《Blade of shattered reality》v1 chapter 33: the dragon and the legendary hero of sakuragami part 02


As Aserania and I were fighting each other the demons started to invade the city through the breached gates, I leaped away from Aserania and ran towards one of the soldiers from the rifle division and said.

"Hey you can you come here for a moment!"(Kyouko)

"What's your orders your majesty?"(Soldier)

"Regroup on the second layer of the walls, and send a group of soldiers to the northern, eastern and western and tell them to regroup at the second wall."(Kyouko)

"Understood, men regroup to the second walls! squad three, four and five please go and tell everyone from the northern, southern and western wall guards to retreat to the second wall."(Soldier)

And the soldiers from the rifle division started to retreat, meanwhile Aserania stared at me with a curious smile on her face, she readied her spear and said.

"You seems to be having a lot of fun with our duel Kyouko-san?!"(Aserania)

"Seems so. how about you are you also having fun with this senseless fighting?! well I don't like people dying for no reason, so I must defeat the demon king in order to protect the smiles of my loved ones."(Kyouko)

"Well I don't like senseless murder as well, but I'm not the one who destroyed the walls, it was a battering ram, I only kept the soldiers occupied until the demons destroyed the gates afterwards I was waiting for a strong opponent and I found you."(Aserania)

"I'm guessing that you're really happy right now."(Kyouko)

"Yeah!!! I haven't had this much fun in fifty years."(Aserania)

Her spear moved at lightning fast speed, but it was still no match for my speed and the skills [clairvoyance] and the [Left eye of Cyril] there's no way that I can lose in terms of physical abilities and my predictions are now absolute.

I easily avoided all of her attacks without breaking a sweath,then I saw Rose-san whi was carrying a wounded adventurer, and then I saw a demon that was behind her who already drew his sword to stab Rose-san, I used [Strengthening] to improve my leg strength and I leaped towards the demon who was about 750 meters away from where I was standing.

"Aaaaaaah!"(demon soldier)

The demon screamed in agony after I severed his body in half, then Rose-san dropped the body of the adventurer and leaped towards me while she drew her katana from it's scabbard.


The sound of metal clashing metal was heard and when I turned around I saw Aserania and Rose sawn were already clashing against each other.

"Ho? so Kyouko-san isn't the only strong warrior from sakuragami huh?!"(Aserania)

"Enough I don't want to hear that coming from you dragon-san."(Rose)

After that Rose-san leaped back as she saw the demons that continued to enter the breached gate, she took the wounded adventurer and said.

"Is the evacuation finished yet Kyouko-sama?!"(Rose)

"No not yet so command all the Iron golems to retreat to the next wall, we'll need them for the next battle, but I didn't expect them to have a dragon as strong as this one so we haven't prepared any counter-measures and we've lost a lot of soldiers, but we should focus on keeping our fatalities on a small amount, we need to retreat i'll buy you fifteen minutes finished evacuating by then."(Kyouko)

The capital of Rybridia has three walls that's protecting them. the outer walls which is our current location, the main wall and the inner wall which is were the castle is located. I didn't anticipate this dragon so it thanks to that miscalculation the casualties escalated to over forty thousand, and we can't fight the demon king's army head-on so our only option is to retreat.


I needed to delay the advance of the demon's as much as possible, so I gathered magical energy from the surroundings and started chanting my spell.

"Bind those who show me hostility, prevent them from harming me, bind then immobilize them. [Binding Field]"(Kyouko)

Light manifested from my body and the ground started to glow brightly and a few seconds later the demons that tried to enter were paralyzed by the light, but what troubles me is that Aserania seems to be immune from the binding but how? then I realized that she had a mysterious energy that's currently surrounding her, so that must my the bindings are being negated.

I see I gathered magical energy from my left hand and used one of my skills [Blade of the spirit realm] and created a sword that resembles my katana, they also had the same status as the shattered blade of heaven and earht, I ran towards Aserania at full speed, closing in from 750 meters away within a split second, and we started exchanging blows with one another.



Our weapons clashed against each other with in-human level of speed, I attacked her with two swords so the numbers of attacks that I launched also increased, I was able to attack her two hundred times every second and of course she managed to successfully block all those attacks easily.

I gathered more magical energy at the left and said.

"You're already defeated so lay down your weapon and surrender peacefully."(Kyouko)

"what do you mean? I'm still standing here and I'm still able to fight!"(Aserania)

"Fine.......... Gather the energy from the world and render them useless [cancelation]"(Kyouko)

And a few seconds later the magical energy and the unknown energy that was gathering around Aserania disappeared and I lunged my blade towards her, she tried to intercept my attack but failed. It seems like she was using a lot of magical energy to use [strengthening] magic to increase her physical abilities and reflexes, so in other words, if I interrupted the flow of energy within her body then, her output would greatly decrease and that will give me an opening.


I stabbed Aserania's abdomen and I accidentally cutted her right hand, and she dropped the spear that she was holding and fell on the ground, I approached her but I can only be heard the sound of blood and it seems like she was greatly injured by my attack.

