《Blade of shattered reality》v1 chapter 31: before the battle


I returned Ilya-san's spear after adding the rifle functions on her spear. I also gave it the following enhancements [Unbreakable], [Massive Strength increasement], [Bow masteries], [Greater Agility inreasement], [Flame Burst] and [Flame Enhance]. And when fighting on gun mode agility is increased by 95% this is something that even I didn't manage to anticipate and instead of saying blade mode Ilya-san must say spear mode instead. And when I looked at te bonus strength I was even more surprized when I saw that it increased by 125%. Just is the adventurer named ilya.

"Can I see your status on the guild card Ilya-san."(Kyouko)

"Umu... I don't mind here have a look Kyouko-san."(Ilya)

Name: Ilya von asksham


Rank: C

Occupation: Lancer

Strength: E

Agility: C

Endurance : D

Magical Powers: -E

Magic tolerance: E

Curse tolerance: -E

Magical defense: C

Physical tolerance: D

Luck: B

Sword abilities: D

Weapon's mastery: C

Bow abilites: -E

Axe's abilites: D

Spear abilities: A

Hand to hand combat abilities: B

Reflexes: C

Skills: Crest of hope: allows the user to stop time for two seconds.

(Family skill)Sacred Blessing: Improve performance of any weapon you wield. This skill increases effect bonus on spear-class weapons.

Lifeline: After dying you will be come back to life after two hours.(This skill can only be used once every month.)

Magic resistance: Increase resistance against offensive magic attacks.

"So this is the regular status of an average adventurer? No wait you have the same type of ability as mine? the ability to stop time huh?"(Kyouko)

"What do you mean by same ability Kyouko-san?"(Ilya)

Since Fina-chan removed the limits for today so that I could see how strong i've become. I also wanted to see how much i've improved since the time I have became an adventurer. But I guess it's okay to show Ilya-san my true status. So I removed my eyepatch and revealed my left golden eye.

"Here have a look at my true status but keep it a secret okay?"(Kyouko)

Name: Kyouko Akaza

Age: 15

Occupation: Magic swordsman/ Magic archer

Strength: SSS

Agility: SSSS

Endurance : SSSS

Magical Powers: SSSS

Magic tolerance: SSSS

Curse tolerance:SSSS

Magical defense: SSSS

Physical tolerance: SSSS

Luck: S

Sword abilities: S

Weapon's mastery: S

Bow abilites: S

Axe's abilites: E

Spear abilities: A

Hand to hand combat abilities: A

Reflexes: A

Skills: Clairvoyance :This ability provides you with the absolute form of prediction. It can predict what will happen no matter how much people try to prevent it. This ability can predict the next movement of your opponent.

Chrono's will: Allows you to stop time within ten kilometers for an hour.

Divinity: You are considered something hear to that of a god and it increases your physical ability by a hundred times. It also prevents all attacks to injure you if they don't have divinity or sacred blessing.

Blade of the spirit realm: Allow's you to create a sword or any weapon out of magical energy and it's performance will be on the same level as your actual weapon. It can also be fused with your weapon to enhance it's performace.

Reality Overdrive: Allow's you to manipulate the nature of the world and change it to however it fits your image. You can even alter the nature's and weaknesses of living beings like you can remove blood sucking as the main power source of vampires. Change the function of gravity and many more.

Battle improvement: Every time you fight an opponent you will become stronger but it will reduce your luck depending on how much your status has improved.


Tendencies of the hero: Demon's will become weaker when they are within one hundred meters from your current location. And demon's lose half of their powers when fighting you while your power increases depending on the amount of power that they have lost.

Ideal overdrive: Become stronger when you are fighting to protect what you believe in.

Protection from evil: Anything within a hundred meters near you can't be affected by dark magic.

Crest of the paladin: People surrounding you within a hundred meters will instantly heal any wounds they suffer.

Ruler over all: Prevent other people from activating their skills, and magic when they are within a hundred meters from where you are standing.(Skills that are passive like battle improvement that doesn't need to be activated are not affected by this skill

Empowered Luck: Every time a person treats you like a friend your luck increase.

Shared Abilities: You can allow a person to use up to three of your skills.

Wish giver: Allows you to grant any wish of a true friend.

(Divine skill)Left Eye of Cyril: Gives you physical abilities that surpasses any living organisms, Grants you the skills [creation], [Rewritten history], [Absolute reflect], [World End], [Skill giver] and [World Creation].

