《Blade of shattered reality》v1 chapter 30: demon king's invasion part 04


The soldiers inside the city have already prepared for the enemy attack. But they never knew that their enemy will arrive earlier than expected. The king ordered those who can fight must participate in the battle against the demon king's army so some villagers were also forced to join the army.

"We gathered three hundred thousand men that are capable of fighting and one hundred thousand from the adventurer's guild."(Soldier)

"Kyouko-san the adventurer's guild requested all adventurer's to participate in this battle. They have commisioned this as an emergency A ranked quest."(Fina)

"So it's like last time? At the time at Drakulia right? I remembered that the guild paid me for after the end of the battle right? And they said something like recieving a thousand commision points from the guild. But I don't know the use of those commision points.(Kyouko)

"Didn't they tell you at the adventurer's guild that the commision points are requirements to increase your rank?"(Fina)

"R-right I lost interest because I didn't even want to become an adventurer but since I needed an Identification card I had no choice but to become one right?"(Kyouko)

"So am I required to go to the adventurer's guild Fina-chan?"

"Yes Kyouko-san."(Fina)

So the two of us went to the adventurer's guild to see how thing are going there. Then I saw a lot of adventurers inside the guild. They seems to be anxious for the upcoming battle. Well I can't blame them in this battle it's assured that many or all of us will die.

I approached the receptionist and said.

"Hello I'm Kyouko Akaza a B ranked adventurer can I please ask something about the Emergency Quest."(Kyouko)

"S-sure so can I see your guild card Kyouko-sama?"(Receptionist)

She took my card and then checked it for to see how strong I am then she saw.

Name: Kyouko Akaza

Age: 15

Rank: B

Occupation: Magic swordsman/ Magic archer

Strength: S

Agility: S

Endurance : S

Magical Powers: S

Magic tolerance: S

Curse tolerance:S

Magical defense: S

Physical tolerance: S

Luck: S

Sword abilities: S

Weapon's mastery: S

Bow abilites: S

Axe's abilites: E

Spear abilities: A

Hand to hand combat abilities: A

Reflexes: S

Skills: Clairvoyance :This ability provides you with the absolute form of prediction. It can predict what will happen no matter how much people try to prevent it. This ability can predict the next movement of your opponent.

Chrono's will: Allows you to stop time within ten kilometers for an hour.

Divinity: You are considered something hear to that of a god and it increases your physical ability by a hundred times. It also prevents all attacks to injure you if they don't have divinity or sacred blessing.

Blade of the spirit realm: Allow's you to create a sword or any weapon out of magical energy and it's performance will be on the same level as your actual weapon. It can also be fused with your weapon to enhance it's performace.

Reality Overdrive: Allow's you to manipulate the nature of the world and change it to however it fits your image. You can even alter the nature's and weaknesses of living beings like you can remove blood sucking as the main power source of vampires. Change the function of gravity and many more.

Battle improvement: Every time you fight an opponent you will become stronger but it will reduce your luck depending on how much your status has improved.

Tendencies of the hero: Demon's will become weaker when they are within one hundred meters from your current location. And demon's lose half of their powers when fighting you while your power increases depending on the amount of power that they have lost.


Ideal overdrive: Become stronger when you are fighting to protect what you believe in.

Protection from evil: Anything within a hundred meters near you can't be affected by dark magic.

Crest of the paladin: People surrounding you within a hundred meters will instantly heal any wounds they suffer.

Ruler over all: Prevent other people from activating their abilities when they are within a hundred meters from where you are standing.

Technique: Tsubame gashi : An extremely fast cutting technique that can strike down a bird in mid flight. It is performed by striking the blade downwards then quickly striking upwards with an insane amount of speed.

"S-seriously? This girl has S in all of her physical status? So you're a human right? I mean it's impossible for a human to obtain this amount of power through training alone. But I think that you have a lot of potential so you're an important war potential now miss."(Receptionist)

"So can you please tell me how many adventurers will participate in this battle receptionist-san."(Kyouko)

"W-wait I'll check the list of adventurers who will be participating on this battle."(Receptionist)

The receptionist checked the list of adventurers were participating in this battle and she said.