"This is not the time to fight, so we'll talk at the castle later, so please stay awake until we get there."(Kyouko)

Blood was dripping from the severed hand of Aserania. I returned my eyepatch on my left eye and I carried the body of Aserania in my back, then my guild card seems to be glowing? But why? Did I gained a new skill? And when I checked I was suprised my skills were replaced.

Name: Kyouko Akaza

Age: 15

Occupation: Magic swordsman/ Magic archer

Strength: S+

Agility: S+

Endurance : S+

Magical Powers: S+

Magic tolerance: S+

Curse tolerance: S+

Magical defense: S+

Physical tolerance: S+

Luck: A

Sword abilities: S+

Weapon's mastery: S

Bow abilites: S

Axe's abilites: E

Spear abilities: A

Hand to hand combat abilities: A

Reflexes: S

Skills: time shatter: Allows the user to stop time for two minutes within ten meters. (Can't be used for a minute after being used.)

Prediction of movement: Predict all the possible movement and action that your opponents might do within seven seconds.(passive skill)


Time break: Cancel the next hostile action against you by your opponent.(can only be used for up to twenty times on a single opponent per day.)

Rewind: Return time to it's previous state, you can rewind time for up to five hours a day.

Time Acceleration: Accelerate the flow of time within your body, gaining twice the amount of speed, but it also increases the amount of energy than the regular amount.

Time Deacceleration: Slow down the time from the surrounding except yourself.

Time Restoration: Restore time to it's original state, it will also erase the effects of [Rewind] and [Time Break]

(Only available if Left eye of Cyril is in effect)Absolute Precognition: It can see any events that will happen in the future.(passive skill.)

(Only available if Left eye of Cyril is in effect) Chrono's clock: Stop time for as long as you like, this skill has no limitations and can be used anytime.

Counter Barrier: Negate half of the damage that you received from an attack and return half of the damage to the attacker.(passive skill)

Unlimited Potential: While fighting enemies your physical and magical abilities are greatly enhanced.(Yhe effects of this skill is permanent.)(passive skill)

Leadership of the Hero: Anyone under your command within fifteen kilometers will gains five percent of your maximum power(passive skill)

Might of the Hero: Demons will be weakened if they are within two hundred fifty meters from your location. And increase your power depending on the amount of energy that the demons lost. (Passive skill)

Reality Breaker: Completely resist and nullify the effects of offensive skills, Magic and magical weapons that hits your body.(The only exceptions are the holy sword excalibur and the shattered blade of heaven and earth.)(passive skill)

Left Eye of Cyril(Restricted): Greatly increase your physical and magical abilities to the level of gods. The restriction can only be removed by the one who sealed it in the first place.)

Creation through the Mind: Allows you to create and modify any weapon. It can also create the required materials to create a weapon. Food and other necessities are also available to create.

World Creation: Allows you to create a world that you can control, modify and organize. in this world you can create anyting you desire, But it can only be accessed bt you.

Divinity: You are considered something near to that of a god and it increases your physical ability by a hundred times. It also prevents all attacks to injure you if they don't have divinity, anti-divine or sacred blessing.

Empower: Allows to greatly empower a skill or magic of a person, it also greatly increases the magical energy in their body.

Technique: Tsubame gaeshi : An extremely fast cutting technique that can strike down a bird in mid flight. It is performed by striking the blade downwards then quickly striking upwards with an insane amount of speed.

"Some of my skills disappeared and were replaced by new skills? And what's with this infinite time stop?! My skills seems to have been changed and now it's more focused around time?! so does this mean that my fight ith Aserania-san improved my skills this much?"(Kyouko)

I used on of my new skills [Time acceleration and I started running faster than before, I ran towards the second wall at full speed and it only took me a five seconds to arrive at the gates. One of the guards approached me and said.

"The evacuations are completed please enter the walls quickly."(Soldier)

And it's a pity that the [Left Eye of Cyril] was also altered so that only Fina-chan can remove the eyepatch instead of before when I can still remove the seal as I pleased.

The soldiers seems to have finished evacuating like the soldier said and most of the adventurers are already inside the walls, as for the casualties one of the soldiers approached me and gave his report.

There were three hundred soldiers from the northern gates, one thousand from the eastern and western gates and over thirty thousand from the southern gates, The after ths soldier gave me the report he left, but I called him and said.

"Can you ask a healer to come here?"(Kyouko)

"O-of course your highness!"(Soldier)

And the soldier ran towards the tent where the adventurers who can use healing magic are treating the wounded. And a few seconds later a man wearing a blue robe that covers his face ran towards me and said.

"Where's the person that needs healing? Please hurry up bacause I need to treat the other injured people in the tents as well."(Healer)

I lowered Aserania's body on the ground and the young man started his chanting and a few moments later magical energy started to gather around the body of Aserania and her wounds started to close up but.