Technique: Tsubame gashi : An extremely fast cutting technique that can strike down a bird in mid flight. It is performed by striking the blade downwards then quickly striking upwards with an insane amount of speed.

"W-what the hell you're B ranked and your this strong?! And you can stop time for an hour unbelievable are you really a human?! But can I ask you a favor Kyouko-san?"(Ilya)

"Let me guess you want me to let you use my skill [Battle improvement] right?"(Kyouko)


She stood there saying nothing so I really did got the correct answer huh? Fufufufufufu Ilya-san looks so embarrassed that she's too cute to look at so I pinched her cheeks and said.

"Fine i'll let you use it for a week."(Kyouko)

"Thank you Kyouko-san if there's a way I can repay you please tell me."(Ilya)

"C-could you help my Fina-chan train her skills with the sword?"(Kyouko)

"By Fina-chan do you mean the girl from earlier? well I don't mind Kyouko-san."(Ilya)

So I asked Ilya-san to wait for we wait for me in te castle barracks while I called Fina-chan from the throne room. Then the two of us went to the castle barracks and then I saw Ilya-san who was practicing her spear. Then she saw me she waved her hands and said.

"So this is Fina-chan huh?! She seems a bit too young to fight in this battle."(Ilya)

"No she asked me to help her become stronger so that she can protect me from harm."(Kyouko)

"Is that her card? can I look at her status?"(Ilya)

"S-sure here you go."(Fina)

After handing her card to Ilya her face turned pale and said.

Name: Fina Akaza

Strength: D+

Agility: A++

Endurance : C+

Magical Powers: A++

Magic tolerance: -A

Curse tolerance: -A

Magical defense: A+

Physical tolerance: C+

Luck: B

Sword abilities: A+

Weapon's mastery: C

Bow abilites: B

Axe's abilites: B

Spear abilities: D

Hand to hand combat abilities: D

Reflexes: A

Skills: Undying regeneration: Allows the user to heal their wounds using their own blood within a few seconds.

Sacred eyes of heaven: Allows the user to see the path of energy within a living life form and they can steal the magical energy of their targets. It can also steal their opponents life energy.

Gift from the northern stars: Protects the user from all kinds of projectile attacks.


Quick learner: Become stronger every time you fought an experienced opponent.

Tolerance against death: After dying from a certain weapon you will never again die from the same type of weapon.

(Borrowed skill)Battle improvement: Every time you fight an opponent you will become stronger but it will reduce your luck depending on how much your status has improved.

Key of Immortality: You can come back to life up to fifteen times a week.

"K-kyouko-san can I really fight her it's without a doubt that she's already stronger than me."(Ilya)

"Don't worry I temporarily gave you some of my skills and a new skill for yourself take a look for yourself."(Kyouko)

Then Ilya-san checked her status card and said.

"Wh-what happened this skill wasn't there before so how did I gain a new skill?"(Ilya)

Name: Ilya von asksham


Rank: C

Occupation: Lancer

Strength: E

Agility: C

Endurance : D

Magical Powers: -E

Magic tolerance: E

Curse tolerance: -E

Magical defense: C

Physical tolerance: D

Luck: B

Sword abilities: D

Weapon's mastery: C

Bow abilites: -E

Axe's abilites: D

Spear abilities: A

Hand to hand combat abilities: B

Reflexes: C

SkillsEnhanced)Crest of hope: allows the user to stop time for seven seconds.

(Family skill)Sacred Blessing: Improve performance of any weapon you wield. This skill increases effect bonus on spear-class weapons.

Lifeline: After dying you will be come back to life after two hours.(This skill can only be used once every month.)

Magic resistance: Increase resistance against offensive magic attacks.

(Borrowed skill)Battle improvement: Every time you fight an opponent you will become stronger but it will reduce your luck depending on how much your status has improved.

(Borrowed Skill)Ideal overdrive: Become stronger when you are fighting to protect what you believe in.

Standing on equal ground: When an opponent has higher status than you then your physical abilities will be enhance until your physical abilities are equal.(This skill can't be used for more than three times per month.)

"So you gave me such a powerful skill Kyouko-san is it the skill named [skill giver]?"(Ilya)

"Stop asking questions and start sparring i've got to prepare for the battle right?"(Kyouko)

Then I heard a lot of loud that were possibly explosions.

Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!! Boom!!!!

"So they already attacked huh? continue your training be ready for combat tomorrow Ilya-san."(Kyouko)


Then returned the seal I ran towards the eastern wall where the explosion came from and saw adventurers and demons were already fighting. Some of the demons managed to get inside the walls so the warriors intercepted them. While those who wear in gun mode continued on shooting the demons.

