《Blade of shattered reality》v1 chapter 32: the dragon and the legendary hero of sakuragami part 01


The dragon stood in-front of the destroyed gates and a mountain of corpses lying on the ground and the iron golems and demons continued to clash against each other. I leaped towards the dragon and casted [Fireball] on the dragon.


I fired three balls of fire towards the dragon and they exploded on contact, but even when the dragon took a direct hit it didn't seems to have any recieved damage from my attack.

"How's the evacuation going Rose-san?"(Kyouko)

"Everything's going well, I think that we need at least fifteen minutes before the civilians have evacuation finished."(Rose)

"No we need thirty minutes. Seriously that dragon gave me a shock for a second, but I don't think that it can beat me. Rose-san can you look for survivors on those pile of bodies on the ground?"(Kyouko)

"Su-sure Kyouko-sama please take care."(Rose)

"Wait i'll give you some new skills Rose-san."(Kyouko)

"New skills?"(Rose)

I removed my eyepatch and I used my skill [Skill giver] on Rose-san after that her body glowed brightly and small balls of magical energy gathered within Rose-san's body. I gave her three skills and those skills were [life detector], [improved physical abilities] and [elemental barrier]. after that she asked me.

"What was that Kyouko-sama?"(Kyouko)

"It's one of my skills [skill giver] now your good to go Rose-san."(Kyouko)

After that Rose-san ran to the field of bodies while I faced the dragon and said.

"Yo..... You did a real mess here dragon-kun are you ready to fight the greatest human in this world?!"(Kyouko)

"Is that so? Well then come at me with all you've got."(Dragon)

I drew my sword and then I leaped towards the dragon but as soon as my blade was near the dragon it's body started to glow and a few seconds later it's body became human shaped. she took form of a girl that was about fourteen years old. She had crimson red hair like mine, eyes of gold, about 166 centimeter tall, she wielded a spear and she wore a long white mantle and an elegant dress underneath the mantle. She stared at me for a few seconds she leaped towards me and said.

"That was close if you managed to hit me with your blade I was sure that I will die. well let me introduce myself I'm Aserania the dragon duelist. I wandered the world seeking worthy foes to fight and please tell me your name young lady."(Aserania)


After that our swords clashed and the wind pressure of our weapons clashing against each other destroyed a nearby house, then I leaped back and replied to her words.


"I'm Kyouko Akaza empress of the republic of sakuragami it's nice to finally find an opponent that's strong like Shiro-san."(Kyouko)

"Kyouko Akaza? Haven't I heard that name before...... that's right you're the great demon slayer the human who defeated over five hundred thousand demons all by herself then i'll enjoy my fight with you kyouko-san.(Aserania)

She gathered magical energy from her surroundings and her body started to glow brighter than when she changed form into a human. she smiled at me and said.

"[Great Circuit Charge]."(Aserania)

After that she ran towards we with an insane amount of speed, she was so fast that a normal human will probably never manage to keep up with her movements. but I'm not an ordinary human myself so I was able to follow her movements easily. When the distance between the two of us was only 500 meters Aserania leaped towards me, she moved faster than the speed of sound but when she lunged towards me I easily blocked her attack with my bare fingers.


I kicked the ground to create a smokescreen, then I summoned the bow hirameki and an arrow of perdition, I fired the arrow of perdition towards Aserania at then I ran towards her while wielding my katana the shattered blade of heaven and earth. I thrusted my katana towards her abdomen but she blocked my attack, After she blocked the attack I kicked her abdomen to distant myself from her then the arrow of perdition made direct contact with Aserania and it triggered an explosion.

It seems that her [Great Circuit Change] that greatly enhance ones speed, strength and reflexes but it consumes too much magical energy for a human to bare. it basically multiplies the physical abilities of the user while consuming a large amount of energy within a few seconds, but in the case of dragons since they have several times the amount of magical energy than an average human they can use this skill for up to an hour at most.