"There are ten thousand mages of D rank, five thousand mages on C rank, ten thousand archers on D rank, ten thousand archers on C rank, fifteen thousand healers on D rank, five thousand healers on C rank and forty thousand warriors on D rank and ten thousand warriors on C rank."(Receptionist)

"Please gather them on the castle today I we need to distribute the weapons for the battle."(Kyouko)

"W-what do you mean Kyouko-sama?"(Receptionist)

"I'll explain it on the castle now gather the adventurers and tell them to go to the palace courtyard by noon."(Kyouko)

"O-okay take care."(Receptionist)

I left the building then used the magic [teleport] and returned to the castle and I saw Fina-chan and she said.

"I've finished the preparation for the battle. As instructed there are over two hundred thousand rifles prepared by Rose-san and everyone is ready for the battle."(Fina)

"Good then let's call everyone. Where is Rose-san, Fumiko-san, and Yuriko-san?"(Kyouko)

"They are currently talking with the king. We need thier full cooperation in we want to win this battle right Kyouko-san?"(Fina)

"Umu.... let's go and prepare the rifles for the battle. I doubt the demon king's army will wait before we can get ready so I'll stop time to prepare the weapons so are the materials here?."(Kyouko)

"Yes Kyouko-san as you requested The guns are prepared and two hundred thousand iron ingots have already been prepared."(Fina)

"Then I'll begin on the weapon design. [Chrono's will]."(Kyouko)

After that time has stopped for an hour and I picked up an iron ingot and a rifle and said.

"[Enhancement command] Transform into a blade when the wielder gave the command Blade mode and revert back to a gun when the wielder gave the command gun mode."(Kyouko)

Then the gun started to glow brightly and it absorbed some of my magical energy and the iron ingot has disappeared and I said.

"Blade mode!"(Kyouko)

And the blade started to glow and it became a katana with a length of 100 centimeter and it's weight is about 1.1 kilograms. the wooden part of the gun became the handle and the metal part became the blade.

"Great with this our chances on winning is higher. Now [Enhance] when a person uses blade mode thier physical strength will increase by 75% and when in gun mode their agility will increase by 75%."(Kyouko)


Then the gun once again glowed with magical energy and I can fell that my agility has increased. now to create a dozed of these weapons.


I used [Alchemy] to mass produce the guns with the iron and the rifles. Since I can only use alchemy to remodel things so I used alchemy to mass produce these guns but it will still need a lot of time. About an hour so it's alright. after this i'll use [enhancement command] to give these weapons the commands.

But i'll use [Lock on multiply] a spell that allows me to cast multiple spells on the type of target and cast the spells and skills on the targets. So using [enhancement command] and [Enhance] will be easy now thanksto this magic.

"Finally finished huh? it took me an hour to finish but it's done."(Kyouko)

"Kyouko-san? You look tired are you okay?"(Fina)

"...... I'm fine so please call everyone here."(Kyouko)

"O-okay then I'm off Kyouko-san."(Fina)

And Fina-chan left to call everyone then I activated the spell [Lock on multiply] and then I casted [enhancement] and used [enhancement command] on the rifles.

"[Lock on multiply] and [enhancement command] When the person using the rifle said reload gather any bullets and put them in a magazine and the transfer the magazine into the gun.

And the rifles glowed brightly and when I held the rifle I knew that the commands were engraved in the rifles. I focused all of my magical energy in my palm and said.

I casted [Lock on multiply] and [Massive Status Enhancement] on the rifles and then a piece of paper appeared in-front of me and it says.

Status effects were [Unbreakable], [Massive Strength increasement], [Bow masteries], [Greater Agility inreasement] and [Flame burst].

After finishing the weapon enhancements I went to the palace courtyard where the adventurers from the guild were assembled. I can see it in their eyes that their afraid of the upcoming battle but I can't blame them since the chances of dying is higher than accepting an S ranked request. And since the city doesn't even have elite soldiers to raise the morale of the soldiers our chances on winning was as low like an ant that's trying to beat a human.

But if those low chances shall increase today. I must first raise the morale of the soldiers to improve their performance in combat, Then I must build battle formations, tactics, supplies and escape routes, And lastly I must choose people capable of becoming a squad leader.

"Now i'll brief you all on our objective for the upcoming battle. Our objective is to defend the city for three days before our reinforcements arrive. So do you have any questions? if you have any your welcome to raise your hand."(Kyouko)

Then a female adventurer she has long silver hair that's tied up in a pigtail , her eyes was as blue as the sea, she wearing light iron armor to cover her chest, knees and hands and she's wielding a spear and just by looking at her she seems to have some experience in a war raised her hand and said.