"There's too many demons! But thanks to these weapons it's now easier to fight them thanks to the enhancements. Hey you go to the guild and the palace and tell them te demons have already started advancin on the eastern walls."(Adventurer)

"Kyouko-dono so you've arrived it's me Arnold von Ikemesh can you please cover me until I finished my chant?"(Arnold)

"Sure come forth and show your power Hirameki."(Kyouko)

My hand was filled with light and a few seconds later the bow that shiro-san gave me appeared. and magical energy gathered in my left hand after that I aimed at the nearest demon magician outside the wall and fired the arrow of perdition and when the magicians noticed they all casted defense magic but.


The field was engulfed by flames and a large explosion was heard through the whole city. After hearing that explosion the citizens of the city started to panic and ran towards the castle.

"Come and show them the power of the light of hope [arrows of light]"(Arnold)

Then over a thousand arrows made of light filled the sky and after he gave the command the arrows started to open fire towards the demons. But it was blocked by a powerful barrier magic casted by their commander. Meanwhile I called the golems in the city using my ability as their master. But then I heard another explosion but this time it came from the north. Since there's only ten thousand people here I can't leave until the golems arrive. And I can't use stop time anymore since I learned that after I stopped time I can't use it after two days.

"Wh-what how did he easily block a holy type magic?"(Arnold)


The sound of steel clashing steel was heard everywhere and the demons that can fly attacked the adventurers on the wall. Then the ones that can't brought a battering ram and started to ram the gate with their battering ram.

A demon leaped towards me. I didn't move from where I stood as he prepared to attack I thrusted my katana on the demon's chest. then I quickly drew my sword from his chest and then I cutted off his head.


When I looked around I saw a lot of adventurers were already wounded and some of them are already killed so the adventurers started to lose hope. But then a certain person has arrived with the seven thousand iron golems and thirty thousand sakuragami soldiers.



After Rose-san gave her command the sakuragami soldiers took aim and started shooting the demon soldiers. When the demons charged in the iron golems intercepted them.

"Rose-san can you station your troops here? we need to support the people defending the northern gates."(Kyouko)

"No Kyouko-sama we need to go to the southern gates!"(Rose)

"Don't tell me that they've already breached the gates!?"(Kyouko)

"I'm afraid so."(Rose)

"We'll talk on the way. Arnold-san can you please led the defenders here? The two of us will help the southern gates defense force."(Kyouko)

"O-okay Kyouko-san, everyone fall back behind the iron golems and healers please treat the wounded. Those who aren't badly injured please protect the healers."(Arnold)

After seing how Arnold-san situation I was confident that he'll manage the defense of this side on this own. and the two of us started to ran towards the southern gates. Then I asked Rose-san a question.

"How many soldiers were stationed there?"(Kyouko)

"ten thousand soldiers from Rybridia, forty thousand malitia soldiers and ten thousand adventurers. the survivors were only five thousand adventurers and they decided to retreat to the castle. i've already send soldiers to intercept them. Ten thousand soldiers from the rifle division and forty thousand golems."(Rose)

"How did the gates fall if they had such a large garrison?!"(Kyouko)

When I stared at the sky as the two of us were running I was surprised when I saw a giant red lizard with wings on the southern gates so I asked Rose-san about that flying lizard.

"D-don't tell me that there's a dragon on their side?!"(Kyouko)

"H-hai(yes) there is a flame dragon on their side Kyouko-sama."(Rose)

"Then we need to do something about that dragon first right Rose-san?"(Kyouko)

"H-hai Kyouko-sama. But approaching flame dragon is dangerous, if possible we should only buy the soldiers time to retreat. I don't think that I can beat a dragon, But I believe that Kyouko-sama can do it."(Rose)

"Eh? But how are we going to deal with the demons if were fighting the dragon?! Don't tell me that you've already gave orders and dispatched a squad here?!"(Kyouko)

"T-that's right Kyouko-sama. But knowing how strong you are I'm sure that we can manage."(Rose)

Wow I didn't know that our enemies has a dragon on their side. We need to evacuate the citizens first before we can retreat to the castle walls.

As the two of them were running towards the southern gates they saw demons have already started to enter the city. but most of them were intercepted by the soldiers of sakuragami and the golem squad. and I saw a giant lizard with my eyes. he was about ten meters long and his skin was covered in red scales, his wings had a lenght of three meters. What's in-front of me was without a doubt a dragon.

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