"My healing magic isn't enough to save her, I don't have the required amount of magical energy to completely heal her injuries, I just hope that I have enough to save her."(Healer)

"She's has important information about the demon king so she can't die here."(Kyouko)

"I understand i'll try my best to heal her."(Healer)

Now I'm starting to regret on not studying healing magic when I had the chance. now that i've lost one of my skills [crest of the paladin] I can't heal anyone, so not studying healing magic was a bad Idea.

"Continue to heal her i'll use one of my skills to give you some more magical energy."(Kyouko)

"I understand."(Healer)

I used my skill [Empower] on the healer and he was shocked with the results. He stared at me and said.

"What's with this amount of magical energy?! Is this amount still reachable with training?!"(Healer)

When I looked at Aserania her wounds seems to have already healed and her severed hand is back. I bowed down to the healer and said.

"Thank you for your help."(Kyouko)

"I-it's no problem Kyouko-sama."(Healer)

"H-how did you know my name?!"(Kyouko)

"Everyone in the guild knows your name kyouko-sama."(Healer)

"How come?! It's not like I'm someone important, I'm just an ordinary B ranked adventurer."(Kyouko)

"No you're not ordinary Kyouko-sama I know that you're the leader of the republic of sakuragami. My name is Luis Radrik it's nice to meet you Kyouko-sama."(Luis)

"Does everyone in the Guild know that I'm the republic's leader?"(Kyouko)

"Of course! anyone could know it by looking at your clothes."(Luis)

So my uniform really stands out right?! Well I should prepare for the next battle, so I asked a soldier to call Fina-chan, Rose-san, Ilya-san, Fumiko-san, Yuriko-san and Arnold-san to this tent in preperation for the next battle.

"Kyouko onee-sama!!!"(Fina)

I heard a voice from a far that's coming closer and closer and when I turned around I saw Fina-chan and Ilya-san behind my back, the pair smiled at me and said.

"Look at how much my status improved Kyouko onee-sama."(Fina)

"I told you that calling me onee-sama is forbidden!"(Kyouko)

"What's the harm?! Isn't better since Fina-chan is showing you this much affection."(Ilya)

Then the two of them giggled while staring at me. They handed me their guild cards for ne to see how much they've improved.

Name: Fina Akaza

Strength: S+

Agility: S+

Endurance : S

Magical Powers: S+

Magic tolerance: S

Curse tolerance: S

Magical defense: S+

Physical tolerance: S

Luck: S

Sword abilities: S+

Weapon's mastery: S

Bow abilites: B

Axe's abilites: B

Spear abilities: D

Hand to hand combat abilities: S+

Reflexes: S+

Skills: (Enhanced) Undying regeneration: Allows the user to heal their wounds using their own blood within a few seconds.

Divine eyes of heaven: Allows the user to see and cut the flow of magical energy of people who saw your ees. This skill also enhances your physical abilities and the cutted energy is transfered to you.(Passive Skil)

Sacred touch: Allows the user to heal the wounds of anyone the user touched with their hands.

Gift from the northern stars: Protects the user from all kinds of projectile attacks and long ranged magic.(Passive Skil)(Passive Skil)

Quick learner: Become stronger every time you fought an experienced opponent.(Passive Skil)

Tolerance against death: After dying from a certain weapon you will never again die from the same type of weapon.(Passive Skil)

(Borrowed skill)Battle improvement: Every time you fight an opponent you will become stronger but it will reduce your luck depending on how much your status has improved.(Passive Skil)

Key of Immortality: You can come back to life up to fifteen times a week.(Passive Skil)

Blood Regeneration: Increase the amount of blood in your body, and when you lose blood your body will start to produce blood until it's returned to it's orginal quantity.(Passive Skil)

Name: Ilya von asksham


Rank: C

Occupation: Lancer

Strength: B

Agility: S

Endurance : B

Magical Powers: B

Magic tolerance: C

Curse tolerance: B

Magical defense: A

Physical tolerance: B

Luck: B

Sword abilities: D

Weapon's mastery: C

Bow abilites: -E

Axe's abilites: D

Spear abilities: S

Hand to hand combat abilities: B

Reflexes: C

Skills:Crest of hope: (Enhanced): allows the user to stop time for ten seconds.(can't be used for fifteen seconds being used once.)

(Family skill)Sacred Blessing: Improve performance of any weapon you wield. This skill increases effect bonus on spear-class weapons.(Passive Skil)

Lifeline: (Enhanced): After dying you will be come back to life after a minute.(This skill can only be used twice every two weeks.)(Passive Skil)

Magic resistance: Increase resistance against offensive magic attacks.(Passive Skil)

Greatness of experience: Every time you used a skill there's a chance that the skills will get enhanced and the effects will grow stronger.(Passive Skil)

Standing on equal ground: (Enhanced): When an opponent has higher status than you then your physical abilities will be enhance until your physical abilities are equal.(This skill can't be used for more than five times every two weeks.)

"Wow the two of you became this strong in a short amount of time?!"(Kyouko)

"Well that's thanks to you Onee-sama."(Fina)

And after that I informed the everyone about the plan and the already started the nessessary preparations to make it a success.

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