"So can you please tell me why you're so sure that help will really arrive?"(adventurer)

I smiled at the girl as I approached her and said.

"Please tell me your name miss."(Kyouko)

"Um ..... it's Ilya I'm a C ranked adventurer. My Occupation is Lancer."(Ilya)

"Can you give me your spear? Don't worry i'll return it later to you."(Kyouko)

"S-sure here you go."(Ilya)

Then she gave me her spear and I faced the adventurers and said.

"It's I'm an important person from a far away land. Well then does anyone else have a question that they wanted to ask before our briefing?"(Kyouko)

And then another adventurer raise his hand this time a young man wearing a long robe. that covers most of his body. I can still see his face even if he tries to hide it by wearing a mask. He has red eyes that were filled with determination that goes well together with his red hair.

"So are you the strongest in this person here? How are we sure that you're strong enough to beat one of the demon king's strongest fighters?"(Adventurer 2)

"But first tell me your name."(Kyouko)

"It's Arnold von Ikemesh. I'm a C ranked adventurer and a former noble."(Arnold)

"Well i've fought someone stronger than him. A person capable of destroying a country with a single bow and arrow."(Kyouko)

A few seconds later I saw Fina-chan running towards me with a letter that seems to have came from Shiro-san.

"Kyouko-san a letter has arrived from Shiro-san along with another set of wierd clothes in your room."(Fina)

Wierd clothes?! I wonder what she means by wierd clothes. I started trying to recall the time that I met Shiro-san. and then I remembered about the shrine maiden's kimono(Miko dress) that he promised to give me. But it sure took him a long time before giving me the dress.

"Okay Fina-chan i'll go and take a look later okay?"(Kyouko)

So I asked an adventurer to hold Ilya-san's spear for me while I read the letter and it said.

"The demon king's army has also started their war with the Kobayashi shougunate. But I we've managed to defeat their army easily so i'll send my elite troops of twenty million to help you on the upcoming battle. And I hope that you'll love the shrine maiden's kimono(Miko dress) well it took me some time to modify it and I gave it better enhancements than before so stay safe from Shiro Kobayashi."(Kyouko)

After reading the letter all of the adventurers were staring at me. Oh how stupid of me read the letter while in-front of this massive crowd.

"The shougunate is going to participate in this battle huh? Fufufufufufu.... I guess that Kyouko-sama's not lying on the part where help will arrive in three days."(Ilya)

"Does that mean that were saved right? the shougunate has finally decided to interfere with the movements of the demon king's army now the odds are in our favor."(Adventurers)

"But there's another problem I heard that the demon king has also gathered fifteen million orcs, twenty million goblins along with three million demons which will arrive in two days."(Kyouko)

The soldiers and adventurers were shocked but I smiled at them and said.

"Behold our newly developed weapons these are the weapons that people from the archers and warrior classes will wield. They are called rifles. it's more simple to use than a bow. You just need to aim and pull the trigger. And when you're out of bullets just say reload and it will gather the nearest available bullets so you can continue firing. And when they are near you can just say blade mode and the rifle will become a katana and say gun mode to revert back to being a rifle."(Kyouko)


Fina held the rifle and started shooting armor on display over 500 meters away. When some of the adventurers inspected the armor it was easily penetrated by the bullets.

"A-amazing! with that firepower you can easily kill a dragon."(Adventurers)


And bullets from the create started to enter a magazine and the magazine without bullets was discarded and the magazine with the bullet loaded on the gun and Fina-chan aimed towards the armor.



"Blade mode!"(Fina)

The rifle started to glow for a second then it transformed into a katana with a length of 100 centimeter and it's weight is about 1.1 kilograms. it's a perfect weapon for swordsmen and archers.

"Gun mode!"(Fina)

And the katana started to glow once more and reverted back on being a rifle. While staring at rifle everyone was surprized and said.

"What an amazing weapon with those in our hands we can definetely win this battle!"(Adventurers)

"We will divide you into twenty groups those who are capable of commanding people please come back here after two hours that's all."(Kyouko)

And after we finished handing them the rifles all the adventurers aside from Ilya left.

"Can I fight along side Kyouko-san? I want to know how strong a person with all S stats really is."(Ilya)

She smiled at me and I can feel that her smile is filled with sincerity so I smiled back and so asked her to come along to the castle.

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