"I'm impressed that you're still alive Dragon-san."(Kyouko)

"Flame Dragons are beings that possess the fire element so fire class magic wouldn't deal much damage compared to other elements."(Aserania)

"Is that so?! Well thank you for the valueable information, as a reward i'll let you live if you surrender now."(Kyouko)

"Surrender?! I've been searching for a worthy opponent all this time and now that i've found your asking me to surrender? There's no other way to win but i'll fight until the very end."(Aserania)

"There's no helping it prepare yourself Aserania-san."(Kyouko)

Then while I ran toward her she started to chant something, I readied my katana to strike her down when she reached my range. Since I didn't used a large amount of magical energy it took some time to close our distance. When the distance between us was only fifteen meters I leaped toward her while guilding up my energy for a powerful attack to decimate my opponent, but she smiled at me and said.


"Manifest my will to fight, protect, destroy and to create rally my sacred energy come forth [Brave]."(Aserania)

In an instant a large amount of energy gathered within her body, she was surrounded by a whirlwind made of concentrated magical energy, the wind also started to gather around her body then when I our distance was about two meters I lunged toward her but then the wind surrounding her body became stronger and before I managed to attack her with my katana I was blown away by the insane amount of wind pressure, nearby houses were also destroyed by the wind pressure that blew me away. Then some parts of her crimson red hair became silver and her left eye also started to emmit a strange type of energy. it's a type of energy that i've never seen before.

And then her spear started to glow and the wind also gathered around it and I can feel a large amount of magical energy gathering in the spear, She leaped away from me and vanished. She moved faster than before then I summoned the [sacred divine cloak pegradon] and casted [strengthening] magic and prepared for battle, I can't feel her presense so she must be using some kind of magic or skill to suppress her magical energy from leaking. but I remained vigilant not exposing any blind spots, sharpened my sense, and observing the surroundings. I didn't use [Clairvoyance] so that I can improve in combat without relying on my skills too much.

"It seems like your victories against the demons were all due to your skills and magical powers you're clearly an amature as a duelist. You can't beat me if you can't predict my actions."(Aserania)

She revealed herself in-front of me while having an arrogant smile on her face, she threw a dagger towards me. I intercepted the dagger with my katana and then.


After the dagger came on contact with my katana it blew up right in-front of my face. B-but what is this my face is bleeding? I'm injured how is that possible? I have the skill [Divinity] so how did she managed to deal any damage to me. Well right now I only had the [sacred divine cloak pergradon] to increase my physical abilities, did I underestimated her? But the only reason that she managed to hurt me is either she also has [divinity] or [sacred blessing]. So now that I knew that I activated the powers of the [sacred divine cloak pergradon] and increased my vigilance but I was too late.

And then before I managed to activated the cloak's full power I was surprised that Aserania was already in-front of me and she attack me in rapid succession and I bearly managed to block all of her attacks.


Our weapons continued to clash against each other and it's without stopping the two of us continued to our fight, But I was being pushed back even if I'm holding back I can't find an opening, she's got no blind spots and when I tried to attack she would end up blocking my attacks at the same time as attacking. Could it be possible that she's memorized my attack patterns? For now I need to get away from her so that I can organize a plan.


This is dangerous I need to backdown for a while, So I leaped back and I smiled at Aserania who was in-front of me and said.

"I think it's about time to get serious, [Slayer] and the [Left eye of Cyril]!"(Kyouko)

I removed my eyepatch and revealed my golden left eye to Aserania and I can feel that the power that was sealed of by the seal started to run through my veins and magical energy started to fill my body, sealed abilities were also activated and with [Clairvoyance] I know that I can be beaten and suprised anymore so I pointed my katana towards Aserania and said.

"Do you think that you can still beat m?!"(Kyouko)

"I think that I still beat you but since I want to enjoy myself more,so how's about a deal, if you the manage to beat you then i'll join your army and i'll tell you the secret of the demon king's strongest ability. and if you lose then i'll take your katana as a reward, how about it?"(Aserania)

"Deal!!! I want to know the abilities of the demon king and also having you serve me as my servant is also nice so i'll gladly accept your request fight's on."(Kyouko)

And the two of us continued clashed against each other.

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