeping us occupied here until the demon arrives right?! We'll end this ceasefire and we'll break through the enemy ranks."(Kyouko)


"Yes the demon king is on his way, but not to fight you but to talk to you, there was no way that we can beat you even with his powers so he wants to talk to you about a peace treaty. He's going to form a pact of blood with you."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

"What!!! A pact of blood is that really true Kyouko onee-san?"(Fina)

After hearing that word Fina was surprised and entered the room. Of course she never let's her guard down in enemy territory so she puts up a barrier made of concentrated mana, unlike barrier made of solely magical energy the aura barrier made of pure concentrated mana is several times more durable than energy barrier made of magical energy. But I don't use barriers since I have the ability to control time and the sacred divine cloak of pegradon] so there was no need to learn aura type barriers. I know barrier magic that protects a certain area for a certain amount of time it's the high level magic named [protection] but I didn't learn how to activate passive barriers like the one Fina-chan is using.

"So she's the one that you're trying to protect? Well I could see why, her existance itself is filled with a radiant light that can give salvation to everyone around her. They will lose all their problems and she'll help you overcome any obstacle from achieving your goals. But all of the misfortunes will be trasfered to her."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

He's staring at Fina-chan as he said those words, I doubt everything he said since I know that Fina-chan's life would be going for the better from now on.

"Do you know what this is?"(Lary the Cursed Blade)

He showed me his greatsword and I felt a sudden urge to fight he coming from devourer and he said.

"He has a piece!!! In all the beings that could have found it why a demon of all beings."(Devourer)

His anger towards Lary can felt through the entire room, his bloodlust, his hatred and his desire could be felt on the room. The power that's coming from my sword greatly increased every second. But despite the hostility that my sword is showing he showed no sign of fear or hatred. There was no malice coming from him but instead he was extremely calm smiled at us and said.

"Wow I never expected you to be this angry though, is there a problem Devourer? Your bloodlust and desire for more power can be felt through the entire room, if you're angry at me then hold it for now or do you want to defy your master?"(Lary the Cursed Blade)

After realizing his mistake Devourer's bloodlust slowly fades away his power is slowly decreasing. I wished everyone would be more rational. Everything can't be solved with force everytime.

He seems to have a piece of the shattered blade of heaven and earth. So this is why Devourer is so hostile towards him aside from the fact that he's a demon. Everytime a piece meets a piece they would always try to take the other's power and this will continue until there is only of piece remaining and the sword can finally be whole again.

Lary kept smiling at me like he's got something planned, he stood up and said.

"You want to collect all the pieces of this blade right? Then beat the all the executives of the demon king since everyone has a piece of their own, mine is the weakest piece within our group with a total of four missing pieces left unfound. So do you think that you can beat him if you don't have all the pieces of this sword?"(Lary the Cursed Blade)

"What!!! Not only you but every executive has a piece aside from the demon king?"(Devourer)

I can sense that devourer's trying his hardest to suppress his rage. He seems to hate demons more than anything in the world, and them wielding parts of the shattered blade of heaven and earth must be really tough for him.

The demons, orcs, goblins and rebels outside the encampment started to surround the camp. There's no more enemies at the city, but we failed to make them surrender in time.

A horn was blown and when we looked at the north we saw legions of shougunate soldiers marching towards the demon's encampment and from the south an army of sakuragami soldiers were also waiting at their escape route, The commander of the demons Lary was surprised and said.

"So it's checkmate huh?! Aside from the technology disadvantage we're also outnumbered and our troops, the moral of our army has dropped, exhausted from the battle at the city and worst of all with the terrain surrounding our encampment are covered in hills and rocks which gives you the advantage over high ground. Our chances of winning is thinner than a needle."(Lary the Cursed Blade)

"So will you now surrender before our mighty army?"(Kyouko)

I gave him a mocking smile as he faced me with a face that seems like it admitted defeat. But then I heard an army marching towards our location and they came from the demon country fafuria. Their army should number less than a million. But I can feel a few extremely powerful demons within their group. One of them was the demon king.

How will this turn out will it end peacefully or will there be another war.

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